Jiang Qian, Empress Zhenggong, daughter of Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu.

Originally, her name was also on the list of gods, or in other words, the emperor, the son of the emperor, and his concubines were all placed on the list of gods.

It stands to reason that Jiang Qian has long been on the list, but for some reason, she has not been on the list for a long time.

Now Jiang Ziya has attacked the third pass, and soon, he will enter the fifth pass, cross the Yellow River, and cut Chaoge.

At this time, it was time for Jiang Qian to be on the list.

Whether it was to make up the number of people on the list of gods, or to speed up the demise of Yin Shang, Empress Jiang must die.

Yuanshi Tianzun's order arrived at Yuanjue Cave in Lingjiu Mountain, and Taoist Ran Deng hurried over.

As the deputy leader of the interpretation and teaching, and also the apprentice of Yuanshi Tianzun, Daoist Randeng has an extraordinary status, surpassing the twelve golden immortals, and he values ​​Yuanshi Tianzun's orders even more.

"The person who should be on the list has not yet been on the list. After a long time, it will not be beautiful in the end. Ran Deng, this time you..." Yuanshi Tianzun said leisurely.

After Daoist Ran Deng finished listening, he also had a dazed expression on his face.

Immediately, with a plan in mind, he left Yuxu Palace and headed for Chaoge City.

"Empress Jiang must die. If Empress Jiang dies tragically, Dongbo Marquis Jiang Huanchu will turn against him. Di Xin's two sons, Yin Xiao and Yin Hong, will also join the business and turn against each other. Emperor Xin will betray their relatives, and the fate of the Emperor will be bleak."

"However, how can Queen Jiang die tragically? To force Jiang Huanchu to rebel against King Zhou and his son?"

Taoist Ran Deng's eyes lit up, and he already had a plan.

Now he turned around and headed for Jinao Island.

Jinao Island is full of exotic flowers and plants, and there are countless fairy caves.

When Taoist Ran Deng arrived at Jin'ao Island, a Taoist in a Taoist robe and with unusually long ears greeted him.

"The Immortal Burning Lamp is here, Xiao Ke welcomes him from a distance, forgive me, forgive me." The Taoist said.

But it is the long-eared Dingguang Immortal among the Seven Immortals of Jiejiao.

Although this immortal is a disciple of Jiejiao, he admires Chanjiao very much, and he also respects the vice-master of Chanjiao.

"Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, although you live in Jiejiao, your heart is authentic, and you are a person with roots. There is one thing I want to ask you to do. After you finish it, I will personally accept you as a disciple." , I will let you enter my sect." Taoist Ran Deng said with a smile.

Chang-er Dingguangxian was ecstatic in his heart. He had always thought of leaving the cut-off teaching and turning to explaining the teaching. However, he came from a humble background, fearing that the Yuanshi Tianzun would look down on him. He didn't expect that Taoist Ran Deng came here today and promised to accept him as a disciple. Naturally, I was ecstatic in my heart.

Immediately, Chang Er Ding Guangxian prostrated himself on the ground, and said: "Explaining the teachings is just and rational, and it is the orthodox sect of Taoism. My master Tongtian listens to the unreasonable, and he wants to go to Jiepai Pass to set up the Zhuxian Formation. My disciple has long wanted to switch to explaining the teachings. I don't know what the Shangxian has to order? This disciple must do it for the Shangxian!"

Daoist Ran Deng smiled and stroked his beard, and said, "I heard that what you practice is the method of joy?"

Chang-eared Dingguangxian showed shame and nodded: "Yes."

The method of joy is the most disgusting one in practice.It is the law of joy between men and women.

As the saying goes, there are 3000 beauties in the harem, and the iron pestle must be ground into needles.

People who practice this Taoism need to have sex with others frequently. Over time, the yang energy will be poured out, and people will become very thin. However, the magic spells are also very evil and powerful.

In the Jiejiao, everyone is a brother and sister, and it is extremely difficult for Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal to find a partner if he wants to have sex with others-after all, everyone has cut off the love between men and women after reaching this cultivation level.

As time went by, Chang Er Ding Guangxian was also deeply ashamed.

Daoist Randeng clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay! It's very good to be happy! If you switch to my sect, you must not give up this magical skill and continue to practice. Well, I will give you another chance , One is to speed up the speed of the demise of the Yin Shang, and the other is to help you practice."

"Master, please give me some pointers!" Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal saw that Taoist Ran Deng didn't dislike himself for practicing Huanxi Dharma, so he immediately changed his title.

"Come here, you are going to Chaoge City now, there is someone there who has a one-night relationship with you, and should have a love for you. This person has a special status, and it will be of great help if he becomes a husband and wife with you." There was a smile on the Taoist's face, but his eyes were shining with a strange light.

"This person is Queen Zhou, whose surname is Jiang and whose name is Qian. Go quickly and marry her...I have another thing to tell you. After you become husband and wife, you must let King Zhou..."

Long-eared Dingguangxian's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

A strategy has been formed in his mind.


Chaoge, Zhonggong.

Jiang Qian asked the maidservant as usual, "Has the king returned?"

"Reporting to Empress Jiang, the king has never returned to the palace."

Empress Jiang let out a low sigh, and waved her back.Although she is the queen of the king's palace, Empress Jiang is lonely in her heart.

Staying in this palace for ten years, even a year may not be able to please the king once, not to mention that the king now has a new concubine, but he is already old...

"I hope Your Majesty will come back soon." Thinking of Zishou's tall body and majestic appearance, Empress Jiang couldn't help falling into dementia.

When she entered the palace at seventeen, the king was already 30 years old.

What was the first thing the king said when he saw himself?That's right, at that time the king hugged himself and said, Gu wants to make you the queen of the mother and the world, the queen that Gu loves most.

In those few years, the king loved her very much. Every morning, he would stroke her smooth back and say, "I have Zi Tong to accompany me in this lonely life, and I will never make another woman my concubine!"

Even if he wanted to accept Concubine Huang later, he refused in every possible way.

It was I who tried hard to persuade: Huang Gun and Huang Feihu are both officials in the court. If the king accepts Huang Gun's daughter as a concubine, the country will be stabilized.

What did the king say at the time? The king said, "I don't want to let you down, so how can I accept a concubine again?"

How did you answer yourself at that time?He said that he was lonely in this harem, but if he was accompanied by sister Huang, he would not be so lonely.

The king looked at himself, and finally put his arms around him and said something that made him too shy.

At that time, the king said, Zitong, the lonely king really loves you.

Thinking about it, Jiang Qian couldn't help showing a sweet smile on her face. She poured herself a glass of sweet wine, took a sip, and her face became more colorful.

Even later, when I gave birth to two children, and the king was busy with political affairs, he seldom favored himself, and even later accepted Su Daji, Hu Ximei, and nobleman Wang, but I still didn't blame the king, because I knew that the king did not Move them.

"My lord... my lord... where are you?" Jiang Qian sighed softly, with a look of loneliness appearing on her face.

At this time, she suddenly heard the sound of music coming from the Zhaixing Tower, as if someone was playing music.

Jiang Qian got up slowly: "Could it be that the king is back? Let me go to Zhaixing Building and take a look."

Jiang Qian took a maidservant to the Zhaixing Building, and vaguely saw someone drinking in the Zhaixing Building, who vaguely looked like a king.

"My lord, is that you?" Jiang Qian didn't know why, but felt hot all over for a moment, looked at the figure on the star picking tower, and walked over eagerly.

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