Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 298 Weak Water 3, I Take 3 Scoops

At this moment, Zishou had only one thought in his heart.

"Indulging in illusions, unable to extricate myself."

After gaining peace of mind, Zishou found that he had not reached his limit yet.

So his heart moved, and the figure of another person slowly emerged.

As the Haotian mirror who understands people's will, Zishou is arranged again.

So this time the person who appeared was Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian behaved very Jiang Qian.

"My lord, do you want concubines or them?"

"Lonely love is like the sea, vast and boundless, tolerant of all living beings and stars. The queen wants to monopolize a piece of the sea? Who will love those living beings and stars? How can I bear to be lonely!" Zi Shou said solemnly: "So for Sentient beings, let the four of us go together!"

Empress Jiang was thoughtful, and said guiltily: "My lord, I'm sorry, it's my concubine who is too selfish."

Under the offensive of someone Zi, Jiang Qian still fell.

Soon someone thought of a problem.

"This illusion is always born from the human heart, that is to say, I can have whatever I want?"

Zishou thought of something, and the surrounding room twisted and changed.

In the next second, the ambiguous room disappeared, replaced by another larger room, and a large bed of nearly [-] square meters appeared in front of him.

Zishou: ...

A series of beautiful figures also slowly appeared...

Fairy Yunxiao grabbed Zishou's hand and said softly, "My lord, let's go to a very happy place with Yunxiao!"

Deng Chanyu grabbed Zishou's other hand and said shyly, "Your Majesty, I can do it too."

The Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit, who was angry at being rejected by Zishou, also appeared, and she hugged Zishou's right leg: "Didn't you use him as a mount?"

Immortal Hanzhi hugged Zishou's left leg: "My lord, do you want to eat Ganoderma lucidum to nourish your body?"

Hu Ximei hugged Zishou's other foot: "Your Majesty, woo woo woo woo..."

Su Daji appeared from behind and kicked Han Zhixian away: "Do you know how to serve men? Your Majesty, who knows your heart best?"


Surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan, Zishou shook his head, raised his head and held his chest up, and said lightly: "Three thousand weak water... just take one scoop..."

He looked at Nu Wa on one side, and then turned his head around: "But Gu is the emperor, and the weak water is three thousand, so I take three thousand ladles!"

In the distance, 72 Princess Asura came rushing forward one after another...

Nuwa: "You bastard! You are so greedy, didn't you say you only loved me?"

Pingxin: "Brother Zishou, you owe us an explanation."

Jiang Qian: "Your Majesty, my concubine also thinks you are going too far."

Zi Shouyi said sternly: "Lonely love is like the vast ocean. It is big love, not small love. Small lovers love one person, and big lovers love all people in the world. Gu wants every woman to get lonely love. What's the point of that?" Wrong! That's right!"

"You guys like solitary, jealous of solitary, this solitary is very happy! So please don't embarrass solitary! solitude is just great love and selflessness! solitary love is like weak water with three thousand, and it should be divided into 3000 people, each of whom comes to receive a scoop."

Nuwa was very straightforward, and directly sacrificed the red hydrangea, smashing the scumbag's head.

Everything in front of me quickly disappeared.

The next moment, Zishou's eyes lit up, and he had already appeared in the second place.

Under the feet is a floor made of gold bricks, and beams and columns carved of white jade. The place where it is located is a golden palace.

"See the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor will live forever!"

Below, the group of immortals kowtowed.

Zishou suddenly realized that this is the case. The difficulty of the illusion is increasing. The first illusion is lust, and you can get what you want.

And the second illusion is power.

The first illusion is very simple to break, as long as you break the rules, you can leave, such as being smashed to death by Nuwa, but in this second illusion, Zishou has become the emperor of the fairy, so naturally he can't die...

And the palm of the hand seals the list of immortals, and the immortals under him will not betray...

It's a pity that Zishou has no interest in power, and even less interested in knowing it's fake after seeing through it is an illusion.

How to break the illusion, you must find the loopholes in the illusion, just like dreams, there are many ways to find loopholes in the dream, for example, you can't read the text on the advertisement clearly.

But in fantasy...

Zishou paid attention to the gold bricks under his feet. They were very real and the lines were very clear, which meant that there was no way to brute force them in this illusion.

Zishou closed his eyes and thought for a while: "The illusion of power can't confuse me at all, because I'm not interested in power in the first place, and the last illusion was just a disguise."

At that moment, he gave an order: "I want to be reincarnated and become a mortal."

All the immortals were shocked and tried to dissuade them.

However, Zishou had made up his mind and gave the order directly.

When he demoted himself to the mortal world for reincarnation, the illusion in front of him also disappeared.

When I opened my eyes again, there was already a familiar room in front of me.

In the narrow room, there is a bed, a table, a chair, and a small sofa. There is also an old computer on the table.

"Is this my home? So I was just dreaming?"

Zishou woke up from the bed, "That emperor's dream was very real! So no system exists?"

"It's so real!"

He came to the computer and turned on the computer excitedly...

After all, even he himself couldn't tell whether the illusion was real or not.

Because this is his deepest desire - to go home.


In another great world.

Chang'e nestled in Houyi's arms with gentle eyes.

But ten suns appeared in the sky, but she didn't find anything wrong.

Chang'e seems to have only Hou Yi in her eyes, and other things can no longer enter her eyes.


At the same time when Zishou fell into the illusion completely, in Jiepai Pass, Fa Jie had already practiced the Wanren Chariot to become familiar with it.

This thousand-bladed chariot is a windmill made of paper, with a turntable in the middle, one hand holds a rod in the middle, and turns around like a flying turntable; there are four banners on it, with talismans and seals on them, and "earth, water and water". , fire, wind" four characters.

There are a total of [-] thousand-bladed chariots, which are allocated to [-] elite soldiers. As long as you recite the incantation, the thousand-bladed chariot will turn away like a windmill, and there will be wind, fire, and swords.

"Commander, the Wanren Chariot has been practiced proficiently, and it is ready to fight the enemy!" Fa Jie seemed very excited, the more he killed, the stronger his magic power was, and he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Huang Gun said: "This commander took off the exemption card, and asked the general to go out and face the enemy."

Immediately, the free battle card was taken off, and Fa Jie led three thousand elite soldiers out of the pass to fight Jiang Shang.

Jiang Ziya led all the disciples out of the camp. After seeing Fajie, he was also surprised: "Who are you? Don't you know that the destiny is in the week! How dare you come here to fight, and turn back quickly, otherwise you will regret it!"

Fa Jie laughed loudly and said, "Jiang Ziya, I know you, but you don't know me. Today you are bound to die within a short distance!"

Jiang Ziya said angrily, "Who will get him!"

Wei Hu said: "I'm going to get this Toutuo!" He strode forward and sacrificed the subduing magic pestle.

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