Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 255 Yuan Hong understands again

The sea of ​​blood overturned, and the waves rolled.

The leader of Styx stood on the sea of ​​blood, but under him were densely packed figures, each of which looked exactly like Styx.

This is the No. 1 hole card under the Styx leader who dared to call himself a saint.

Facing his 8000 million clones, Guang Chengzi and the others were trembling. They spent so much effort that Lu Ya even used the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife to kill Styx with difficulty.

Now tell them that Styx can resurrect 8000 million times?

How to kill such a Styx?

However, the Antarctic Immortal had a sneer on his face, as if he had been prepared for a long time. After he bowed in the direction of Xuandu Cave, a ray of purple light came from outside the sky with a terrifying hot temperature.

Inside Xuandu Cave, in the Palace of Eight Views.

The white-haired old man raised his head and sighed softly.The Eight Views Palace lantern next to it has already been extinguished, and the flame... has disappeared.


When the purple fire got closer and closer, even Styx felt a shudder.

"Saint Lao Tzu's Burning Purple Flame, Saint Lao Tzu has taken action!"

The purple air traveled thirty thousand miles east, and when the burning sky purple fire fell into the sky above the sea of ​​blood, the sky of the entire underworld was filled with purple light.


The roiling heat wave hit, and the sky-burning purple fire had already fallen on the sea of ​​blood. In an instant, the leader of Styx uttered a shrill cry, and some Asura people who approached were instantly steamed into ashes by the burning sky purple fire.

"Your Highness! Let's go!" Yuan Hong was so frightened that his face turned blue, he grabbed Yin Jiao and fled thousands of miles away in Tudun.

And the person who explained the teachings also stayed away with the evasion technique under the orders of the Anji Xianweng.

"The Burning Sky Purple Fire, is Lao Tzu's Burning Sky Purple Fire? Why did it appear in the sea of ​​blood?"

For a moment, even the hell next door was shaken. Except for Houtu who was still in seclusion and didn't know about it, the other ghost emperors, ghost kings, and ghost soldiers all turned pale with fright.

The sensation caused by Burning Sky Purple Fire was even far greater than that of Wan Ling Gu Yi before.

On the prehistoric land, there are countless strange fires.For example, fire in stone, fire in wood, and fire in gold are all different fires, but these flames can also be refined by practitioners, and the single power is not high.

If you want to rank the different fires, then the Sanmai real fire can be ranked in the top ten, and Zishou's ghost fire is also firmly in the top three.

And No. 1 is naturally the Eight Views Palace Lanterns, the flames burning the sky and the purple fire.

According to legend, this fire has the power to burn the sky and boil the sea, and has the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

At this time, the Burning Sky Zihuo fell into the sea of ​​blood, and its terrifying power erupted, and Zihuo immediately occupied the entire sea of ​​blood.

Styx Master Styx's complexion had already changed drastically. He could feel the terrifying temperature of the Burning Purple Fire even more in the sea of ​​blood. Without the support of the sea of ​​blood, he might not be able to escape from the burning sky.

"The sea of ​​blood was formed by a pool of dirty blood in the body of the Great God Pangu, and the purple fire alone cannot evaporate the sea of ​​blood." In the distance above, the Antarctic fairy stood out of nothing, stroked his beard and said, "Senior Brother Ran Deng , please invite Wanling Guyi."

Daoist Ran Deng nodded, sacrificed the Yuxu palace lantern, and said with a smirk: "Master Styx, you said that the sea of ​​blood will never dry up and the river of Styx will never die, so I want to ask you, what if the sea of ​​blood dries up? Are you really Can it be done without dying?"

The golden flame on the Yuxu Palace Lantern jumped out, and as soon as it merged into the sea of ​​blood, it repelled each other with the purple fire. However, the two flames had extremely high intelligence, and when they knew it was not a fight, they split into one side and burned the sea of ​​blood.

An interesting scene soon appeared on the sea of ​​blood. The golden flame was burning in the west, and the purple flame was burning in the east.

The face of Styx Master Styx was already distorted in the flames, and he yelled: "I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

This is a joint attack by two saints. Although Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu did not come in person, Wan Ling Gu Yi and Fen Tian Zi Huo represent their joint action.

"If you are my saint, how can I be plotted by you! I, Minghe, refuse to accept it!" Minghe raised his head to the sky and screamed.

The Four Great Demon Kings and others had already retreated to his side, looking around in despair. At this time, the sea of ​​blood was overturned, and they could still keep them safe for a while, but the sea of ​​blood was evaporating at a speed visible to the naked eye. , sooner or later they will still be evaporated, and they will inevitably die at that time.


Taoist Ran Deng said: "Taoist Lu Ya, I trouble you to guard the east. If the sea of ​​blood dries up and Styx flees to the east, please kill him with a flying knife!"

"Nanji Immortal, you must have brought Master's spirit treasure with you this time, please guard the south."

"Guang Chengzi, all of you go to the north, and offer sacrifices to Lingbao as soon as you see Minghe."

"I keep the West myself."

After Taoist Randeng was assigned, everyone agreed in unison, and each went in their own direction.

When the sea of ​​blood dries up, Styx's strength will be greatly reduced. In addition, only the ninth rank of the fire red lotus of the twelfth rank industry is left, so it is not difficult to kill it.


"Yuan Hong, what should we do?" Yin Jiao swallowed, "Now it seems that the Asura clan is in danger."

Yuan Hong groaned silently. At present, it seems that the Asura clan has only a dead end, so why talk about forming an alliance?

These people are not afraid of explaining and teaching, the key is that the Burning Purple Fire and Wanling Guyi are really the nemesis of Styx.

Once the sea of ​​blood dries up, Styx's strength will be greatly damaged, and most likely he will not be able to escape.

"Wait... I seem to understand!"

Yuan Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, clapping his hands together.

Yin Jiao:? ? ?

Do you understand again?What do you know?

"All of this was actually expected by the king! The king asked His Highness to form an alliance with Styx, and he would never have imagined that there would be such a catastrophe for Styx. It was the king who knew that Styx was approaching, so he let His Highness come." Yuan Hong's eyes shone with wisdom: "If my guess is correct, all of this is within the king's expectation. You think, after going through this time, Styx must have a deep hatred for Chanjiao, so there is no need to say more, Your Highness. He will also agree to an alliance."

Yin Jiao:? ? ?

"But it seems to be a dead end. The leader of Styx seems to be unable to escape! People are almost burned to death, how can we form an alliance?" Yin Jiao rubbed his head in doubt.

"So we have to save Styx." Yuan Hong's eyes flickered.

Yin Jiao: ...

When did you have the illusion that we have the strength to save people?

Yin Jiao asked, "How do we save people? Just the two of us, how can we beat Chanjiao so many people?"

Yuan Hong smiled triumphantly: "Why are we going out to save people?"

Yin Jiao:? ? ?

I feel like my IQ can't keep up with your thinking, what's the matter?

Yuan Hong said: "Your Highness, think about it. At this moment, all the masters in Chanjiao are besieging Styx, so... Jiang Ziya is afraid that there will be no more masters there, right? Hehehe, Yuan is not talented, and suddenly thought of something. To recruit Jiang to save Ming, we only need to return to Chaoge, immediately mobilize our troops to attack Qinglong, Jiameng, and besiege Jiang Ziya and Jifa! Jiang Ziya will definitely go to Kunlun Mountain to ask for help, so everyone will go to rescue Jiang Ziya. "

Yin Jiao's eyes lit up, and he asked again, "What if they don't go back?"

Yuan Hongdao: "That would be even better. We directly captured Jiang Ziya Jifa and brought them to the Conferred God Stage to send them to the list. I think Jiang Ziya is dead, so what kind of god is there to teach! Hmph, I hope they don't return, It’s not a loss to exchange one Styx for one Jiang Ziya.”

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