Because of Nuwa's arrival, Zishou didn't close his eyes in the middle of the night, dragged his tired body, put on the royal robe under the service of his attendants, and yawned to the Jiujian Hall.

This was the second time Zishou went to the court after crossing. Looking at the civil and military officials on both sides, he yawned and said, "I have something to play quickly. If there is nothing to do, I have to go back to sleep."

"Foolish Lord! Faint Lord!"

"Poor Chengtang Tianxia, ​​I'm afraid I'm going to lose at the hands of this stupid king!"

The minister of civil and military cursed secretly in his heart.

"Minister Fei Zhong has something to do." It was Chief Supervisor Fei Zhong who flashed out from the side.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Zi Shou glanced at Fei Zhong and said.

Well, one of the famous courtiers of the Shang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, I have recently heard that Su Hu, the Hou of Jizhou, has a daughter named Su Daji. She is beautiful and beautiful, and she is very beautiful! She is not inferior to Nuwa Empress... It just so happens that this year is the year of the court celebration. All the lords went to Chaoge to congratulate. The Marquis of Jizhou, Suhu, has arrived at the post pavilion. Your majesty can order Suhu to be a daughter and choose a servant in the harem." Fei Zhong said with a smile.

"Bastard! What is your intention! Now there is a drought in the north and floods in the south of the country. Dongyi ghosts have offended my big business one after another, and you still want the king to indulge in women!" Bigan was furious when he heard it. road.

"That's wrong, I'm also thinking about the prosperity of the royal family!" Fei Zhong retorted with his head down.

"I also agree with Fei Dajian's words." You Hun echoed.

into women?Su Daji?

Zishou touched his chin, glanced at the faces of Fei Zhong and You Hun, and then nodded.

Well, with the help of loyal ministers and generals like you, the lonely world may perish...

Just when the subject was about to refuse, the system issued the task again.

"Trigger task: As a tyrant, you should have a harem of three thousand! Please the host choose at least one beautiful woman to enrich the harem within three days!"

"Reward: Yin Shang Luck +300, a Nine-Turn Golden Pill."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly: My heart will never die if the dog system kills me!This is clearly making me a tyrant!

Besides, how can Lao Tzu, an outstanding talent in the 21st century, bow down because of your mere broken elixir!

Pills are poisonous!

I don't want to!

The child touched his chin.

However, if you don't do what the system says...

If you don't do it, what if the dog system depends on you?

You have to find a way to make the system judge yourself as a failure.

Oh, right!

In the original book, Su Hu was asked to enter a daughter, but Su Hu refused, and directly wrote "Jizhou Su Hu, never court Shang" on the Meridian Gate, and then directly sang the court song.

So this time I waited for Su Hu to come out of Chaoge, and the mission failed.

Zishou's eyes lit up, he was secretly happy, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Dog system, your end is here.

"Pass Gu's decree to order Su Hu to come to Jiujian Hall to see Gu." Zishou said.

Go down with the servant to deliver the decree.

In the post pavilion, Hou Suhu of Jizhou was waiting for Emperor Xin's will.

"Su Houye, Your Majesty wants to choose your daughter Su Daji as a concubine, follow me into the palace to hear the order." The attendant said as he walked into the posthouse.

When Su Hu heard this, his face turned black with anger.

He had long heard that Di Xin wrote obscene poems to blaspheme Nuwa in the Nuwa Palace, and he secretly scolded Zishou for being a lustful and stupid king.

Unexpectedly, today this lecherous and stupid king will accept his daughter as his concubine!

My daughter must never marry such a foolish king, so I have no choice but to turn back to Chaoge today!

Su Hu immediately followed the attendant through the Meridian Gate and came to Jiujian Hall to meet Zishou.

"Chen Suhu pays homage to His Majesty."

Zi Shou glanced at Su Hu, um, this guy's face smelled as bad as if he was owed [-] million yuan, and he almost had the word "unhappy" written on his face.

Heh, this Su Hu looks like rebellious material, system, let me see how you can beat me this time!

Zi Shou nodded in a relaxed mood, with a faint smile on his face, all of this was under his control.

"Su Aiqing, I heard that you have a daughter, and I want to accept her as my concubine. When Aiqing becomes the head of the state, what do you think?" Zishou said.

"Your Majesty! Now the country is suffering from drought in the north and floods in the south, and Beihai has rebelled against the No. 72 princes. Your Majesty does not put state affairs first, but if you want to accept a concubine at this time, I am afraid that you will be insulted by the descendants! Please also govern the country with your majesty. First, don't be obsessed with beauty!" Su Hu said loudly with a dark face.

Good scolding!Now it's stable!

Seeing Su Hu's righteous indignation, Zishou immediately showed a relieved smile.

Yes, keep cursing!

don't stop!It's best to reverse Chaoge immediately!

Now I feel more at ease!

He felt that this mission failed 100% of the time. After all, people like Su Hu have a bad temper, and the probability of being anti-business is 99.9%!

Fei Zhong next to him showed displeasure on his face, this Su Hu is a fool, right?

Aren't you afraid that the king will kill you directly?

"Su Aiqing, does this mean you don't want to be a girl anymore?" Zi Shou waved his hands in a good mood and said.

"Excuse me..." Su Hu was halfway through speaking, and suddenly found that Zishou was not only not angry, but had a smile on his face, as if he was sure of winning.

I couldn't help being startled, and my brows twitched: "Why isn't this Hunjun angry at all? Instead, he showed such a smile. Could it be that he has secretly deployed some plan?"

Su Hu narrowed his eyes slightly, calmed down a little and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that I don't want to choose my daughter as a concubine, but I just hope that Your Majesty will not indulge in sex and drink, and manage the government affairs with heart."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty is the emperor of today. If the Marquis enters a daughter for the Majesty, she can assist the Majesty in managing the harem. The second Marquis will also be promoted and become the head of the country. The third Majesty only chooses a daughter, and Not choosing girls from all over the world, this is His Majesty's virtue. This is killing three birds with one stone, so why not do it?" Fei Zhong persuaded triumphantly.

"Ha ha…"

Zishou looked at Fei Zhong quietly, thinking in his heart that he would find a reason to send you, the dog who wants to hurt me all day long, directly into the list of gods.

"What Doctor Fei said is also true." Su Hu calmed down and thought for a while, thinking that there was some truth in what she said.

What's more, looking at Zi Shou's demeanor that he has the chance to win, I'm afraid that Zi Shou has secretly arranged a game. If he refuses, he may fall into the trap set by Zi Shou.

Zishou:? ? ?

makes sense?Do you believe this too?

Did Su Hu take money for this bastard?

You have the ability to scold me directly!Direct anti-business ah!

I beg you to scold me for turning back Chaoge, okay?

Zishou was a little silent, and he had a vague premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, Su Hu didn't make Zi Shou wait too long, and immediately said: "I am willing to enter the daughter and offer it to the king!"

It was agreed that Jizhou Suhu would never go to business?

What's going on now?

Why did Su Hu change her tune?

Zishou felt a little uncomfortable, "Su Aiqing, why don't you think about it again?"


Su Hu gasped, Di Xin... really had a conspiracy!

Rumor has it that Di Xin is a foolish emperor, so why did he see the city mansion so frighteningly deep today!

The most frightening thing is that this so-called foolish king always looks like he is holding the chance of winning with a smile on his face the whole time...

"Don't think about it, Su Hu will return to Jizhou immediately, and bring my son Daji to King Yu." Su Hu said loudly.

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