Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 436 Receiving Taoist: My mentality has collapsed

Master Tongtian led Duobao and other immortals to come, and naturally entered the Chaos Orb without any effort.

Looking at Master Tongtian who exudes a terrifying sword intent, Luo Hu couldn't help showing a serious look on his face. His instincts from years of fighting told him that this person is not easy to mess with, even more terrifying than seduction!

Seeing the leader of Tongtian, Taoist Jieyin was also ecstatic in his heart. He didn't expect the situation to turn around again!With the help of the leader of Tongtian, this time Luohu will definitely be taken down.

However, at the next moment, Tongtian's faint voice came: "I didn't bring a sword when I went out this time. To receive the leader, please do it yourself!"

Seeing the long sword held in the left hand of Master Tongtian, Taoist Jieyin froze, so out of breath that a mouthful of old blood spewed out.

Master Tongtian looked down at the long sword in his left hand, and felt that he was really sorry for this, so he let go of his hand lightly, and threw the long sword into the chaos, and said indifferently: "I accidentally lost it, Duobao, go and help me find it .”

"Yes, teacher." Taoist Duobao looked left and right, pretending not to see him.

Taoist Jieyin suddenly took a deep breath, can you master and apprentice act more exaggeratedly?

Seeing that Tongtian was about to stand on the sidelines, Luo Hu laughed and shot at the leading Taoist with his long spear.

The Daoist Jie led hurriedly waved the Hunyuan Ziqi Knife to greet him, his face showing pain.

Bitter!I dealt with Jiejiao in the battle of Shang and Zhou, the Master of Tongtian has a grudge!

Rahu's shot was as fast as a shot, and his demonic energy was overwhelming. Suddenly, he swung out a shot, and a powerful spear shot rumbled towards Xixijiao Maitreya and others.

The faces of Maitreya and others turned black all of a sudden, and they tried their best to sacrifice the spirit treasure to resist. At the same time, the guiding Taoist also threw out the guiding divine pillar, and the divine light enveloped dozens of miles, protecting Maitreya and others to death.

However, even so, under Luo Hu's shot, the divine light of the Guiding God's Building was scattered and trembled violently, and finally he couldn't stop it!



Maitreya and the others vomited blood and fell back. Those with high cultivation levels were seriously injured and their faces were pale, while those with low cultivation levels fell on the spot.

Fortunately, there was a God-receiving pillar to block it, and the fallen ones could still be listed or turn around and rebuild. If not, even their souls would be crushed to pieces after being shot.

Jieyin Taoist's eyes are tearing, and his heart is so painful that it is about to burst. These masters are all cultivated by themselves!They are the mainstay of future Buddhism.

At this time, Luo Hu's spear swept over, and I don't know how many people fell on the list.

"Luo Hu, I'll fight with you!" Taoist Jieyin really planned to do his best. Although he can walk, Maitreya and others will definitely not be able to. Once Maitreya and others fall here, then thousands of years of calculations will be exhausted. !

Luo Hu laughed maniacally and stabbed the Taoist with one shot after another. This god-killing spear exerted its greatest power in Luo Hu's hands. In the middle, the soul flew away immediately, and even a little bit of true spirit dissipated directly.

Even if it is a saint, once it is nailed by the god-killing gun, the primordial spirit will fall into silence.

The Taoist received and led the nine-tier golden lotus of merit and three relics to the extreme to resist Rahu's killing god spear.

But even so, he was still invincible, stretched to the left and right, and retreated step by step.

Suddenly, the leading Taoist turned his eyes to Yidu urgently, but saw the three sons and daughters, Ping and Ping, who were eating melons and cats and watching a play in the distance.

Taoist Jieyin seemed to see a glimmer of light in the darkness, and saw hope in the desperate situation, and hurriedly shouted: "Junior Sister Nuwa, help me quickly! Luo Hu has been injured, killing him will bring merit, you I am all part of it, and the teacher will forgive you and remove the poison of the Falling Saint Pill for you!"

He dodged Luo Hu's shot, frantically swiped the Hunyuan Purple Air Knife for protection, and shouted loudly: "Junior Sister Nuwa, hurry up! Luo Hu has been injured, let's kill him together."

Nuwa blinked her eyes, a sly look flashed in her eyes, she stretched out her hand to cover her flat belly, and then glanced at Zishou with a shy look on her face: "I'm pregnant, so I can't do anything, in case I get alarmed Fetal air is not good."

Zishou was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Nuwa to tell such a lie, so he reached out and said, "Sister Wa, let me touch my child."

Nu Wa backed away with a smile, blocked his hand and said, "Who is your sister Wa?"

Taoist Jieyin was completely startled, his nose was sour, and tears almost came out of his eyes.


You bully people!

Not only do you not help, but you also sprinkle dog food, ahhh...

Is there anything more heartbreaking than a beloved junior sister being pregnant with an enemy's baby?


The answer is being stabbed by a lunatic with a gun.

Luo Hu laughed wildly and stabbed Taoist Jieyin in the ass, Taoist Jieyin hurriedly sacrificed his magic weapon to resist, but in the end he lost to the whole person and was picked out.

"Pingxin, Empress Pingxin! Everyone in the Dao of Demons will be punished. If this demon gets out, it will definitely bring disaster to the common people! People will be devastated! It will also cause a huge blow to the Taoist sect! Please also empress Pingxin join hands to suppress this demon!"

The guide Taoist shouted to Pingxin while running, Tongtian has a grudge against him, and Nuwa is...pregnant with a shitty pregnancy, Nuwa is obviously unwilling to help, and now the only one who can save her is Empress Pingxin.

Empress Pingxin used her body to transform into the six realms of reincarnation back then, and she was a god who truly cared for the common people. She would definitely let go of her hatred and deal with Luo Hu!

Ping Xin took a step forward: "Fellow Daoist is right."

Daoist Jieyin was overjoyed, sure enough, Pingxin would deal with Luo Hu eventually!

Pingxin: "But..."

The guide said: "But what?"

Ping Xin stretched out her hand to touch her flat belly, and also smiled shyly: "I'm pregnant too, so I can't move my fetus."

Receiving the Taoist: "...are you pregnant with the same child?"

Nodding calmly: "Yes..."

Nuwa couldn't help but burst out laughing, and Pingxin also suppressed the smile and said, "I was conceived on the same day."

The leading Taoist was completely shocked, Nima, in order not to make a move, are you so open-eyed and talking nonsense?

With a sweep of Luohu's long spear, the leading Taoist hurriedly turned around and swung his saber to block it, and at the same time urged the two spiritual treasures on his body to the extreme.

However, even so, he still couldn't resist Luo Hu's long spear.

"Bang!" The spear hit the leading Taoist, making a muffled sound!

Taoist Jieyin flew backwards, spurting blood wildly, he stabilized his figure, looked at Zishou, and said in a trembling voice: "Di Xin, if this demon goes out, it will definitely harm the world, and you don't want to see Da Shang The blood is flowing like a river? Hurry up and kill this demon."

He really didn't want to ask Zishou for help, but there was nothing he could do at this time.

Zi Shou thought for a while, blinked and said, "Oh."

"Oh?" The introduction is about to collapse, you hold it in for a long time and come up with one, huh?

Zishou said: "If you want me to make a move, that's fine. How about the cost?"

Jie Yin was stunned: "As long as you kill Luo Hu, the Heavenly Dao will surely send merits, and then you and I will share the merits equally..."

Zishou said, "Golden lotus with nine merits and virtues."

Receive and guide the Taoist: "The immeasurable merit has come down, you can use it..."

Zishou said: "Golden lotus of the ninth grade of merit will be added to the knife in your hand."

Leading Taoist: ...

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