The official roads of the Yin and Shang Dynasties were not smooth enough, with potholes everywhere.

Zi Shou drove the Porsche to speed up quickly.

At that speed, even Zishou was terrified, as long as he was not careful, the car would crash and people would die, but Zishou sneered in his heart.

Smelly woman!

Even if I faint, I will faint you to death!

The grass and trees on both sides flew by quickly, and the Porsche made a pleasant buzzing sound and sped quickly on the official road.

But because of the potholes on the ground, this sports car is not so easy to drive, and it is bumpy on the road.

Zishou remembers a joke in his previous life, sports cars are not suitable for driving in the city, the chassis is too low and stops when it touches the speed bump.

Although it was just a joke, Zishou really felt that in this day and age, it was better for the system to reward a Wuling than this broken sports car.

Finally, the official road ahead was covered with boulders, making it impossible to drive. Zishou stepped on the accelerator and came to a slow stop.

After stopping, Zishou's face was also a little pale.

Smelly woman, will you be dizzy to death!

Just as Zishou looked at Nuwa proudly, he found that there was no expression of fear on the other person's face, but he was looking at the sports car full of curiosity.

Zishou:? ? ?

"Aren't you uncomfortable?"

Nu Wa asked in confusion, "What's the pain?"

Zishou: ...

Is there a mistake?Are you not afraid of not wearing a seat belt?

Oh, I forgot that she is a saint, this speed really can't scare her.

"Can you let me get off this mount?" Nuwa asked curiously.

"Yes." Zi Shou sneered in his heart, got out of the car immediately, and changed seats.Although you are a saint, driving is definitely not as good as mine.

"Step on the clutch first..." Just as Zishou was about to give advice to Nuwa, Nuwa started the sports car familiarly like a 20-year-old driver.

Zishou: ...

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

As the sports car accelerated rapidly and reached the top speed soon, Zi Shou's expression changed completely, as if he had seen a ghost!


The sports car stopped by the side of the road, and Zishou slammed the door open, his stomach was overwhelmed, and he vomited on the ground with a "vomit".

Seeing Zi being frightened into such a state, Nuwa was stunned for a moment, then she covered her mouth and giggled, her pretty face was quickly stained with a bright blush.

Laughter is like a wind chime, it's really nice.However, Zishou was only in the mood to listen.

Nuwa's face was stern again, and she glanced at Zishou lightly: "I told you to scare me, have you tasted the bad results now?"

Nuwa was very happy to see this Renhuang, who was full of secrets so hard to see clearly, vomit like this.

Zishou vomited two more mouthfuls of bile, regretting it in his stomach.

"This mount is quite fun, give it to me." Nu Wa finished speaking lightly, and drove away.

"Give it to you."

Zishou wished that this stinky woman would get out of here quickly.

After recovering, Zishou looked around and couldn't help but let out a roar: "You should send me back first! Where is this place!"

He was on an official road, and there was not even a single family in front of him.

At this time, the system beeps.

"Nuwa's mood has become quite turbulent, and her favorability is about to break through 60. After breaking through 60, the luck of Yin Shang will be greatly improved!"

[Target: Empress Nuwa]

[Identity: The only female saint among the six great saints, the mother of the human race, the former patriarch of the monster race]

[Strength: Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian (Saint)]

[Favourability degree (favorability goal: Zishou): 57/100]

Zishou: ...

What did I do, why is it 57?How can I suppress this damn favorability!

"This stinky woman...killed me to death!" Zi Shou gritted his teeth. It was because of Nuwa, a stinky woman, that he couldn't go home.

When did I offend her?

Now throw yourself in this desolate place.

However, at this moment, someone not far away shouted: "Your Majesty, the minister is here!"

Zi Shou looked up and felt relieved. It was Huang Feihu who came riding on the five-colored cow, and behind him was Zhang Kui who was riding the one-horned black smoke beast.

"King Wu Cheng, take Gu back!" Zi Shou heaved a sigh of relief.


By the time Zishou returned to Chentangguan, it was already evening.

"Get something for Gu to eat." Zishou waved his hand, but at this moment the system voice sounded again.

"Trigger task: Empress Shiji is about to be killed by the real Taiyi, please go to the bone cave on the Skull Mountain to prevent the real Taiyi from killing Shiji."

"Reward: Yin Shang Qi Luck +500, the third level of the Nine-Turn Xuan Yuan Kung Fu."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou: Get out!I won't go!

Zishou sneered, I'm exhausted now, my sports car is gone, I can't go to the bone cave, I'm sorry!

I also want to save people, but there is no way!

"A warm reminder from the system: the host has currently cultivated to the second level of the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Gong, and his cultivation level is equal to that of an Earth Immortal. At the same time, the host has learned the Five Elements Escape Technique."

Zishou: ...

Is that what I learned?

It wasn't you who put your shame on me!

OK, isn't it the past?

I just procrastinated and watched the fun!

Zishou sneered, waved his hand to Yuan Hong and said, "Yuan Hong, take Gu to Skull Mountain."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Although Yuan Hong didn't understand why, he nodded obediently, and pulled Shangzi Shoujia Tudun towards the Skull Mountain.

However, when Li Jing returned to Chentangguan from the Bone Cave on Skull Mountain, he thought it was impossible to take Zishou to see Empress Shiji, and he would just get something to pay for his crimes.

Li Jing had an idea, and simply took Nezha over there, and then begged softly, saying that Nezha shot an arrow unintentionally.

Empress Shiji must have seen Master Nezha's face, taught Nezha a lesson and let them go.

Li Jing knew that Shi Ji was not an unreasonable woman.

If it's really unreasonable, I won't let myself come back.

Now Li Jing took Nezha with him and came to the White Bone Cave.

"Nezha, you stand outside the cave, I'll go in and tell my mother." After ordering Nezha to stand still, Li Jing immediately walked into the cave.

"Your Majesty, it is Li Jing's rebellious son Nezha, who is greedy for fun and draws the Qiankun bow. He doesn't want to shoot his apprentice to death with one arrow. Li Jing has already taken him outside the cave to wait for the imperial edict."

When Empress Shiji heard the words, her anger subsided a little, and she said, "Caiyun, go and call him in."

Caiyun boy walked out of the cave, glared at Nezha and said, "It was you, the naughty boy, who shot my senior brother to death?"

"I didn't!" Nezha shook his head.

"You still said no, it's you! Come in and pay for my brother's life!" Caiyun boy said viciously.

Nezha laughed back angrily: "Okay, I didn't have one in the first place, and I have to be wronged. In this case, I might as well kill one, so as not to be wronged by you!"

After finishing speaking, Nezha picked up the Qiankun circle and threw it out violently, hitting Caiyun boy on the forehead, directly hitting Caiyun with a scream, his head was smashed and his blood flowed, and he fell to the ground bleeding.

"What a Nezha, I was hoping to spare your life when you were young and ignorant, and you dare to commit murder in front of my cave!" The lady Shiji in the cave heard the voice, and rushed out angrily holding the Tai'a sword .

"Killing one is killing, and killing two is also killing, so I might as well kill this old woman!" Nezha became fierce, and Qiankun circle violently sacrificed again.

Empress Shiji stretched out her hand to grab the Qiankun circle, her phoenix eyes opened: "Ah! It turns out that he is the apprentice of Daoist Taiyi, no wonder he is so presumptuous!"

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