Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 278 Tired lying on the lap of a beauty, 3 Churches of Zhu Xian

Zishou sat on the green luan, and after a while, he left the Zhuxian formation and came to the foot of a green mountain outside Jiepai Pass.

The green water is gurgling, the breeze is blowing, and the mountain is green.

This kind of scenery made Zishou feel relieved.

"Zi Shou, I have something to ask you, where did you get this god-killing spear?" Nu Wa asked softly as she walked on the grass with bare feet.

"This...it's a long story, I'll tell you when I make it up..." After thinking about it..." Zishou touched his head and said, what about the system?

Nu Wa seemed a little dissatisfied, her eyes narrowed, and the light in her eyes became a little cold: "Brat?"

"Ahem, I want to..."

"Okay, I won't ask you this question, I have other questions to ask you! For example, why did you touch Yunxiao's chest?"

"Ahem!" Zishou broke out in a cold sweat.

"Also, it seems that Immortal Hanzhi has also become your harem? Your harem seems to be getting more and more?"

"This..." Zi Shou felt weak all over.

Nuwa came over with a smile on her face and held out her hand.

The son was frightened and frightened, and raised his hands to protect his face: "Listen to my sophistry...you listen to my explanation!!!...ah..."

I thought that Nuwa was going to beat him up again, but I didn't expect that Nuwa just reached out and grabbed his right hand, and took off the Sumeru ring.

Zishou felt her hands were as soft and warm as precious jade.

"What? Do you think I'm going to hit you?" Nuwa squinted her eyes and said, with a faint smile on her face, making her look even more glamorous.

Zishou muttered, "I feel scared when I see you stretching out your hand..."

Nu Wa took out the God-killing Spear from the Sumeru Ring, her eyes narrowed slightly, and after a long time, she sighed: "Zi Shou, you can no longer use this God-killing Spear."

Zi Shou smiled wryly: "People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes!"

Although he also knew that using the God-killing Spear would be infected by it and become indifferent, but the God-killing Spear is indeed a powerful killing spirit treasure. Apart from the small Zhuxian Sword Formation, this spirit treasure is the most powerful.

Nuwa put the God-killing Spear back into Xumijie, but a hint of worry flashed in her eyes.

It doesn't matter if it's just infected by the cold breath on the God-killing Spear and becomes indifferent, as long as you get a good beating...

But Nu Wa discovered another problem with the God-killing Spear...

If this problem is really as she imagined, then continue to use this gun, I'm afraid there will be a big problem.

Withdrawing her thoughts, Nuwa handed back the Sumeru ring, but Zishou flinched subconsciously.

Nuwa couldn't help covering her cherry lips and giggling, the laughter was really nice.

"Are you really that afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will beat me." Zishou said wronged, took the Xumi ring and put it on.

He really frightened Nuwa!This woman was so cruel that she beat him twice to the point of dying.

Nu Wa said softly: "Then I will use less strength when I hit you in the future."

Zishou nodded: "Yeah!"

Immediately afterwards, he was taken aback again, damn, beat me up!What am I excited about!

"Are you tired?" Nuwa asked.

Zishou nodded, smiled wryly and said, "Tired! I want to have a good sleep..."

He was really tired. After all, when he was fighting with Lao Tzu, he beat him a few times. In addition, he used his body to carry the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and his true energy was almost used up.

Well, it's like an ordinary student who runs three or four kilometers in a row and doesn't want to get up as long as his back touches the floor.

The reason why I am still standing is just to hold on...

Zishou didn't stand still anymore, and lay down directly on the grass. As soon as he lay down, he felt sore all over his body.

Nuwa sat down beside him, and Zishou smelled the faint fragrance of her body, and couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in his heart. He turned his head and saw Nuwa's beautiful profile.

"Do you want to sleep more comfortably?" Nuwa asked softly.

Zishou was surprised and said, "Huh?"

He noticed that a blush flashed across Nuwa's face quickly.

Nuwa raised his head with her hands, put it on her lap, and said softly, "Go to sleep well, you have suffered serious injuries by holding onto the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda forcibly."

At this moment, she is no longer that lofty, indifferent and ruthless saint Nuwa, but a gentle big sister next door.

The pupils are no longer cruel and ruthless, but a pulse of spring, tender like water.

Zishou was stunned for half a second, when he looked up and saw Nuwa's beautiful face and gentle smile, his heart was pounding.

At this moment, his heart completely melted.


Waking up and taking power in the world, lying drunk on the lap of a beauty is the highest dream of a man.

Now Zishou feels that he has realized this dream.

In other words, he has reached the pinnacle of his life.

With his head comfortably pillowed on Nuwa's lap, his face facing the outside and the breeze blowing, and breathing in the refreshing fragrance of flowers, Zishou gradually fell asleep.

Nuwa looked at him, her eyes seemed to be filled with thousands of stars, she put her hand on his chest gently, and gently helped him sort out the murderous aura in his viscera.

Even she didn't know why she did this, she just felt that her heart seemed to have softened.


Besides, Laozi rode a green bull with a plank horn, and returned to the reed tent with Yuanshi Tianzun, and all the disciples came out to greet him.

"Master, uncle, I entered the battle today, what's the situation inside?" Taoist Ran Deng asked the two of them after they sat down.

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head lightly, while Lao Tzu smiled and said, "Tongtian is setting up this Zhuxian formation, and it is difficult to break him even if he is eager. In addition, with the help of Nuwa junior sister, with the strength of the two of us, it is difficult to break him." Get this line."

Daoist Ran Deng was surprised when he heard that Yuanshi Tianzun and Taiqing Laozi joined forces, but they couldn't break the Zhuxian formation?

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered: "The Zhuxian Formation has four gates, the Zhuxian Gate, the Trapped Immortal Gate, the Killing Immortal Gate, and the Absolute Immortal Gate. If you want to break the Zhuxian Formation, you need four people to attack the four gates together to break the Zhuxian Formation."

Laozi also nodded: "You and I can attack two gates, and the other two gates are difficult to break through. Although you and I are not afraid of this battle, no one in the teaching can enter the battle."

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed: "I can only go to the west, please meet and guide the two of you."

At this time, Guang Chengzi came to report: "Qi teacher, uncle, there is a saint from the Western teaching outside."

Yuanshi Tianzun looked up and saw flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses gushing from the ground. It was indeed a vision of a saint!

Immediately lowered the canopy to greet him.

"Pindao has met the two senior brothers." Taoist Zhunti came to the reed canopy and saluted hurriedly.

"Junior Brother Zhunti is polite." Yuanshi Tianzun returned the greeting.

The six sages are all Hongjun's disciples, and it's all right to call them seniors and juniors.

"I'm sure I'm here, I think it's to break the Zhuxian Formation and accept people who are predestined in the west. I was just about to invite you to come here, and I didn't want you to come here. It's just the right time!" Lao Tzu said with a smile.

Taoist Zhunti smiled and said, "I'll tell you my brother, my west is barren and lacks people with predestined relationship. Now I see hundreds of red auras in two places in the southeast, so I know they are people with predestined relationship from the west. That's why the poor Taoist came here. By the way, I will meet you." I will stop teaching my friends in a while."

Lao Tzu smiled, knowing that the so-called predestined person refers to the immortal who cut off the teaching. Although it sounds nice, in fact, Zhunti only wants to do one thing.

That is... Prying the corner of the wall!

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