Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 249 Driving a car that my father dared not drive

The young woman's wonderful eyes shone with joy, and her voice was excited: "Human... the emperor really said that?"

"That's natural. His Highness will not lie to you." Seeing the young woman's reaction, Yin Jiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It would be a great joy if the Asuras can leave the sea of ​​blood and live in Xiqi." This sentence was said by Indra.

The Asura clan was created by Styx, but because they were born in the sea of ​​blood, they were not recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and coupled with the rejection of all forces, they could only live in the sea of ​​blood and could not leave for generations.

It would be a great joy for everyone if they could get Ren Huang's approval to leave the sea of ​​blood.

"Leaving the sea of ​​blood is nothing. My father said that if he agrees to form an alliance, he is willing to marry 72 Princess Asura as his concubine and be related to the leader of Styx." Yin Jiao took a sip of tea and said slowly.

This sentence said that the four great demon generals and the concubine Wumo looked at each other, and they all thought it was very reasonable.

Judging from that day, the Human Emperor is not only a Daluo Jinxian, but also a friend of the leader, and has some relationship with the underworld. If 72 Princess Asura can marry the Human Emperor as his concubine, it is equivalent to tying the Asura clan and the Yin merchants on the same road. Online, the Asura clan will be born naturally by then.

But this matter is too important, and they dare not make rash decisions.

"His Royal Highness Yin Jiao, you stay here first. The leader has not yet come out of closed-door training. When the leader comes out of closed-door training, I will report this matter to him." Tianfei Wumo said calmly, no other emotions could be seen on her face.

Yin Jiao also knew that this kind of thing should not be pushed too hard, so he nodded immediately.

Yuan Hong next to him could see that the four great demon generals agreed, as long as the concubine Wumo was dealt with, they would basically be successful.

The leader of Styx is in charge of the Asura Sect, and there are four major demon kings and four major demon generals under his seat.

Among the four major demon kings, the great demon king Bo Xun is the head. The other three major demon kings Brahma, Lust, and Shiva are far inferior to Bo Xun in terms of strength and prestige. Sometimes, they even listen to Bo Xun's words.

But Bo Xun is extremely afraid of guilt...

As long as Tianfei Wumo is dealt with, it is equivalent to getting Bo Xun dealt with, so Styx is probably hard to refuse.

Thinking of this, Yuan Hong also bumped Yin Jiao with his elbow, and whispered in his ear: "This woman has a lot of importance in the Asura Cult, if His Highness can do it, she can do half of it."

Yin Jiao's face was slightly darkened, how to fix it?Haven't we already talked about this?

The young woman stood up slowly, gently holding a strand of black hair with her jade hands, and said to the four great demon generals: "Go back and rest, I will naturally report this matter to the leader."

The four great demon generals gave orders in unison, bowed in salute, and left slowly.

The young woman said softly: "Yin Qiansui, this alliance is of great importance, you follow me."

Yin Jiao was stunned for a moment, and followed the young woman out of the hall.

Yuan Hong blinked vigorously at Yin Jiao, but wisely did not follow.

The young woman walked along a bluestone road on the sea of ​​blood, passed through the overturned sea of ​​blood, and came to a platform.

There are several bamboo houses built on the platform, which give people a very clean feeling in such a cold and fierce place.

At this time, there were three or four young girls guarding the bamboo house. Seeing the concubine Umo, they hurriedly bowed to salute.

The young woman smiled slightly, led Yin Jiao into the bamboo house, and said, "Qiantui, go to the wing room and have a good rest, I will report this matter to the leader as soon as possible."

Then she said to the four young girls: "This is Yin Qiansui, Crown Prince Di Xin, you must serve him well."

With that, she turned and left.

Yin Jiao breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried all the way, thinking that something would happen, but now it seems that he was worrying too much.

However, the young woman paused suddenly, and said softly: "Yin Qiansui, come to the east wing tonight, I have something for you."

There was a hint of coquettishness in her expression and words, even if Yin Jiao had been the prince for a long time and had seen many beautiful court ladies, her heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Guided by the four girls, I entered the wing room. I saw that the place was very spacious, and the furnishings were elegant and clean. There were gold and jade antiques on the tables and shelves, calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, and even the quilts looked very gorgeous, which really made people imagine. Such an elegant and clean place will not appear in the sea of ​​​​blood.

Yin Jiao asked, "Where is my follower, Yuan Hong?"

A girl replied: "There will be someone waiting on you, Your Highness, rest assured!"

Yin Jiao nodded, but he thought about the meaning of Tianfei Wumo's words just now.

Got something for yourself?What is it?Why do you have to give it to yourself in the middle of the night?

This young and energetic boy couldn't think of so much, and he simply didn't want to. He thought that he had a seal of heaven on his body, and even if he met a Da Luo Jinxian, he could be smashed to death, and the quasi-sage was not afraid.

As for the young woman's invitation, wouldn't it be good to go and see at night?

Of course, Yin Jiao didn't know that there were still some things in this world that Fan Tianyin couldn't deal with.


The night of the sea of ​​blood is very dark, or rather, the sea of ​​blood has always been dark.

There is basically no light, the only light is the lit lantern in front of the door.

Several of the bamboo huts glow faintly, looking like fireflies on a summer night.

Yin Jiao came out as scheduled, feeling very entangled in his heart: "What exactly is that woman going to give me?"

Today he has been thinking about this question, coupled with what Yuan Hong said, he can't help but think wildly, the closer he gets to the East Wing, the more disturbed his heart becomes.

Although he is a strong Jinxian, although he is the crown prince Di Xin, he is still a vigorous young man.

When Yin Jiao came to the East Wing, he could see the lights in the room and a vague figure.

Yin Jiao said, "Yin Jiao came as promised, Tianfei Wumo, are you there?"

No one responded.

Yin Jiao asked again, "Is there anyone inside?"

Still no response.

Yin Jiao frowned and asked again.

However, it was still quiet and no one spoke.

Just as Yin Jiao got impatient and was about to leave, the young woman's soft voice came from inside: "Is it Yin Qiansui? Please come in."

Yin Jiao pushed the door open and walked in.

The furnishings in the room are very elegant, there is a night pearl on the table, and the young woman is sitting beside the night pearl, writing something with a green pen in her hand.

Under the light of the night pearl, the young woman's face became more and more beautiful.

Yin Jiao's breathing suddenly became very rapid, and his face began to feel hot.

"Yin Qiansui is really punctual." The young woman yawned coquettishly and put down the pen in her hand.

Her hair was slightly moist, and her face was not covered with powder, she looked like a lotus just out of water.

She was only covered with a thin, almost transparent veil, which made her blood boil even more faintly.

Yin Jiao's breath became short, he wanted to turn around, but he couldn't look away.

"You...you Asura girls...do you all meet guests like this?"

The young woman raised her head and said sweetly, "Of course not."

"Then you..." Yin Jiao panicked, "Don't you have any clothes to wear?"

The young woman giggled, her bright eyes exuded a seductive light: "Yin Qiansui, you are so cute, come and see my painting."

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