The lonely grave, the old tree and the crow.

The scene in front of him was unspeakably bleak, an opened tomb stood alone on the top of the mountain, let alone a corpse, not even a single hair could be found.

Zishou frowned, a look of bewilderment appeared on his face.

"My grave was stolen?"

Has someone already robbed the tomb?Or go through the saint's spiritual realm and steal the tomb?

Zishou felt a little unbelievable. Nuwa was still a saint when she laid down the spiritual domain. Although her cultivation base is sealed now, the spiritual domain is still laid by a saint. It will take some effort to break it open. Who can do it before me? Robbed the tomb?

"The tomb robber is also a saint?" Zishou frowned. The corpse of King Zhou is irrelevant. Now that there are Chaos Pearls, he can recreate a physical body, but the Xumi ring on the corpse still has his own spiritual treasures.

Not to mention that among the sixteen swords of Xiantian, there are terrifying swords such as the Four Swords of Execution of Immortals. , Twelve-faced magic banner...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as one or two of these spirit treasures are obtained, they will have the strength comparable to that of Da Luo Jinxian.

"Not to mention anything else, among the sixteen swords of Xiantian, ten swords are rewarded by the system. In theory, as long as I summon the name of the sword, it will return to me, but now I have lost contact with the ten swords." Zi Shou Rubbing his chin and thinking about it, it is not ruled out that the sage did it. If the sage did it, then Taiqing Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin Taoist, and Hongjun Patriarch are all possible.

Master Tongtian didn't say it was impossible, but he and Master Tongtian were allies, and the Four Swords of Jade Immortals also belonged to Master Tongtian, so there was no need to take his own things and not say anything.

"But why did King Zhou's body also be stolen? If the saint makes a move, there is no need to take my body away. It is impossible to slice it for research."

This matter was a bit unbelievable, Zishou shook his head and stopped thinking about it, glanced at Lingyu, and suddenly thought: "There is the soul of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in the twelve magic banners, who is going to steal it?" ?Will the person who stole it summon the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit as a demon?"

There was nothing of value in the spiritual domain, so Zishou quietly withdrew from the spiritual domain, standing on the mountain peak, thinking about whether to go to Kunlun Mountain for a walk.

After hesitating, he still gave up the idea of ​​going to Kunlun Mountain.

Although his strength is already Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there is still a certain distance from the real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Without a spirit treasure, there is no difference between going to Kunlun Mountain to make trouble and committing death.


Suddenly, bells sounded in Zixiao Palace.

Immediately, the four divine lights quickly came to the gate of Zixiao Palace.

But it is the four sages of Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian and Jieyin.

Among the four, Tongtian had completely turned his back on the other three saints, so naturally he didn't give them a good look, so he snorted coldly and walked into Zixiao Palace.

Yuan Shi's face was ugly, he sneered slightly, and followed him into the palace.

In Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun sat cross-legged with his eyes slightly closed.

Just now, it was he who made the people ring the bell to summon the four saints to Zixiao Palace.

Daoist Hongjun said: "Everyone sit down!"

The four sages sat down one after another, and Lao Tzu was the first to speak: "I don't know what the teacher told us so far?"

Daoist Hongjun said slowly: "The number of days changes, the secrets of heaven are chaotic, and there must be drastic changes in the future. The Tao grows and the demons disappear, and the Tao eliminates the demons. The battle of business on Monday, now that the power of the Taoist sect is weak, the power of the demon sect will rise. According to my opinion , the future disaster may come from the Demon Sect. The number of people on the list of gods must be gathered as soon as possible to establish the order of the heavens. Now, the commercial attack on Dongyi is the best opportunity."

"Great merchants have been formed against the sky, and have become the protagonists of the future. The merchants' conquest of Dongyi has become a definite number. There are nine tribes in the east, and there is no shortage of people with deep roots. You can use this to preach to Dongyi to collect fate." People, Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​continue their previous duties, and collect enough gods to be listed in Dongyi."

Tong Tian and others suddenly realized that when the Western Zhou Dynasty attacked Chengtang, the three religions would gather the 360 ​​five righteous gods on the list of gods, and the Western religion would also use this to prosper.

But Cheng Tang changed his fate against the sky, and the Western Zhou Dynasty was destroyed. Instead, Cheng Tang became the protagonist in the general trend. If he wanted to make up the list of gods, he could use the big merchants to conquer Dongyi and get the gods on the list.

But in this way, that is to say, Hongjun has already stood up and asked Sanqing to go to Dongyi to collect gods. Naturally, he intends to let them help merchants attack Dongyi.

Yuanshi Tianzun was expressionless, but his heart turned with hatred.

Originally, he was a saint, no matter how biased he was, he wasn't a bad person, but Zi Shou repeatedly ruined his good deeds, and the Zhu Xian team even beat him to his knees to the point of death. This kind of hatred cannot be wiped away with a smile.

In this regard, his heart is far inferior to Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu smiled lightly and said, "My disciple obeys."

The Taoist who received and guided him immediately said: "The disciple obeys the order."

The idea of ​​promoting the Western religion in Taoist's heart is full of revenge, but he hides the hatred deep in his heart, and said in his heart: "The enmity with Di Xin is not in a hurry to settle, take this opportunity to go to Dongyi to recruit people who are destined to strengthen the Western religion. With the rise of Western religion, it may not be impossible to spread it to Chaoge and collect believers."

Hongjun said: "Jieyin, you go on. This is the Dinghai Pearl. There are 24 pearls. They once appeared radiant and illuminated Xuandu. They can flourish in Shimen and become 24 Buddha kingdoms. I will give them to you now!"

Dinghaizhu was originally given by Hongjun to Tongtian, and Tongtian gave it to Zhao Gongming. Later, Daoist Randeng brazenly gave it to greed. Daoist Randeng in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was killed by Liuhun Banner, and 24 Dinghaizhus remained instead. It was taken back by Hongjun.

The Daoist received the Dinghai Pearl, and with a heartbeat, he already knew what Hongjun meant. This Dinghai Pearl is the treasure of the rise of Western religions. It has a hidden space, and in the future it can be transformed into 24 Buddha kingdoms, and the door of Buddhism will be revived.

Daozu's meaning is already obvious, and it will help him to revitalize Western religion.

Hongjun said: "If there is nothing wrong, let's all retreat!"

"is teacher."

Each of the four saints was pregnant with ghosts and left one after another.

Among them, Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples were almost killed by Di Xin, and the hatred is unsolvable, and I accepted the love of Zishou last time, and I am willing to stand by Cheng Tang's side. Needless to say, Master Tongtian has already made up his mind The idea is to let the apprentice leave the Biyou Palace to help the merchants conquer the Dongyi, and as for the introduction of the Taoist, it is thinking that one day the Western religion will be introduced to Chaoge.


Zishou didn't know that Hongjun asked the Four Sages to collect gods while the Great Merchants were attacking Dongyi. If he knew, he would complain about it. I haven't finished collecting the list of immortals yet, so you just leave it here to snatch people?Dreaming?

After he returned to Chaoge City, he quickly asked Yuan Hongzheng to mobilize 20 troops to go to the teaching ground to practice the three armies, preparing to attack Dongyi.

Nezha and Zhang Kui were the forerunners, Deng Jiugong was the counselor, Yuan Hong was the commander of the five armies, Jin Dasheng, Dai Li, Zhu Zizhen, Wu Long, Chang Hao, and Yang Xian accompanied the army in the expedition.

Early the next morning, Zishou put on the Royal Robe of Xuanniao, led 20 horses, left Chaoge City, and headed eastward in a mighty way.

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