Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 300 The stars serve as hooks for the sea and the moon, throwing them into all living beings

The light is disappearing before the eyes, and the boundless darkness is engulfing from all directions.

Zishou opened his eyes, which became increasingly dim.

More than 60 years have passed since he returned to his original world.

Now he is gray-haired, lying in bed waiting for the end of his life.

The lights in the room were very dim, like his life was about to be extinguished.

A pair of sons and daughters are already married, and their grandson is by their side.

Life has been completed, and his life will end here.

But Zishou would often think of the previous dream.

That long dream I had more than 60 years ago.

Although with the passage of time, the dream was basically forgotten, and the only thing left in my memory was the gradually blurred voice and smile of a woman.

Although the face in memory has become blurred, and the name can't be remembered, but the figure seems to be deeply engraved in my heart. Even if I have forgotten it all these years, there will always be some afterimages left in the depths of my soul.

Looking back suddenly, it seemed that the person was right in front of him, but he disappeared quickly.

"Who is that woman I've been looking for?"

Feeling hesitant in his heart, Zishou was unable to think anymore, his eyes were gradually engulfed by darkness, and his life quickly disappeared...

"What's that woman's name?"


In the Wa Palace.

Nu Wa stood up suddenly, her red dress fluttered without wind, and she stretched out her hand to count, but her face became more and more ugly.

"Emperor Star dimmed, Zishou disappeared..."

Nuwa lost her mind for a moment, stretched out her hands and kept counting, but she couldn't figure out Zishou's whereabouts.

"Who did it to him?!" Nuwa was terrified, her eyes were full of anger.

She didn't expect that someone would take advantage of the time when she was grounded to attack Zishou, and even she couldn't figure out the real reason for Zishou's disappearance.


Hell, in the Palace of Pingxin.

Pingxin raised his head and looked at the sky of the underworld, his face changed suddenly, and he said angrily: "Hongjun! You did it, right? Do you want to be ashamed to do it yourself to the Emperor?"

"It's true that I dare not be born in the underworld, right?"

"If something happens to the emperor, don't blame me for opening the gate of hell!"

She yelled at the sky, and countless ghosts in the underworld were frightened by the power of the saint, and fell on the ground trembling, not daring to move.


The disappearance of the Emperor's Luck could not be hidden from the saints of the heavens.

Yuxu Palace, Xuandu Cave, Biyou Palace, Western Sect...

The saints stretched out their hands in surprise to calculate, and then some laughed, some sighed, and some guessed Hongjun.


In Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun sat cross-legged, with a mirror in front of him, which was almost identical to the Haotian Mirror, the only difference was that the power of Taoism surged from the back of the mirror, which seemed to be of a much higher grade than the Haotian Mirror .

What is shown on the mirror is three thousand worlds, the sea of ​​clouds is surging, and each world has tens of billions of mortals.

Renhuang was taken into the Haotian Tower, although Haotian carelessly did not check it, he couldn't hide it from Hongjun.

Immediately, he connected to his own back door and checked the accident of Haotian Mirror.

Immediately, when Zishou broke through two illusions one after another and entered the third illusion, he changed the rules of Haotian Mirror.

"The Haotian mirror has three thousand small worlds, and each world can last for one life. It is not easy to get out of the three thousand worlds, but the third world cannot be passed. It is good, and this accident can be erased."

Hongjun did not continue to pay attention to Haotianjing, he had already seen some of Zishou's secrets, but he was not interested in these secrets.

Regardless of whether it is Di Xin or not, it is an accident, and it would be best to use Haotian Mirror to erase this accident.


Just when Zishou was about to be completely swallowed by the darkness, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Nuwa!"

There was no emotion in the voice, and it was not even possible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

However, after the sound sounded, all the sealed memories gushed out like the water of the Yellow River. Although the darkness had swallowed Zishou's body, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. At that moment, he could even compare with the sun and the moon. Compete for glory.


Zishou's soul let out a low growl, and suddenly the boundless darkness around him quickly receded, and his body began to shine brightly at the center, time and space were quickly distorted, and he came to another huge and boundless world in an instant.

Zishou stood on the top of the peak, his back dripping with cold sweat, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a good risk, it's a good risk to die completely in the third illusion.

The first and second illusions can be said to be without difficulty, but the third illusion found the biggest loophole in his heart, making him think that everything he experienced was a dream, and regarded the real illusion as reality.

If it wasn't for the sudden voice at the end that reminded him of everything, he would have died in that world.

There is a way of dying that my brain thinks I am dead, my brain hypnotizes my brain, and as a result I am really dead.

It is very difficult for Daluo Jinxian to die, but if he thinks he is dead, then no one can save him.

"Who was that voice that sounded in my head at the end? I seem to have heard that voice before."

Zishou compared that voice with the voices he had heard before, but none of them matched, but he was more sure that he had heard that voice before, but he just forgot about it because of something.

Zishou has always been unafraid to speculate the truth with the worst malice. In his opinion, there may be some secrets in him that he doesn't even know.

Maybe I have already died once, maybe the original world is just a dream.

Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, who knows if the butterfly is me, or am I a butterfly?

"What kind of illusion is this here?" Zishou raised his head, and he now understands that the most dangerous thing in the illusion is not the illusion itself, but the most dangerous thing is to forget himself.


Hongjun opened his eyes a little, and was only surprised when he found that Zishou had passed through the third world, and then he closed his eyes and meditated.

The reason why the Haotian mirror can understand everything in the world is because of the inner evolution of three thousand worlds, even if the quasi-sage peak enters it, it is difficult not to get lost in it.

How about breaking through three worlds?


There are tens of billions of mortals in the three thousand worlds, and each world is extremely real.

The figure of Zishou travels from one small world to another from time to time, sometimes it takes one life to leave the world, and sometimes it takes only a cup of tea to go to the next world.

However, the three thousand worlds are always too many, passing through the world of mortals continuously, even Zishou has forgotten how long it has been, thousands of years, ten thousand years?Or thousands of years?

Traveling through the small world like this, even Zishou felt exhausted in the end. Looking at the vast sea of ​​clouds, he just wanted to lie down and rest forever.

If there are countless illusions, then what's the point of breaking more?

Even if the ratio of pi is the same, there are endless numbers after the decimal point, and no matter how you calculate it, it is impossible to reach the last digit.

So Zishou sat down.

Sitting on the sea of ​​clouds, looking at the magnificent and vast sea of ​​clouds, looking at the small worlds he had experienced under the sea of ​​clouds, he suddenly felt that the three thousand worlds were like this.

He is like a white-haired old man, knocking on the moon as a hook, and using all living beings as the sea, he fishes for his sorrow alone.


As I write this, Zishou has completed the greatest transformation, and truly has the qualifications to chase after the heroine Nuwa.What the author Jun wants to write is not a brainless and refreshing novel, but a refreshing essay in which everyone has his own distinct personality.

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