Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 265 This Woman Has No Eyesight

At this moment, Zishou, who was looking at the image stone, didn't know what words to use to describe his mood, often what he thought was impossible happened, but happened.

To be reasonable, he has never thought that Nezha has the possibility of instigating rebellion, okay?

As a result, now Nezha is not only instigating rebellion, but also killed in front of Li Jing?

This Li Jing is also true, if he insists on smashing his son's palace, isn't this taking the initiative to be beaten?

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, the task of plotting against Nezha must have been completed again.

Although there is nothing wrong with completing it, the system's reward Han Zhixian gave him a bit of a headache.

He didn't want to be beaten by Nuwa again.

What's more, the harem given in this way can't do anything, isn't it a kind of torture?

"Who played me this time?"

After thinking about it, Zishou couldn't think of a reason, so he continued to look at the imaging stone.

The imaging stone has already shown that Nezha is imprisoned by the Linglong Pagoda.

After Nezha begged for mercy, Taoist Ran Deng laughed, grabbed the pagoda and released Nezha.

"Nezha, hurry up and kneel down to your father, and say father, the child is convicted. If not, I will flood you with a pagoda!" Taoist Lantern shouted sternly.

He must force Nezha to kowtow today.

"Okay, I'll kneel... I'll kneel..." Nezha lowered his head and said, suddenly swung the demon-slaying sword in his hand, and slashed at Ran Deng's forehead.

Taoist Ran Deng opened his mouth and spat out, and a white lotus supported the demon-slaying sword.

"What a nezha, the poor Taoist will not spare you today!" Daoist Ran Deng flashed a murderous intent in his eyes, stretched out his hand, and sacrificed the Linglong Pagoda again.

However, at this moment, a blood shadow descended from the sky, and with a flick of the wide Taoist robe, the exquisite pagoda immediately fell into the cuff.

Styx Master Styx appeared in front of Taoist Ran Deng, he laughed and said, "Daoist Ran Deng, it's too much for you to bully the small with the big."

Taoist Ran Deng's face changed drastically, he stepped back, grabbed the Qiankun Ruler with one hand, and was ready to go.

"Hmph! It's none of your business if I discipline my disciples of Chanjiao? Styx, do you want to fight my Chanjiao again?" Daoist Ran Deng said coldly.

"Nezha is my disciple now, so it's none of my business or anyone else's business?" Styx Master said solemnly, "Randeng, you can stay here today!"

In the middle of the voice, there were two clangs, and the leader of Styx drew out his two swords.

Ran Deng shouted: "Li Jing, let's go!"

He knew that he was not the opponent of Master Styx, and when he saw Master Styx drawing his sword, he grabbed Li Jing and rushed out.

Seeing this, Nezha sacrificed the hydrangea.

This spirit treasure was thrown out like a fireball, hitting the back of the lamp, causing the lamp to stagger and nearly fall.

He turned his head and saw the Styx leader chasing him, he was frightened out of his wits, put down Li Jing and turned into a golden light and fled.

Master Styx laughed and didn't chase after him.

Nezha walked over to Li Jing and said with a smile, "Li Jing, burning the lamp can't protect you anymore, what else can you say?"

Li Jing gritted his teeth and said: "I, Li Jing, only regret one thing in my life, and that is that I gave birth to you, a little bastard! It made Li Jing's immortality impossible! I should have scattered your true spirit in the first place, but I, Li Jing, did not do enough. , just left you as a disaster!"

Nezha was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames, he straightened out his demon-slaying sword, and stabbed Li Jing to death.

After stabbing Li Jing to death, Nezha only felt that the great revenge had been avenged, and couldn't help but screamed up to the sky, but there was no complacency in the roar, but full of sadness.

Master Styx walked up to Nezha with a blank expression on his face, stretched out his hand to grab Li Jing's soul, put it in his cuff, and sneered slightly: "If you can't achieve the immortal way, I won't let you even achieve the divine way!"

"Let's go, go back to the sea of ​​blood, and I will send you another good luck for the teacher." The leader of Styx said lightly.


Zishou was completely silent when he saw this, what else could he say?

Then the system's voice rang leisurely: "The task has been completed: Nezha has been instigated! Rewards have been distributed to Xumijie!"

"Seven-Star Longyuan Sword: also known as Longquan Sword, a congenital spiritual treasure! The body of the sword is inlaid with seven gems, like seven stars. Looking down on the body of the sword, it is like climbing a high mountain and looking down into the abyss. It is ethereal and deep like a giant dragon lying on it. This sword Exquisite and luxurious, powerful."

Zishou's eyes lit up, and after Gao Ming and Gaojue left the side hall, they also took out the Longquan sword from the Sumeru Ring.

As introduced by the system, this sword looks exquisite.

He thought for a while, and then took out the Asura Evil King Sword. This sword was black all over, with a faint red light emitting from it.There is also a hideous Shura's head on the hilt.

Zishou picked up the two swords and waved them twice, feeling neither light nor heavy, and the weight was just right.

However, he had already obtained four swords himself, and he would not need two more. They could only be used to form the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and then they were all thrown into the Sumeru Ring.


"Your Majesty, there is a Taoist nun outside the hall asking to see His Majesty." At this time, the attendant came to report.

"Taoist nun?" Zi Shou was stunned for a moment, and murmured in his heart, "Could it be the harem arranged by the dog system?"

"Show her in."

Following the attendant to announce the order, soon a female fairy in a yellow Taoist robe came over.

"Your Majesty, I am here at the order of Daoist Daoist Duobao, and I am here to report to Your Majesty that the Immortal Execution Formation has been laid."

As expected, the person who came was Han Zhi Xian.

After the fairy finished speaking, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and two red clouds suddenly appeared on her face.

She remembered another thing ordered by the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, but she was very troubled in her heart.

Zishou: ...

Zishou is really not interested in the girls that this system gives for nothing.

"Also, this is given to the King by the Holy Mother of the Gui Ling." Immortal Hanzhi took out a gourd and said softly, "This is the immortal wine collected by my senior sister, and dedicated to the King."

After that, she offered a gourd of wine.

Zishou: ...

It won't be poisonous, right?

"Then I would like to thank the fairy." Zishou smiled and said, "The fairy has traveled thousands of miles to send letters to Gu, so why not stay here and leave after dinner."

"Then the poor are more respectful than obedient." Han Zhixian said softly.

Zishou:? ? ?

I'm just being polite. Why did you stay?

Why can't you understand people's words?

Zishou looked at Shiji next to him with an unkind expression, and signaled: drive her away.

Shi Ji showed a suddenly realized expression, stepped forward and took Hanzhixian's hand and smiled, "Hanzhixian, I'm going to send people to Lutai to prepare wine and banquets, and you must finish eating before leaving."

Zishou: ...

Zishou is silent, what else can he do?

Are you really going to drive people away?

Why does this Shiji have no discernment at all?

Don't you see the unwelcome written on your face?

"Let's go to Lutai." Zishou also looked hopeless.


On the deer platform, Shiji had already prepared a vegetarian meal.

Shiji and Hanzhi Xian pass the cup to talk, and Zishou is also sitting beside him.

Han Zhixian is very good at drinking and likes to drink. After she drank a full cup, her face was not too red.

"Your Majesty is here to accompany you, I'm going to change clothes." Shi Ji thought that the Majesty was interested in this woman, so he also found an excuse to leave, leaving behind a bewildered Zi Shou.

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