Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 236 Ping Xin: Is This Your Man?

After Zishou jumped into the gate of the underworld, the sky and the earth spun for a moment, as if he had fallen into a swamp.

When his feet touched the ground, he realized that he had reached the Underworld.

There is no day and night in the Underworld, the sky is gray all year round, and thick fog is shrouded everywhere, giving people a gloomy feeling.

There are no four seasons in the netherworld, nor east, west, north, south. Although there are eighteen levels of hell, there is no so-called ten halls of Hades.

Naturally, there is no Yama Hall anymore.

"The Ten Halls of Hades will not be set up by the Heavenly Emperor Haotian until a period of time after the conferment of the gods. Now, the highest command of the underworld is still the Houtu." Zi Shou said in his heart, he put the god-killing spear in the Sumeru Precept, and his body The cold and violent feeling gradually disappeared, and the emotions also recovered bit by bit.

"It's better not to use this broken gun indiscriminately. After using it for a long time, the whole person will be changed by it." Zi Shou muttered.

After grasping the killing gun, it will make him do many things that he didn't dare to do before, and the whole person becomes indifferent, and he still has the urge to kill whoever he sees.

The power of the God-killing Gun is great, but the side effects are too obvious, and even the character of a person will be gradually changed by it. The key point is that although Zi Shou is aware of this change, he does not refuse when he holds the God-killing Gun.

"I won't take it out next time anyway." Zi Shou muttered, he found that every time he took out the killing gun, it would take longer than the last time. Sharpshooter.

If it goes on for a long time, it is very likely that one day after holding the God-killing Spear, he will never let it go again.

There is no direction in the underworld, but after Zishou refined the glazed ghost fire, he could also use the glazed ghost fire to walk to the depths of the underworld.

Liuli ghost fire, also known as ghost fire, has the ability to pass through the ghost.

A bit of gray-black will-o'-the-wisp danced on the fingertips, emitting a strange light. Every time the flame slanted in a direction, it would pull the child to the depths of the underworld.

A stone city suddenly appeared in front of it. The stone city was shrouded in thick fog, and the ghosts on the stone city could be vaguely seen.

Zishou glanced at it, and saw a big sign hanging on the gate of the city, on which was written the seven big gold characters of 'Ghost Gate of the Underworld'.

Ghost Gate Pass, the first pass to enter the Underworld.

There are ghost messengers at the city gate holding mourning sticks, and there are ghost messengers with dead people's books to register the souls who come and go.

Zishou is the Daluo Jinxian. As soon as he approached the gate of ghosts, his strong vitality attracted countless ghosts in the pass.

At the same time, the ghost emperor in the ghost gate was also alarmed by it.

"Where did Daluo come from? What's the matter with coming to me at the gate of hell!" A cold and heavy voice sounded, and then two middle-aged men in royal robes flew out of the gate of ghosts, surrounding Zishou.

The two middle-aged men exuded a strong ghostly aura, faintly exuding the aura of Da Luoxian.

Sure enough, it is the world of Conferred Gods where Da Luo is as numerous as a dog, and quasi-sages walk all over the place...

Zishou muttered something in his heart, and said, "Gu Nai is the great businessman Emperor Xin, and the lonely Queen Jiang Qian, who was arrested by the underworld and sent to the underworld, and came here to find her."

The two ghost emperors looked at each other, seeing the horror in each other's eyes.

The Great Merchant Emperor?The great merchant emperor actually has the ability to come here?

"I am Cai Yulei, the Eastern Ghost Emperor."

"I am Shentu, the ghost emperor of the East."

The two ghost emperors reported their names respectively. Although they are ancient gods, the status of human emperors is not inferior to them, not to mention that Zishou's cultivation level does not seem to be inferior to them, so their tone is much more polite.

"The soul enters my underworld, or sent to the eighteenth hell, or sent to reincarnation, Jiang Qian, this person, can only decide whether she will stay or not after the review, please come in with us!"

Shen Tu spoke, and then welcomed Zishou into the ghost gate, and came to the ghost emperor's mansion in the ghost city.

The ghost emperor's mansion is similar to the mansions in the world, the only difference is that it is full of eerie things.

"Please drink tea." Shen Tu waved his hand and handed out a cup of tea.

Zishou glanced at it, um, it was colorful and colorful, and it looked like something from the underworld.

"How can this thing be drunk?" Zi Shou couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

"Jiang Qian is the queen of Guwang. Even if she dies, she should enter the divine way. She shouldn't be reincarnated in the underworld. Gu came here this time just to take away Queen Jiang alone." Zishou said with a smile.

Shen Tu and Cai Yulei looked at each other, then slowly got up.

"The Human Sovereign is waiting here for a while, and I'll talk about it after I find out." Shen Tu said.Although Zishou is the emperor, he will not believe it all. After finding out who is Queen Jiang, he decides to release her.

"Yeah." Zishou nodded, he really didn't dare to mess around in other people's territory.But when Shen Tu finds out, it is not known when it will be found.

When Shen Tu left the Ghost Emperor's Mansion, a woman in white came to a certain hall in the underworld.

There are seven ghost emperors guarding the palace, but each of them is terrified and dare not raise their heads.

Suddenly, a slender figure appeared from the hall. This figure was wearing a black dress. After appearing, he smiled softly and said, "Nuwa, is that your man?"

The woman in white gave her a sideways glance, and said, "Sister Pingxin, you are getting more and more presumptuous!"

The woman in black blinked her eyes twice at the girl in white: "I haven't come here for so many years, and I don't care about the sisterhood. I came here just for a man. I don't understand. What's so good about this emperor? It's worth it!" Offend the saints of the heavens?"

The woman in white said: "The emperor bears the fate of a great businessman, so it may not be impossible to turn things around and change the general trend..."

"Okay! I don't listen to your words, tell me, what are you doing here?" The woman in black waved her hand to let the ghost emperor in the palace leave.

Those ghost emperors breathed a sigh of relief, the saint Nüwa came to the underworld, the pressure on them is really not small!

The woman in white said: "I want to ask Pingxin sister to help the Emperor."

The woman in black stared at the woman in white's face, making her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

The woman in black smiled, her eyes were dim, like the starlight reflected in the sea: "I think you are so beautiful, no wonder that person wrote poems and profanity at that time, but I don't understand, what is so good about him, it is worth your money?" treat……"

The woman in white pretended to be angry and got up: "Okay, since you don't want to help, forget it! I'm leaving, and I won't come here again!"

The woman in black took her hand, giggled, and looked innocent and cute: "I didn't say I wouldn't help, why are you angry?"

The woman in white put away her anger and sat down again.

"Look at you, as soon as I say help, it will be all right again."

The woman in black deliberately smiled and said, "You will come more often in the future. I am alone in the underworld with no one to accompany me, but I am very lonely." She sighed, looking very lonely.

The woman in white didn't know what to say. Although Ping Xin was no different from a saint in the underworld, she couldn't leave the underworld after all.

Living alone in the underworld for tens of thousands of years, even a saint would find it hard to bear this bone-chilling loneliness.

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