The sea of ​​blood churned.

The leader of Styx was in the middle, and his heart was full of despair.

The Four Demon Kings and Princess Asura also looked desperate. The fire continued to burn for several days, and the sea of ​​blood was finally about to dry up.

Once the sea of ​​blood dries up, I'm afraid only the leader can kill it alone.

However, at this moment, Styx suddenly discovered the burning sky purple fire, and all spirits and ancient scorpions were retreating.

Looking up, Taoist Ran Deng led the disciples of Chanjiao and retreated anxiously to leave.

"It's just what's going on? In just one more day, the sea of ​​blood will dry up, and the teaching will win. Why did you withdraw your troops and leave at this time?" Styx also looked surprised.

"Master, Chanjiao has retreated!" Bo Xun said in surprise.

"Strange, how could Chanjiao retreat at this time?" Styx Master Styx frowned, put away his two swords, turned into a beam of blood and left the sea of ​​blood, followed behind Chanjiao, but found that Chanjiao went in a hurry It is the direction of Chaoge.

At that moment, Styx Sect Master pinched his fingers, with a shocked expression on his face, and said, "What a Dixin, he actually besieged Jiang Ziya at this time, no wonder the Chan Church left in a hurry!"

He was only one step away from a saint, and of course he could figure out what had happened.

"The purpose of besieging Jiang Ziya is to understand the siege of my sea of ​​blood! What a Dixin! What a trick!" The leader of Styx was surprised and admired, thinking that if Di Xin hadn't sent troops to besiege Jiang Ziya, then he would be fine. If you can get out of trouble, the Ashura Sect will also be destroyed.

"Di Xin, this is too much love!" Styx Master Styx sighed. Now it seems that if the Asura tribe wants to survive, they can only be tied to Yin Shang.

"Pass down the order of my seat, the wounded should stay in the sea of ​​blood to recuperate, Bo Xun, Wumo, you two, bring Princess 72 Asura, and enter the female court Shang! And tell the king, I, Minghe, will go to Chaoge to help Shang Ping in a few days." week."

Master Styx said to the Bo Xun couple next to him.

The concubine Wumo was taken aback, the leader was talking about the court and merchants, not the alliance...

The alliance between the two is based on the same status, while the court and merchants represent that the Asura tribe will be courtiers from now on...

However, Umo, the concubine of Tian, ​​immediately realized that the leader of Styx was plotted by two saints this time. If Emperor Xin hadn't sent troops, the Asura clan might have perished in the world.

The alliance is based on the fact that the strengths of the two parties are equal. At present, the strength of Yin Shang seems to be higher than that of Asura Sect, not to mention that there is Emperor Xin who is sitting in Chaoge but knows the general situation of the world like the palm of his hand...

The leader of Styx suddenly said: "Wait, Bo Xun, you are too reckless, so as not to offend Di Xin, you'd better not go to Chaoge, I have other important matters for you."

Bo Xun hurriedly said, "Please tell the master."

Master Styx said: "I just saw that the ghost mother was pretended to go away by Qingxu Daodezhenjun. You take my karmic fire red lotus and find a way to catch Qingxu Daodezhenjun back! Remember, don't It took his life!"

Bo Xun scratched his head in confusion: "Master, why don't you hurt him?"

Master Styx sneered: "What's the use of hurting his life? I always feel that the siege of my blood sea this time has something to do with the Qingxu Dazhenjun!"


On the other side, when the disciples of Chanjiao came to Qinglong Pass in mighty force, Kong Xuan also got the news. In order to avoid being attacked by the enemy, he immediately ordered his troops to withdraw and return to Sishui Pass.

Taoist Randeng rushed to nothing, furious in his heart, and said bitterly: "Attack Jiamengguan immediately!"

After Jiamengguan was captured by Huang Feihu, there was no strong general to guard it, and was soon attacked by Chanjiao.

Taoist Ran Deng immediately ordered all the disciples of Chanjiao to help Jiang Shang conquer Sishui Pass first, and all of them immediately came to Sishui Pass.

On the other side, Concubine Wumo took 72 Princess Ashura away from the sea of ​​blood and went to Sishui Pass. After joining Yin Jiao and Yuan Hong, she also thanked her repeatedly.

"Thank you, Your Highness Yin, for your help. If it wasn't for His Highness Yin's besieging Jiang Shang this time, we would not be able to get out of the sea of ​​flames." Tianfei Wumo's eyes were like two crescent moons. Lady court, express my gratitude to the king!"

Yin Jiao said: "Since this is the case, that would be the best. Madam, please don't delay and set off quickly. My Highness is willing to escort 72 Princess Ashura to enter the business. I will present a form for you to convey your father and king's intention to enter your daughter."

Tianfei Wumo blinked: "Then thank you, Your Highness."

At present, Yin Jiao is escorting Tianfei Wumo and Princess 72 Ashura to Chaoge.

The road is far away, passing through Wuguan, Huanghe, and Mianchi counties. The two of them have a tacit understanding, and they don't use escapism. They hang out together along the way, and there are all kinds of joy.

At the back, Yin Jiao was familiar with entering Tianfei Wumo's room.

"Yin Qiansui, if I am pregnant with your child, and my 72 daughters marry your father, what about your relationship?" The night before arriving at Chaoge, Tianfei Wumo squatted on the ground, While hesitating, he said.

Yin Jiao was also stunned, he grabbed her hair and said, "Don't worry about it, Wumo."

Tianfei Wumo giggled, paused and said: "Jiao'er, you look so good-looking, oh! I really want to be with you forever! It's a pity, after we leave Chaoge, we can't be together anymore."

Yin Jiao remained silent.

Tianfei Wumo said softly: "Why don't you marry me?"

"Okay!" Yin Jiao said casually.

"What about Bo Xun? How about I kill him?" Tianfei Wumo said with a smile.

Yin Jiao broke out in a cold sweat: "You...what did you say..."

Tianfei Wumo laughed and said, "I'm teasing you!"

Even though he said so, the killing intent flickering in his eyes couldn't be faked.

Yin Jiao inexplicably felt a little chilled. He had thought about marrying this woman when he was indulging in the gentleness before, but now he calmed down and thought about it. If he really married this woman, in the future she would meet someone who was prettier than him. Aren't you going to kill yourself?It's okay to play around with this kind of woman, but you must never marry her!

"Why are you sweating? Did it hurt you?" The young woman wiped the sweat from Yin Jiao's forehead with her hand.

Yin Jiao forced a smile: "It's getting hot."


The news of Yin Jiao's return to Chaoge reached Zishou's ears, and Zishou, who was lying in the side hall, also showed disapproval.

He also heard about the siege of Qinglong Pass these days, but he didn't think so much.

Anyway, once this mission fails, I have to say goodbye to the dog system, so why bother?

"This time the dog system can't beat me again, can it?"

Zishou felt a burst of joy physically and mentally. After fighting the system for such a long time, he was the one who won in the end.

"Your Majesty, His Highness is outside the hall, and he said he has something important to see you." At this time, Deng Chanyu also came to her side and said softly.

Zishou frowned, good time!

"Let him come up!" Zishou waved his hand and said.

Soon, Yin Jiao went to the side hall, and after the ceremony, he said, "Father, I have good news for my father."

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