In the eyes of the immortals of Jiejiao, Zishou and his uncle Laozi fought inextricably, and even once suppressed Laozi's crutches.

However, only people at the level of Master Tongtian, Kong Xuan, and Kunpeng can see that Zishou has almost reached his limit, and he will lose in at most three more rounds.

But even that is extremely rare.

Taiqing Laozi is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, who used one breath to transform Sanqing in the battle with the leader of Tongtian, and even smoked the three crutches of the leader of Tongtian.

Zishou can fight with him for so long...

Even Kong Xuan and Kunpeng thought to themselves that they did not have such strength!

"Yin Shou is just a mortal, and there is no immortal to teach Taoism. He has been able to cultivate into a Daluo Jinxian in these years... I am afraid that it is not easy to cultivate." Master Tongtian secretly sighed in his heart.

He could imagine how much perseverance it took for a mortal to achieve what he is today.

The Human Sovereign cannot practice, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate to become an immortal, let alone reach the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Just when the Master Tongtian was about to help, Zishou jumped back, withdrew his three-headed and eight-armed supernatural powers, reached out and pulled out a few hairs, and directly transformed more than ten Zishous, each with a god-killing gun. To Lao Tzu.

More than a dozen sons were besieged with the God-killing Spear, and the God-killing Spear exuded a strong murderous aura, full of murderous aura.

Lao Tzu's face also changed slightly, and he blocked left and right with his crutches.

Zishou grabbed another handful of hair, stretched out his hand to crush it, and blew it lightly. Hundreds of shous appeared from his palm, jumped out of his palm one by one, and killed Lao Tzu.

There are thousands of rays of light gushing out from Lao Tzu's body, and thousands of auspicious colors are shining brilliantly, reflecting eyes and piercing eyes.

The immortals of Jiejiao were stunned and looked at each other in blank dismay.

They were shocked just now when Lao Tzu turned into three Qings in one breath, but now Zi Shou has transformed into hundreds of clones directly!


At this moment, the leader of Styx had come out of the sea of ​​blood. He rode a blood unicorn, followed by the four great demon kings, and came to the outside of the Zhuxian formation, not daring to enter rashly.

After all, once entering the formation, it is easy to be regarded as an enemy by the leader of Tongtian, and he will mobilize the Zhuxian formation to trap and kill.

On the opposite side, Yuanshi Tianzun sat in the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, his eyes swept away lightly.

Master Styx felt a sudden bump in his chest, and his breathing became short of breath.

"Master of Asura Sect, I have met Yuanshi Tianzun!" Master Styx bowed, not wanting to lose his etiquette.

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "Minghe, if you are in a safe place, you will be safe and safe, why bother to come out and provoke trouble?"

The leader of Styx smiled and said nothing. He originally thought that it would be enough to guard his one-acre three-point land, but he refused to let it go!

"I'll go into the formation to see your uncle, but you won't be able to enter." Yuanshi Tianzun said humanely to the burning lamp beside him. Given the horror of the Zhuxian formation, if these people enter, they will probably become cannon fodder.

At that moment, Yuanshi Tianzun patted the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot, and went to Zhengxi to enter the fairy gate.

Master Styx said: "I'll go in and have a look, and you stay outside."

Although Bo Xun and others are all quasi-sages, even the leader of Styx dare not guarantee that it will be okay in a battle of this level, and of course he will not let them in.

The leader of Styx dared to enter the battle, and it was also the confidence given to him by the 8000 million blood god son clones.

Afterwards, the leader of Styx also entered through the west gate on a blood unicorn.

As soon as he entered the Immortal Sinking Gate, the Immortal Immortal Sword was shaken, and a layer of Immortal Immortal Sword intent was aroused!

Qingyun poured out from the top of Yuanshi Tianzun's head, blocking the sword intent of the sinking fairy, and the Kowloon Chenxiang chariot gave birth to colorful clouds, and went towards the sinking fairy pass.

The leader of Styx lost the twelfth-rank karma fire red lotus, and only sacrificed a seventh-rank karma blaze lotus - the surviving [-]-rank karma fire red lotus can be born from the sea of ​​blood. As for the defense, it is naturally far inferior to the twelfth-rank karma fire red lotus. It is also impossible to upgrade.

As soon as entering the Immortal Falling Gate, the three-level Immortal Falling Sword Intent erupted instantly!

The seventh-rank industry fire red lotus at the foot of Styx exploded quickly!

He felt terrified, and hurriedly said: "Sage Tongtian, I'm here to help you!"

After saying this, Styx Master Styx felt a pair of Ling Rui's eyes sweeping over him, and immediately, the sword intent to trap the immortals against him also rapidly weakened until it disappeared.

Master Styx walked in, and when he looked up, his expression changed suddenly!

"Di Xin? The art of incarnation outside the body? The man in the middle is... the saint Lao Tzu?!"

After seeing clearly who was fighting with Zishou, the leader of Styx was so shocked that he blurted out "Damn".

Although he knew that Di Xin was strong, he didn't expect to be so strong that he could fight Lao Tzu?

And it seems that they still have the upper hand?

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at him, and then he understood that although Di Xin was attacking fiercely, but the elder brother was able to block him with ease, and Di Xin couldn't hurt him at all!

At this time, Lao Tzu jumped out of the circle with a leap of Banjiao Qingniu, and then shook the Taiji diagram, and swept it left and right.

This Taiji diagram is the all-encompassing magic weapon of the sage, which can wrap everything.With such a sweep, hundreds of sub-shou were wrapped in by the Taiji diagram, and then the Taiji diagram was shaken, rolled together, and shaken off again, hundreds of sub-shou were all turned into fly ash.

There was only one child left in the formation, and he raised the Xuanyuan water control flag to protect his whole body, so that he was not wrapped up by the Taiji diagram.

Zishou was dripping with cold sweat, this old man is really terrifying, if there is no Xuanyuan Controlling Water Flag, he would have been taken in by Taijitu just now.

Once it is taken into the Taiji diagram, there is only one result, which is to turn into fly ash.

Lao Tzu smiled lightly: "A pearl of rice grains, dare to shine?"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and directly sacrificed the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth is mainly for defense, but it can also be used to trap people.

This tower has 49 [-] floors, and each floor can trap tens of millions of people.

As the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda fell, the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag trembled, and the clouds above Zishou's head also quickly dissipated!

Although the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner was defensive against the sky, it was suppressed by the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!

"Your Majesty!" Yun Xiao, Deng Chanyu, Long Ji, Shi Ji, Huo Ling and others exclaimed in unison!

Master Tongtian knew that Zishou would never be able to stop the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, so he rode out on a bull and shouted loudly: "Eldest brother, I will fight with you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun slapped the Nine Dragons Chenxiang chariot, flew to the leader of Tongtian, and said with a loud smile: "My dear brother, let me see your Qingping sword!"

After all, Sanbaoyu Ruyi has been sacrificed.

Master Tongtian raised his sword to parry, his face darkened, and he immediately understood the meaning of Yuanshi Tianzun, he wanted Lao Tzu to directly suppress the emperor!

In this way, even if they lose in the Jade Immortal Formation this time, they won't lose if they suppress the Human Sovereign!

Master Styx shouted: "Your Majesty, I'm here to save you!" He drew out his swords and rushed out. Lao Tzu smiled faintly, rode out on a bull, and passed the crutches in his hands, directly tossed the two swords of Master Styx away, and then swung his cane again. Squeeze, knock him out.

The Xuanyuan control water flag trembled violently, and the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda slowly pressed down.

Zishou's face changed suddenly, and in another second, the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag couldn't hold it anymore!

He gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to split, and he tried his best to block the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and the Xuanniao Royal Saint Robe on his body began to crack...

At this moment, a bright red appeared in Zishou's eyes...

That bright red color came from... the sky.

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