When Ji Fa came to Falling Dragon Valley, he wanted to see that something was wrong with this valley, so he hesitated for a moment.

At this moment, a young girl with a sweet appearance was seen standing on the valley, holding a jade bottle in her hand.

Ji Fa was worried about being pursued again, and was hesitating whether to go forward.

At this moment, the young girl shouted: "Is the Martial King Ji Fa ahead?"

Ji Fa said: "That's right, dare to ask the fairy?"

The girl smiled and said: "I am Princess Longji, and I am here to wait for Ji Fa by the order of Yun Zhongzi. This is the Falling Dragon Valley. You are facing a dead end, why don't you surrender?"

Ji Fa sneered and said: "Nonsense! A mere woman dares to block my way, Ji Fa! Let me see how you rule me!"

Although Ji Fa is a mortal, he is also a person with great luck after all, otherwise he would not be chosen by the saint.

Often this kind of person with great luck, Lingbao can't hurt him, just like Zishou back then, Chanjiao always gets in the way when he wants to deal with him, and he can't fully use his hands and feet.

The girl said: "Do you dare to come to the valley?"

Ji Fa said coldly: "Why don't you dare?! Follow me into the valley!" Immediately led the troops into the trapped dragon valley.

Princess Longji smiled slightly: "Ji Fa, you are looking for death yourself, you can't blame me!" Immediately, the Wulu Qiankun Net was sacrificed, covering the entire Dragon Valley, and then the Four Seas bottle was sacrificed, and the four seas and sea water It poured out, flooding the entire army in an instant!

Ji Fa's face changed drastically, it was already too late when he wanted to escape, he was neither good at Taoism nor good at water, he choked several mouthfuls in no time in the sea water.

Princess Longji said: "Ji Fa's fire virtue can only be overcome by water. This place belongs to water, and it is also the abyss of trapped dragons. Ji Fa, it's time for you to be on the list."

The water in the four seas bottle was surging endlessly, submerged for half an hour, Ji Fa's body floated to the surface, drowned in it, a soul went to Fengxiantai.

Princess Longji took the Four Seas bottle, looked at the countless floating corpses in the valley, and sighed: "I have committed countless murders, and I can't clean them up."


Once Ji Fa died, the secrets of heaven changed drastically.

In the Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly raised his head, with a look of horror and bewilderment on his face, he counted his fingers, stood up abruptly, and said in a voiceless voice: "Ji Fa is dead?! What's going on?"

Since the start of the Battle of the Conferred Gods, countless changes have taken place, and even the Twelve Golden Immortals were killed and injured, but Yuanshi Tianzun has never been so shocked.

Ji Fa is the Son of Heaven, and the Zhou Dynasty will also replace Cheng Tang, so no matter what happened before, Ji Fa will not die, the Zhou Dynasty will replace Cheng Tang sooner or later, and now Ji Fa's death means that The so-called number of days is not accurate at all.

"Why? Why? How is this possible?" Yuanshi Tianzun lost his composure and murmured.


At the same time, in the Western religion, the leading Taoist also showed a look of confusion and anger. He pinched his fingers and calculated, and the more he calculated, the more confused he became.

"What's going on? According to the number of days, Ji Fa can't die, and Xi Zhou will replace Cheng Tang. Where is the change?"

Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian was stunned and looked at the sky, then laughed loudly and said, "Bring the wine!"

After drinking a pot of strong wine, the leader of Tongtian said with a smile: "Interesting, interesting! The number of days is so chaotic today, what will happen in the future?"

Eight Views Palace in Xuandudong.

Lao Tzu looked at the blazing fire in the Bagua Furnace and said, "Gold can extinguish fire? Gold can extinguish fire. Tonger, clean up the waste in the furnace."

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun let out a long sigh.


"The main task of the first part has been perfectly completed! The coalition of princes was defeated, and Ji was sent to the list of immortals! The rewards have been delivered!"

"Congratulations to the host for completing the first part of the main mission. As long as the other forces in Dashang's territory are wiped out, Dashang will continue for another thousand years!"

"When 360 five immortals are collected in the list of immortals, the host will be promoted to the immortal emperor! On an equal footing with the emperor Haotian. The current completion rate is 25%."

"Chaos Orb: It is a broken world that has been opened up halfway. When this world is fully opened up, it will become a sage of the way of heaven who proves the Tao with strength!"

When the system's cold voice sounded, Zi Shou was dumbfounded, and once suspected that he had heard it wrong.

But when he took out the Chaos Orb from his pocket, he had to confirm another fact.

The Battle of Makino was won.

Although Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can speculate for thousands of years, Muye is a variable, and even he can't predict the winner or loser.

"Xuan Fei Zhong You Hun!" Immediately Shou also shouted.

He must figure out how Fei Zhong won.

How did a treacherous official lead 10 horses and kill 160 million horses?

So Fei Zhong and You Hun, who had just won the battle, were announced to Longde Hall.

Fei Zhong, who was panting and dusty, rushed to the back of the Longde Hall, knelt down and shouted, "Your Majesty has a wonderful plan, and there is no end to it! If it wasn't for your majesty's arrangement, Fei Zhong would not be able to defeat that traitor Ji Fa!"

A series of question marks floated through Zishou's mind, and Fei Zhong's words made the killing intent that had been hidden in his heart resurface for a long time.

"Are you talking about it? How did Gu arrange it?" Zi Shou pretended to be calm.

Fei Zhong said with a flattering smile, "Thanks to your majesty's ingenious plan, he dispatched Zhang Kui to attack back and forth, and Nezha helped him..."

As Fei Zhong explained one by one, Zishou suddenly showed a blank expression.

Does this work too?

You Hun, who was standing next to him, said, "It's also thanks to General Fei, who scolded Jiang Ziya angrily on the battlefield. That scolding was really wonderful! This scolding will definitely be passed down through the ages!"

You Hun's words became a prophecy, and Fei Zhong's curse was passed on to later generations, becoming an eternal curse.During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang learned to change it. When the army left Qishan, Cao Wei Situ Wang Lang came to persuade him to surrender. He didn't want Zhuge Liang to change it with Fei Zhong's scolding, and he directly scolded Wang Lang to death.Later generations of lobbyists respected Fei Zhong.This is for a later story, no question.


Zishou was dumbfounded for a while, and finally waved his hand to let Fei Zhongyou get out of here.

"What should we do now? How to break the Meteor Saint Pill?"

Looking at the sky outside the window, Zi Shou couldn't help sighing.

It is a good thing that the Battle of Muye has been won, but how to break the Meteor Saint Pill?

Once the Holy Meteor Pill is activated...

"Now we can only take one step at a time." Zi Shou thought to himself.


After the Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, there were still many things to deal with, such as conferring officials and offering rewards, such as allowing the Asuras to live in the Western Zhou Dynasty and become subjects of the Great Merchants.

There are so many miscellaneous things, and Zishou also has a headache in tidying up, thinking whether to pass the position to Yin Jiao or not.

He can fight, but he really doesn't know how to deal with government affairs.

A few days later, I heard that the grand master suddenly sent an emergency document.

"I heard that the grand master conquered Dongyi and lost troops and lost generals. Please Chaoge send reinforcements to rescue."

"There are nine Yi in the east, Huai Yi, Lai Yi, Fang Yi, Huang Yi, Bai Yi, Chi Yi, Xuan Yi, Feng Yi, and Yang Yi."

"There are nine tribes in Jiuyi: Xuantu tribe, Lelang tribe, Gaoli tribe, Manshi tribe, Fugeng tribe, Suo tribe, Dongtu tribe, Tianbi tribe, and Japanese tribe."

"I heard that Grand Master was besieged by nine clans and was trapped in Yandang Mountain. He is in danger!"

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