Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 26 Why Bo Yi Kao Can Play Me

"After Daji entered the palace, my life was worse than death. You don't even know how painful it is to love someone! Daji is everything in my life! I can't lose her! I hate Dixin for robbing my woman! So I ordered Jiang Huan Entering the palace to assassinate the king, thinking that Daji would be able to come back after assassinating the king..."

"Son, how can you be so confused? Could it be that the king owns all the land in the world, you are so confused!" Ji Chang was filled with grief and indignation, tears streaming down his face.

"Father, I'm sorry! I was confused for a while!"

Bo Yikao burst into tears, knelt down and cried loudly: "Please forgive my life, woo woo woo..."

Su Daji: "..."

All the ministers were silent. They thought it was impossible for Bo Yikao to assassinate the king, but unexpectedly, this part of the past was involved. This Bo Yikao is also a poor man!

Zishou: Huh?

Why is this plot getting worse and worse?

"You rebellious son! How could you do such a rebellious and immoral thing! I am angry, I am angry!" Ji Chang hammered his chest and said, "Please, my lord, drag this rebellious son to the cannon! Ji Chang will not forgive him if he dies." sin!"

"Don't worry, Xibohou, I have something to say." Fei Zhong smiled, and stared at Bo Yikao with disdain: "Bo Yikao, Bo Yikao, I have to say, your acting is as real as it is! Can't you see it when you are a king?"

Zishou:? ? ?

Eh?What do I see?

You bastard, just talk, what are you doing with me?

Fei Zhong walked towards Bo Yikao, showing the expression of "I have seen through all your plots", and said with a slight sneer: "Bo Yikao, you said that you sent Jiang Huan to assassinate the king because of love, this excuse is too false Let alone the fact that the king is the emperor of the world, with extraordinary force, how many guards should there be around the king? Can a mere Jiang Huan assassinate the king?"

Bo Yikao shook his head: "I didn't expect that."

"No, it's not that you didn't think about it!" Fei Zhong retorted directly: "You know that a mere Jiang Huan can't assassinate the king, and your purpose is not to assassinate the king, but... to blame Dong Bohou!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the people present changed drastically.

Bo Yikao's face became extremely ugly: "No, I, I don't."

"You didn't? Ha ha!" Fei Zhong looked at him with eyes full of wisdom, and sneered, "The first time Jiang Huan was arrested was to frame Dong Bohou. What does this prove? It proves that he was ordered by someone! And the person who ordered him It's you!"

Fei Zhong pointed at Bo Yi Kao, the corners of his mouth curled up.

The scheming baby is touching your stomach!

"You ordered Jiang Huan to enter the palace to assassinate the king. The purpose was not the king at all, but Dongbo Marquis Jiang Huanchu! You let Jiang Huan blame Jiang Huanchu for the purpose of letting the king kill Jiang Huanchu by mistake. As long as Jiang Huanchu dies, the two hundred princes in the east It must be reversed!"

Hearing this sentence, the faces of the ministers changed suddenly. They didn't expect such a reversal. No wonder Jiang Huan insisted that Jiang Huanchu ordered him from the beginning.

Jiang Huanchu suddenly realized, pointed at Bo Yi and asked, "What enmity do I have with you? Are you going to trap me to death?"

Ji Chang's face became cloudy and uncertain, and he said in a trembling voice, "You, you actually want to frame your Uncle Jiang? You rebellious son..."

"Ji Chang, Ji Chang." Fei Zhong looked at Ji Chang with a smile, "You are also an accomplice, do you still want to act?"

Ji Chang's face turned livid: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Fei Zhong sneered and said: "When you learned that there was a murderer who assassinated the king, your first reaction was to let the king hand over the case to you for trial, and you also know that your son did it! As long as the case is handed over to you for trial, who It's a murderer, it all depends on your words!"

Zishou: Huh? ? ?

"No, not at all, I just want to think about the king!" Ji Chang roared, "Bo Yikao murdered the king, but I, Ji Chang, are absolutely loyal and will never betray the king!"

"You are still lying! It's a pity that the king knows everything!" Fei Zhong squinted his eyes and smiled, "You ordered Bo Yikao to assassinate the king and blame Dong Bohou, and you came to try the case. It was a seamless thing. It's a pity that you underestimated your majesty, your majesty saw your conspiracy at a glance, and handed over the case to me for trial!"

Zishou:? ? ?

I didn't, so don't talk nonsense, okay?

Fei Zhong rolled his eyes and said, "When I thought the murderer was Dong Bohou, the king said that the evidence was sufficient, so I should arrest him immediately. This sentence also woke me up, and the king asked me to find evidence to prove that Dong Bohou was the murderer." You are innocent. Because Your Majesty knows that the murderer cannot possibly be Dong Bohou, but you, Ji Chang! When I tried this case, Your Majesty has already seen through all your schemes!"

Zishou:? ? ?

When did I say Dong Bohou was innocent?Is it really okay for you to misinterpret my meaning like this?

"Ji Chang, you still refuse to admit it?" Fei Zhong sneered.

Ji Changru was severely injured, and took two steps back with a pale face, muttering in his mouth: "No, I didn't! According to what you said, I want to force Dong Bohou, but what's the use of forcing Dong Bohou?"

Fei Zhong looked disdainful and approached him slowly: "Of course it works! Because you, Ji Chang, want to rebel too! As long as Dong Bohou rebels, and you, Ji Chang, try to force Nan Bohou to rebel, then the eight hundred princes in the world will rebel against you." Six hundred roads. It's a pity, your little trick king can clearly see it!"

Zishou: ...

What's the matter?Why is this plot getting worse and worse?

It turns out that the plot is not like this!

"No, I don't, it's just your random guess!" Ji Chang raised his head, and said righteously: "I, Ji Chang, serve the country and the people, and I have no intention of betrayal! If you don't believe me, my lord, I am willing to break my heart." , to prove innocence!"

Zishou: ...

Kill your sister!Bigan hasn't cut it yet!

"I did everything, and Bo Yikao admitted it! My father didn't know about it, he is innocent!" But at this moment, Bo Yikao roared, took off his clothes, and rushed towards Pao Lao.


There was a shrill scream, and within a moment, Bo Yikao was burned to death.

Seeing this, everyone gasped, dead... dead...

Unexpectedly, Bo Yikao actually committed suicide, but it's no wonder that he was found to be the mastermind in this matter, so he must die.

Only when I die can I save my father from being involved.

Zishou's face turned pale with fright, but at this moment the sudden notification tone made Zishou dumbfounded.

"The task has been completed, find out the real culprit and impose the death penalty!"

"The reward has been issued! Yin Shang Qi Luck +1000, Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!"

Eh? ? ?

Mission accomplished?

Is Boyi Kao the real murderer?

"Woooooo...my son, my son..." Seeing that Bo Yikao was scalded to death, Ji Chang finally couldn't control his emotions, knelt on the ground and crawled towards Paobao.

Ji Chang seemed a little delirious. He reached out and picked up two pieces of charred and rotten meat scalded by Bo Yikao, stuffed them into his mouth, and swallowed them whole: "My son! Woooooo..."

"Your Majesty, Ji Chang is also involved, please behead Ji Chang too!" Fei Zhongqi reported.

"..." Zishou waved his hand, "Forget it, let Ji Chang be imprisoned in Yuli!"

Zishou was so tired, he couldn't help but want to vomit, why was Boyi Kao the murderer?

If he had known about it earlier, he would have asked Ji Chang to interrogate him!

The one who stepped on the horse delayed his time to go back again.

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