Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 415 The Demon Sect Venerable

Zishou came all the way to Yandang Mountain. Along the way, he could still see the Dongyi tribe and Chengtang soldiers fighting. The Dongyi people had the upper hand. The Chengtang soldiers were trapped for several days, lacking food and grass, and died under the siege of the Dongyi people. heavy.

Zishou shouted: "The Emperor Chengtang is here, the Dongyi people dare to be rampant!"

People get fairy bodies, they are fascinated by changes, and they don't know where they are.

Since Zishou won the primordial spirit of the sage, he can separate [-] strands of consciousness, each of which can cover one side, and do whatever he wants.

At this time, his spiritual consciousness enveloped Yandang Mountain, and killing intent surged in his heart, and his spiritual consciousness turned into countless sharp knives, and twisted towards the Dongyi people.

In the distance, three Dongyi people were besieging a Chengtang soldier. The soldier was wounded, and the spear in his hand had been cut off. Facing the siege of the three Dongyi people, he had no power to resist, so he simply threw away the broken spear. , Let go and wait for death.

However, at this moment, the three Dongyi people suddenly screamed, and their heads gradually separated from their bodies.

The soldier's eyes widened, and he looked stupidly at the three Dongyi people who had been dismembered. He really couldn't figure out how these three people died.

Things like this are still happening around Yandang Mountain. Some Chengtang soldiers who were besieged by the Dongyi people had given up their resistance, but found that the Dongyi people on the opposite side had inexplicably dismembered their bodies.

Some were beheaded, some were cut in half, and every Dongyi person died strangely.

Faced with such a strange scene, Cheng Tang's soldiers were completely dumbfounded.


Zishou's spiritual consciousness spread out, and soon he saw Grand Master Wen on the top of the mountain, and disappeared in place in a flash.

At this moment, Wen Zhong was leaning against the stone wall, his body was dripping with blood, he was holding a golden whip, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was panting. Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan waved their weapons and stood in front of Wen Zhong. .

Yu Qing shouted: "Master, you use the escape technique to leave, we will block this place!"

Ji Li also shouted: "Yes, teacher, you go first, we will block these monsters!"

Three men approached slowly in front of them, the one in the middle was wearing a blue gown and a faceless mask, while the two men on the left and right were both wearing red clothes and wearing ghost masks.

The man in blue smirked and said, "Wen Zhong, you are at a dead end, where do you want to escape?" Suddenly he rushed out, the long sword in his hand swung, and stabbed Yu Qing straight.

Yu Qing brandished his weapon, and fought with the man in the green shirt.

Xin Huan spread out a pair of fleshy wings and called out to Wen Zhong: "Grand Master Wen, hug my legs quickly! I'll take you away!"

Wen Zhong opened his eyes and said: "This old man has led the army for decades, but he has never encountered such a big defeat. Now that he has lost his troops and almost wiped out his entire army, how can he abandon you!"

Xin Huan shouted: "Grand Master Wen, don't say anything depressing, go back to Chaoge and borrow another 20 horses from the Son of Heaven to calm down Dongyi! Hurry up and hug my legs!"

Wen Zhong stood up straight, waved the golden whip, and said: "Go for your life, Wen Zhong is ashamed of the king, how can you go back and see him!"

He fell into the trap this time, almost his entire army was wiped out, even the two generals Zhang Jie and Tao Rong died, and he felt ashamed to go back to see Zishou.

The man in the green shirt let out a long laugh, and his long sword moved swiftly. Yu Qing, Ji Li, and Deng Zhong screamed one after another.

Two other men wearing ghost masks approached from both sides with grinning grinning.

Wen Zhong shouted: "Kill!"

The golden whip in his hand was suddenly thrown out, and hit the two men from left to right. The golden whip came very fast. Although the two men were a little defensive, they were also hit on the head. Both of them were smashed and died on the ground. .

However, after Wen Zhong sacrificed the golden whip, the true energy in his body was exhausted, he was panting against the stone wall, his face was pale, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans rolled down his forehead.

The man in the green shirt said: "What a grand master, dare to kill my apprentice Nie Chongzhen!"

"How dare the demon be rampant!" Xin Huan roared angrily, and swung the iron rod towards Nie Chongzhen, the man in green shirt, on the forehead.

Nie Chongzhen stretched out his hand, took out a copper bell, and shook it at Xin Huan. Countless black smoke gushed out of the copper bell, enveloping Xin Huan in it.

Countless flying insects flew out of the black smoke, biting Xin Huan.

Xin Huan screamed and fell directly from the air to the ground, rolling all over the ground, obviously in severe pain.

Wen Taishi said angrily: "What a monster!" He lifted the golden whip and struck at Nie Chongzhen.

Nie Zhongzhen held his sword upright, and said with a smirk, "A monster? I'm not a Taoist priest. I heard about the Grand Master. If you don't surrender, you will only die!"

Wen Taishi swung his whip to kill, Nie Chongzhen said: "You old bastard!" With a flick of his long sword, he stabbed out, Wen Taishi was hit by the sword in the shoulder, a golden whip was released from his hand, and he staggered back for about ten years One step, one step back and you will fall into the cliff.

"Eat Wen Zhong first today, and eat Di Xin in the future!" Nie Chongzhen's eyes flashed with greed.

He is a member of the Demon Sect, and he also practiced the evil art of cannibalism.

Although Grand Master Wen's cultivation is not as good as his, he can't increase his cultivation after eating Grand Master Wen.

But after all, Grand Master Wen was the Tuogu Minister of the Shang Dynasty and a disciple of Jiejiao, and he was also lucky. After eating Grand Master Wen, he could also swallow part of his luck.

Nie Chongzhen grinned, showing his white teeth, and walked towards Wen Zhong.

Suddenly a figure flashed, Ji Li stood in front of Wen Zhong, and shouted: "Master, you go! Go borrow soldiers from the Son of Heaven, and then come to avenge us!"

Wen Zhong's eyes were moist, he put his hand on Ji Li's shoulder, and said: "Ji Li, I can't leave, today I will live and die with you!"

A rush of blood welled up in Ji Li's chest, tears welled up in his eyes, and he said loudly: "Okay, let's die here together!"

Nie Zhongzhen let out a sinister laugh, the laughter was like a screaming owl at night, and the howling of an evil ghost, making people creepy, he walked towards the two of them step by step, step by step, the sound of footsteps seemed to be stepping on the heartbeat of Grand Master Wen.

Every time he took a step, Grand Master Wen's heart beat violently, and suddenly Nie Chongzhen quickened his pace, Grand Master Wen's heart jumped up, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

Ji Li suddenly let out a "wow", a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, his body softened, and he fell directly to the ground.

Nie Chongzhen smiled as he walked, "It's an honor for you to die under the footsteps of my Nie Chongzhen."

Wen Zhong only felt his heart beating faster and harder, it was already beating so hard that he couldn't breathe.

"The most delicious heart in the world is beating violently and boiling blood. When you cut the heart open, the blood will spurt wildly. It is the most delicious to eat." Nie Zhongzhen took off his mask while talking, revealing an ugly pointed face, pointed face With a wicked smile on his face.

"Dying under the sound of footsteps is unheard of, right? You people in the Taoist sect are good at using spirit treasures. Although we people in the demon sect are not good at using spirit treasures, our mastery of spells is far beyond your comparison. Hmph, people in the Taoist sect are actually good at using spirit treasures." But that's all."

Nie Chongzhen suddenly quickened his pace and had already walked five meters in front of Grand Master Wen.

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Who said that the people in the door are nothing more than that?"

At the same time, a steady footstep sounded, as if stepping on Nie Chongzhen's heartbeat.

step ~!Tread~!

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from behind, and Nie Zhong's heart skipped a beat: "Who the hell is that? When did they appear behind me?"

He turned his head to look, and at the same time, he held the long sword across his chest in a defensive posture.

A man wearing a black royal robe was walking towards him. His face was indifferent and his eyes were deep. The royal robe on his body seemed to be burning with strange flames.

He didn't have any power on him, just like an ordinary person, but the more he was like this, the more terrifying Nie Zhongzhen felt.

step ~!Tread~!

Not light or heavy, the sound of footsteps came slowly, and Nie Zhongzhen's heartbeat unexpectedly sounded at the same time as his footsteps.

"Is it unusual to kill people with the sound of footsteps?" Zi Shou said, his voice was emotionless, but Nie Chongzhen could hear disdain.

As Zishou approached, the sound of footsteps gradually accelerated, and Nie Zhongzhen's heart beat even harder, as if it was about to break through his chest and jump out.

Nie Chong felt a wave of panic in his heart: "This man is unfathomable, and I am definitely not able to match him. Now I can only hold Wen Zhong hostage and force him to stop!"

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Nie Zhongzhen's eyes, and he rushed towards Wen Zhong!

However, at this moment, Zi Shou's right foot lightly hit the ground.

With just such a light pause, Nie Chongzhen jumped suddenly as if hit by a giant hammer in the chest, his body trembled, and he stayed in place abruptly.

"Are you the venerable of the Demon Sect? I have already met the great venerable. Which one are you?" Zi Shou asked in a cold voice. He did not stop, but continued to walk towards Nie Chongzhen.

Horror flooded in like a tidal wave, completely occupying Nie Chongzhen's heart. He tried his best to endure the beating pain in his chest and took two steps towards Grand Master Wen. Then he pointed his long sword at Wen Taishi's neck and shouted: "Stop, or I'll kill him!"

Zishou said, "Are you sure you want to stop alone?" He was still walking.

Nie Zhongzhen's heart was beating more and more violently. He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely die under the strange footsteps of this man. He said angrily: "If you dare to take another step, I will kill him, at worst, we will die together!"

Zishou stepped on the ground slowly with his raised right foot, and said indifferently, "Threatening Gu? How stupid are you?"

Nie Zhongzhen's heart stopped suddenly, his eyes widened, the long sword fell to the ground with a "clang", his chest suddenly split open, a bloody arrow spurted out, and then the whole person fell slowly on the edge of the cliff, dying of breath.

Zishou said indifferently: "The sound of footsteps killing people? It's ridiculous."

At this moment, a soul in Nie Chongzhen's body rushed out and fled to the ground.

Zishou was thoughtful: "People in the Demon Sect are not attracted to the list of immortals, and even the list of gods is not attracted to them. Is it because people in the devil's sect don't even look at the list of gods?"

Nie Zhongzheng went underground, feeling both joy and surprise in his heart: "Where did the quasi-sage come from? Damn it's a big loss to cooperate with Huaiyi this time! Fortunately, that man didn't notice my primordial spirit running away. gone."

Before he could finish his composure, a scorching flame gushed out from behind, wrapping Nie Chongzhen's primordial spirit and bringing him back.

Nie Zhongzhen screamed: "Glass ghost fire? Isn't that the flame of Vulture Palace? That person is a lamp?!"

It's a pity that before Nie Chongzhen guessed the truth, he was burned out of his wits by the glazed ghost fire.

On the top of Yandang Mountain.

Zishou stretched out his hand and grabbed the turbid soul refined by Liuli ghost fire into the palm of his hand. With a sweep of his consciousness, he knew everything about Nie Chongzhen.

Nie Chongzhen, the Seven Venerables of the Demon Sect, was originally just an ordinary practitioner. He was rejected by the door to learn from his teacher. Later, he entered the Demon Sect by coincidence and found a corpse of a demon cultivator on the Hanging Coffin Mountain. After eating it, he was barely promoted to Da Luo Jinxian , inherited the cultivation base and memory of Moxiu's corpse, and thus became the Seven Venerable Demon Sect.

"So that's how it is... These people's aptitudes are very average. It's difficult to cultivate to heavenly immortals. They only learned the evil skills of the Demon Sect and ate the corpses of fallen Daluo Jinxians before they were promoted to Daluo Jinxians. Their aptitudes are too ordinary, so Neither the Conferred Immortals List nor the Conferred Gods List would be favored."

Zishou suddenly realized that the Conferred Immortals List is higher than the Conferred Gods List, and the gods absorbed are of higher aptitude. Like some ordinary generals, the Conferred Immortals List will not be wanted.

The requirements for the Conferred Gods List will be much lower than those for the Conferred Immortals List. In addition to those who are on the list, some people with slightly better qualifications will also be absorbed into the list.

However, Nie Zhongzhen's soul doesn't even want the list of gods...

Of course, there is a special reason for the magic gate technique, and it is also related to Nie Chongzhen's own aptitude.

Zishou casually destroyed the source of this group of souls, divided them into five groups, and waved them at Wen Zhong, Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan, and the souls poured into the five people's bodies, and the hidden large Luo Jinxian's true essence also became more pure because of the refining of the glazed ghost fire, and was quickly absorbed by the five people.

Among them, Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan were all seriously injured and dying, but they suddenly absorbed Da Luo Jinxian's true essence, and their injuries also recovered quickly.

Wen Taishi was the one who recovered the fastest, the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then there was a "buzz" in his body, and his cultivation level rose in a straight line!

Angel!Immortal!The pinnacle of immortality!

breakthrough!Early Golden Immortal!Lead flowers bloom!

At the early stage of Golden Immortal cultivation, the rate of increase slowed down, but it continued to rise, breaking through the middle stage of Golden Immortal and the late stage of Golden Immortal in a short while.

It wasn't until the peak of Jinxian that his cultivation stopped.

Wen Zhong's complexion changed drastically, and he was full of surprises. He looked at Zishou with a confused look on his face, as if he couldn't believe that the change in his cultivation was actually done by Zishou.

"Your Majesty, Wen Zhong is ashamed to face His Majesty!" Wen Zhong came to Zishou, knelt down and said.

"Master Wen, get up quickly, I'm late alone." Zishou helped Wen Zhong up.

Looking at Zishou, Wen Zhong said with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, Wen Zhong is ashamed! This time, the entire army was almost wiped out, and I beg your Majesty to come down!"

Zishou said: "Wen Taishi, winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. If you lose this time, you will fight back next time."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Wen Zhong looked at Zishou and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He is the minister of Emperor Yi Tuogu. When Emperor Yi passed away after 30 years in power, he entrusted Gu to the grand master Wen Zhong. To Zishou, Wen Taishi existed like a strict father.At this time, seeing Zishou's cultivation was so high, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan recovered their bodies one after another, and broke through to the cultivation base of real immortals one after another. Occupied a lot, so the four of them just broke through to the real immortal and stopped.

"Zhang Kui and Deng Jiugong are both at the foot of the mountain. Hearing about the grand master, let's go down the mountain with Gu!" Zishou said.

Wen Zhong said: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

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