Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 267 Yang Jian: You Are My Master Uncle

"You have triggered the mission: Praying mantis catching cicadas and orioles are behind. Jiang Ziya was hit by the blood-melting magic knife. Yang Jian went to Penglai Island to cheat for the elixir. He or sent his subordinates to get the elixir in Yang Jian's hands."

"Mission reward: Yin Shang's luck is improved, Qiankun Yiqi Sword, Yiqi Xianyu Yuan's favorability is 80 points."

"Remarks: The host may not be interested in women, and the system will automatically select a man that the host will like as a reward."

Zishou: ...

Fuck, this dog system, can you be a person on horseback?

What do you want Yu Yuan's favorability to do?

Who said that I am not interested in women anymore! !

Zishou just wanted to complain, this dog system is really omnipotent.

It's fine to smash the harem, but now even the men are smashed!

But I really don't care about gays! ! !

"This task must fail!" Zi Shou felt extremely sad and angry.

Generally speaking, the favorability of men will not reach that high, because when it reaches 60, it is the point of liking, and I have never seen a man's favorability reach 60 before.

But this dog system is 80 when it hits, and those who ride horses are really getting more and more inappropriate!

The key is that those who ride horses don't like men at all!

As soon as he thought of a man with an 80 favorability score rushing towards him, looking affectionately at him wanting to have sex with him, Zishou felt goosebumps floating round and round.

Zishou stroked his chin and thought about it. It's not difficult to mess up this task. Isn't it just to let people take the elixir from Yang Jian's hand?

Wouldn't it be enough for me to send someone weaker than Yang Jian?

"Who should I let..." Zishou tapped his fingers on the table and thought for a while, and immediately ruled out those generals with high combat power.

"Huang Feihu, Yuan Hong, and Kong Xuan can't do it, and Yin Hong in Yinjiao? You can't do it with a spirit treasure in your hand, who is the safest?"

"Hey, can I not let people go?"

"A friendly reminder from the system: If you don't act, it will be regarded as passive sabotage." Then the dog system also sounded a reminder.

Zishou: ...

"Wait, why do you want others to go? Can't I just go by myself?"

Zishou touched his chin and thought for a while, and the light bulb above his head also lit up.

"Others may play themselves when they go, but it is absolutely impossible to play themselves when they go by themselves!"

"As long as you pretend to stop Yang Jian, then make two casual gestures, and then feign defeat and escape..."

Zishou shook his head again, no, don't forget that he got a buff of martial arts proficiency, Yang Jian can't beat him with just a few gestures, don't end up hurting Yang Jian, isn't it like this in Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?

"Wait, I have it, I can change into Jiang Ziya's appearance to deceive Dan! Jiang Ziya has been hit by the blood-transforming sword, as long as he becomes Jiang Ziya's appearance, Yang Jian will definitely see it at a glance. After seeing himself, I will definitely run away, and I will come back after pretending to chase after a while, won't the mission fail?"

Zishou snapped his fingers, the plan was perfect, if he did it himself, he completely avoided the possibility of being acted.

At that moment, Zishou also left Chaoge and turned into a rainbow light to go to Penglai Island.


On the other side, Yang Jian left Sishui Pass and went all the way to Mount Penglai.

Relying on the subtlety of 72 changes, he transformed into Yu Hua's appearance, entered Penglai Island all the way, and arrived at the cave of Yu Yuan, a spirit immortal.

Immortal Yu Yuan was meditating and doing exercises, when he saw Yu Hua coming, he was also surprised and asked, "Yu Hua, what are you doing back here?"

Yang Jian said: "The disciple helped Shang fight against Zhou at Sishui Pass, guarded the pass, killed several Zhou generals with the blood-transforming sword, and even injured Jiang Shang. Later, he met Yang Jian, the nephew of Jiang Ziya's master. The knife hurts him, I don’t want him to point it back, and hurt the disciple instead, I beg the master to be merciful and save the disciple!”

Yiqixian Yu Yuan's face changed drastically after hearing this: "Is there such a thing? If it is possible that Yang Jian is not afraid of the Blood Transforming Sword, what can he do? How can he point to my Blood Transforming Sword?"

Yang Jian said: "Disciple dare not lie, please help Master!" As he said, he showed Yu Yuan the wound on his hand.

Yu Yuan said: "I also refined three pills when I was refining the Blood Transforming Knife, so I will give them to you together!"

At that moment, Yu Yuan took out three round black pills and handed them to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian took the elixir, bid farewell and left Penglai Island.


"This Yu Yuan has been fooled by me! It's a pity that he doesn't know the magic of my Eighty-Nine Xuangong's transformation." Yang Jian smiled slightly, and immediately took a elixir and took it himself, eliminating the blood-transforming magic knife on his arm. The poisonous injury left on the body: "This medicine is real, Jiang Shishu can be saved."

However, at this moment, an old Taoist in a white Taoist robe suddenly appeared in front of him, and said loudly: "Yang Jian, have you returned from asking for medicine?"

Yang Jian looked up, his expression changed, and he said happily, "Uncle Master? Why are you here?"


Zishou felt that something was wrong at this time, he turned into Jiang Ziya to stop Yang Jian, this Yang Jian really called him uncle?Could it be that you didn't see it?

Wei Wei coughed twice and said, "Yang Jian! I was slashed by the blood-transforming sword, and I was bedridden in pain. I saw you coming to steal the pill, so I followed."

This wave of hints is obvious, right?Bedridden and still follow me, cheating?You can't see it like this, can you?

Zi Shou blinked vigorously, he felt that he had made the reminder very clearly.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian had a surprised look on his face: "Master Uncle is really old and strong!"

Zishou: ...

"Yang Jian, should you give the elixir to the lonely king?" Zi Shou said blankly, thinking that he has used the lonely king, if you can't see it, then you are a pig!

"Yes, uncle."

Yang Jian nodded, and really took out the two pills, and threw them to Zishou at a distance.

Zishou: ...

"Wait, Yang Jian, didn't you find anything wrong?" Zi Shou couldn't help but asked.

"No! Uncle Master." Yang Jian said, but secretly screamed in his heart, it's a pity!

Even being stopped by Di Xin here, why not pretend to be tricked, return the elixir to him and leave!

Di Xin is far stronger than me, even if I run, he can catch up if he wants to.

Since he is going to act, let's pretend to be tricked!In this way, it can save lives.

"Yang Jian, why don't you put the pill in your place first? The lonely king doesn't have a bag to put it in." Zishou took two steps forward.

Yang Jian stepped back immediately, and said loudly: "Just keep the uncle, Yang Jian can trust the uncle."

But he secretly thought in his heart: Could it be that Di Xin has evil plans to harm me?This elixir must never be taken.

Zishou: ...

"Yang Jian, look at who I am!" Zishou finally couldn't bear it any longer, turned around and changed into his original appearance, and said with a sneer, "Yang Jian, you've been fooled! Although I didn't bring a gun or a sword today, but It is absolutely impossible for you to return the pill!"

"What? Di Xin? How could it be you? Damn it, I, Yang Jian, have been fooled. Let's settle the score tomorrow." Yang Jian turned away and ran away after shouting.

Leaving Zi Shou with a dazed look on his face.

Are your acting skills a little exaggerated?

Happy Dragon Boat Festival!The author does not rest today, and continues to code!

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