Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 245 Meeting Pingxin, Hongmeng Ziqi

The Palace of Pingxin is naturally the palace of Empress Pingxin.However, Pingxin is the incarnation of the will of the underworld to put it bluntly. In the underworld, Pingxin is almost everywhere.

When I came to the Pingxin Hall, I saw a woman in black sitting in it, with a graceful figure, Zishou guessed it should be Pingxin.

"Are you the emperor?" Ping Xin looked over, his eyes moved slightly.

"That's right, the lonely king wishes his mother peace of mind to live without bounds." Zi Shou said politely.

Ping Xin asked, "What's your relationship with Nuwa?"

She was still so indifferent, and there was no other expression on her face, but there was obviously a bit of gossip in her eyes.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, what's the matter?girlfriend?It seems that the relationship is not confirmed yet!

Say it doesn't matter?It seems not.

"The lonely king loves and respects Nuwa very much." Zishou thought about it and said.

"Oh." There was a little more smile in Ping Xin's eyes: "Really?"

"Gu Wang also loves and respects Sister Pingxin very much." Zi Shou said cautiously.

Ping Xin smiled, eyes narrowed slightly.She smiled like a spring flower, and the stars in the sky seemed to be in her eyes.

I don't know if it's because of the words of love and reverence, or because of the words of sister.

Zishou breathed a sigh of relief, a woman would smile so happily in front of a man, which proves that she doesn't hate this man very much.

Pingxin is comparable to a saint in the underworld, and even stronger than a saint to some extent, so he cannot be easily offended.

"Sister Pingxin, what the Gu Wang said is sincere. Sister Pingxin transformed her body into the six realms of reincarnation, allowing the dead souls to be reincarnated. She is someone the Gu Wang admires very much." Zi Shou said seriously.

"What a glib Emperor." Ping Xin gave him a blank look, but there was still a little joy on his face after all.

Usually when other people see her, they call her Niangniang, but only Zishou calls her sister, which is quite new.

At the same time, Pingxin was also thinking that by calling Di Xin that way, he would bring his status to the same level.

"Don't dare." Zi Shou smiled: "Sister Pingxin, you and Sister Nuwa are the people I admire the most. You are the gods who incarnate the six realms of reincarnation, and the one who creates man and mends the sky. Alas! It’s a pity to accept and quote Zhunti, a little lost in literary talent; Yuanshi Laozi, a little less coquettish. A generation of holy pride, the master of Tongtian, only knows how to draw a sword and dance a big knife. Counting the saints in the heavens, but also look at the Pingxin Nuwa.”

Anyway, flattery doesn't cost money, and Zi Shou is not ashamed at all if he can shoot as much as he can.

After all, Pingxin and Nuwa are best friends. If you flatter Pingxin well, are you afraid that you won't be able to gain Nuwa's favorability?

Pingxin smiled, and said Yanran: "You are really good at flattering."

Zishou said seriously: "This is not flattery, the lonely king is just telling the truth!"

Pingxin smiled and said: "Come here, I will give you something."

Zishou hurried over: "Sister Pingxin, what do you want to give me?"

Ping Xin stretched out her hand and pointed, and a spot of light disappeared into the altar.

Zishou frowned slightly, feeling that the light spot in the Lingtai broke open and turned into countless rays of light, and began to evolve into yin and yang.

"A yin-yang seed will help you understand the law of yin-yang." Ping Xin said calmly.

The law of yin and yang is a kind of law of the great way. Pingxin evolved in the underworld, and now it is a great gift to give Zishou a seed of the law of yin and yang.

Zishou: ...

Law again?Nuwa has given herself one or two kinds.

Although he was a little disapproving in his heart, Zishou still showed a very happy expression, thinking that he would be full of flattery, and immediately said: "Thank you, sister Pingxin for the gift, the lonely king came to the underworld without bringing anything, just This piece of majestic purple energy, please accept it with a smile, Sister Pingxin."

After Zishou said that, he immediately took out the jade bottle containing the majestic purple energy from the Xumi ring.

This is what he had thought about a long time ago, and for his own use, it would be better to give it to a trustworthy person after a thousand years before he could become a saint.

Pingxin is Nuwa's sister, and in addition, Pingxin sacrificed his life and turned into the six reincarnations, which was also an act of righteousness. It is better to give her the primordial purple energy than to give it to Styx.

Well, the most important thing is that Zishou still feels comfortable hugging his thighs after much deliberation. Since he has exhausted himself to prove the saint, it is better to give the Primordial Purple Qi to others and then hug his thighs.

Ping Xin: ...

It never occurred to Pingxin that what Zishou was going to give away was nothing but the primordial purple energy.

In an instant, she stood up from the chair, took the jade bottle and looked at it carefully, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

With her eyesight, she could tell at a glance that the primordial purple energy was real.

But... how is this possible?

In the past, Patriarch Hongjun only had seven Hongmeng purple qi, so why would the Emperor have one?

At this moment, Pingxin immediately thought of what Nuwa said to him, that the Emperor's cards are endless.

Looking at it now, even Hongmeng Ziqi is just giving it away, revitalizing the big business?I'm afraid it's not impossible for Dashang to continue for another thousand years!

"You... you really want to give me this thing?" Ping Xin looked at Zi Shou and said, her voice became trembling, even she couldn't ignore this kind of thing.

Although Pingxin has the strength of a saint in the underworld, it is also restricted by the underworld, and he cannot get out of the underworld for life. If he has the primordial purple energy, it is not impossible to re-cultivate the physical body and regain freedom, and even become the seventh Hunyuan Dao Luo Jinxian...

"Do you know what is the use of this thing?" Ping Xin trembled, the hand holding the jade bottle was trembling slightly.

"Of course I know that the primordial purple qi is the key to proving the holiness, but as the saying goes, swords are given to martyrs, pink powder is given to beauties, and Sister Pingxin gave me the law of yin and yang, so there is nothing wrong with me giving primordial purple qi. Besides, me and Pingxin Sister fell in love at first sight, looking at you is like looking at my long-lost sister, and it’s not a big deal to send my sister a masquerade purple aura." Zi Shou Dayi said awe-inspiringly, the second half of the sentence was obviously nonsense, just wanted to tell Pingxin, I I already recognize you as my sister, why don't you cover me from now on?

Ping Xin took a deep breath, but her hands were still trembling. Although she wanted to return it, she couldn't speak.

Being able to regain her body and break free from the restrictions of the underworld, how could she not be moved?

It's not that she doesn't want to return it, but that she has received too much!

"But... I took such an important thing from you..." Ping Xin still felt that something was wrong.

If this thing is refined by the Emperor himself, it may not be impossible to prove a saint!

The immortality of a sage, without fear of calamities, is the goal pursued by all ascetics!

That day when the red cloud burst into a majestic purple aura, how many peak quasi-sages were provoked-to snatch?

"Sister Pingxin, don't say any more, if you don't want this majestic purple energy, younger brother, then throw it away!" Zi Shou waved his big hand.

"Then...then I'll take it." Ping Xin took a deep breath, calmed down her excitement, put the purple gas cylinder in her arms, and put it away properly.

Zishou said: "Sister Pingxin, this primordial purple energy can help you escape from the underworld and become a saint. You need to refine it quickly to avoid long nights and dreams."

Well, the most important thing is, the sooner you refine it, the less I will be afraid of those two bastards mentioned by Yuan Shizhun!

With Nv Wa flat-hearted covering me, let me see which saint dares to target me!

Pingxin smiled sweetly: "I see, good brother."

Zi Shou laughed, and called him his younger brother in a flat heart. What does this prove?It proves that he recognizes himself as a half-brother. As long as he succeeds in becoming a saint with peace of mind, what kind of bullshit is my son afraid of?

Pingxin sighed softly: "No wonder she said that about you, it really is..."

"Sister, what did you say?" Zishou asked.

Pingxin smiled lightly, and suddenly came up to him, put his arms around his head and neck, and said softly: "I know you are going to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun, if I can get out of here, I will help you when the time barrier is closed. Just right, I I also had some trouble with Zhunti."

After all, Pingxin actually kissed Zishou's cheek twice, and Zishou felt that her lips were cold, not like the temperature of a normal person.

But thinking about it, it's normal for Pingxin to not have a body.

Zishou smiled happily, put his arms around Pingxin, and patted her on the back: "Sister, thank you."

Zishou's face froze immediately.

wait wait wait……

What am I doing?

Let your girlfriend's girlfriends kiss?And hugged his girlfriend's best friend?

If only she knew...

After thinking about it, Zishou gasped, feeling a little cold in his hands and feet, and hurriedly let go of him.

At this time, the sound of the dog system also rang.

"Trigger task: As the Emperor of the Emperor, be the queen of the Queen's E. Please conquer Pingxin until the favorability score reaches 80 or higher."

"Mission Reward: Double the Great Merchant's Luck! Innate Lingbao Chaos Clock."

Zishou: ...

Zishou also remembered.

Ehuang and Nvying are the two daughters of Emperor Yao. Later, the sisters married Emperor Shun. Later, when Emperor Shun died, the two sisters went to the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, hugged bamboo and wept bitterly, and finally died of crying.Because the green bamboo was dyed by tears, the bamboo in that area has tear stains from then on, so it is called "Xiaoxiang bamboo" or "Xiangfei bamboo".

This dog system tm is not a good person!

This means to let Lao Tzu attack the two sisters Nuwa and Pingxin!

Dog system, I will never do as you wish!

Zishou said in grief and indignation in his heart, and he also attacked Pingxin, if I let Nuwa know that I am attacking her sisters, I will definitely beat Laozi to death!

Ping Xin said softly: "My good brother, I will remember your kindness, and when I recover my human body, I will definitely repay you."

Zishou: ...

repay?Are you sure it's not revenge?

Is it too late for me to return to the Primordial Purple Qi?


In the end, Zi Shou still didn't ask to return the Primordial Purple Qi, he was afraid that if he did, he would be thrown out of the underworld by Pingxin.

After bidding farewell to Pingxin, Zishou also left the Pingxin Hall in a daze, and left the underworld through the ghost gate.

"Forget it, I won't use this favorability again!" Zishou gritted his teeth.

After calming down and thinking about it, it was actually the most correct choice to give Ping Xin the primordial purple energy.

After obtaining the Primordial Purple Qi, one still needs to be recognized by the Dao of Heaven to become a saint.

For example, Nuwa created man to be holy, Lao Tzu became holy by preaching, Yuanshi Tongtian established religion and became holy, and Yin Zhunti made a great vow to "borrow" merits from heaven to become holy.

If it was given to Styx, he might not be able to prove a saint.

And Pingxin... the six reincarnations of the body have attracted the merits of the heavens, and the strength in the underworld is a saint. If she is given it, it is basically not a problem to prove the saint.

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