In fact, if he hadn't sneaked up on Luo Hu as soon as the guide came out, and caught him in a mess, Luo Hu would have successfully opened the chaos long ago, not to mention restoring his previous cultivation, at least he would have become a high-level saint.

However, because of the introduction and mixing, Luo Hu not only failed to open up the world, but was consumed for a while, which led to his current passiveness.

What's more, if the three spirit treasures hadn't been received and sent out, how could there be three saints besieging Luohu?

Therefore, what Luo Hu hated the most at this time was not other people, but being guided.

Luo Hu's ferocious eyes swept across the receiving Taoist, as if he wanted to pounce on him and tear him to pieces.

The latter shivered, feeling a chill from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

It's over, I offended the Demon Ancestor Luohu, if I let him escape today, the Western religion will be over in the future!

The Qingping Sword in the Master Tongtian's hand trembled, and a burst of sword Qi Tongtian slashed out, and the sky was covered with white lights.

Luo Hu swung the God-killing Spear to block it, and with a "boom", the aftermath surged out wildly, Taoist Duobao and others hurriedly retreated several hundred miles back again.

The red hydrangea in the sky turned into a round of red sun and smashed towards it!

Empress Pingxin waved the Hunyuan Purple Qi Saber, and the terrifying saber Qi also cut it.

Faced with these three attacks, Luo Hu didn't dare to be careless, he swung the God-killing Spear to block twice, his palm was shaken so that blood gushed out, and his whole body was in severe pain.

He secretly thought that if he had half the strength of his heyday, he would not be so passive.

Seeing the three saints coming from three directions, Luo Hu let out an angry roar, and raised his god-killing spear, turning it into a powerful spear that pierced through the chaos.

The three sages were taken aback and looked up in unison.

Luo Hu took the opportunity to tear apart the chaos, turned into a black light and escaped.

Master Tongtian frowned. If a saint wants to run, it is really not easy to stop him, but no one thought that Luo Hu would give up the killing gun to attract everyone's attention and escape.

Zishou flew out and caught the killing gun.As soon as the palm of his hand touched the God-killing Spear, he felt an astonishing amount of devilish energy rushing towards his palm, and at the same time, there was also an air of killing and killing.

Zishou hastily threw the God-killing Spear into the Sumeru Ring. After this weapon was used by Luo Hu, it seemed to become more powerful, and the aura on it frightened even himself.

"Luo Hu will definitely not be willing to go here, and wait for an opportunity to retaliate." Master Tongtian frowned, and slowly inserted the Qingping sword back into the scabbard.

Empress Pingxin sneered and said, "Revenge? If he dares to come to the underworld, he will come!"

Nuwa also smiled slightly, completely fearless.

The leader of Tongtian Sect said: "I am not afraid of stopping the teaching. If there is a war, I will stop teaching millions of immortals, so there is no need to be afraid of the Demon Sect!"

The guiding Taoist next to him had a mournful face, you are not afraid, I am afraid!

It seems that going back this time must speed up the construction of the Western religion, and then choose a successor to take over the burden of Buddhism, and retreat behind the scenes...

The leading Taoist waved his hand, and left in despair with Dao Shizhi and the others.

The leader of Tongtian said: "Although the battle between Shang and Zhou is over, the battle of conferring gods is not over yet. The gods on the list of conferring gods have not yet made up enough gods. The future war may involve the whole prehistoric world." After saying this, he Also turned around and left the chaotic world.

Taoist Duobao looked back at Zishou, bowed his hands and bowed: "Human Emperor, poor Taoist, go back to Biyou Palace first, and then visit Chaoge in the next day."

All the immortals also knew that Zishou might open the sky next, so they bid farewell and left.

After all the Jiejiao immortals left, there were only three people left in the chaos: Zishou, Nuwa, and Pingxin.

"The Lord Tongtian will watch the Chaos Orb for us when he goes out. Let's open the Chaos Orb at this time!" Zi Shou looked up and saw that Chaos was about to be broken due to the great battle just now.

Ping Xin pondered and said: "Then according to what I said just now, you will open the sky, and then exchange the true spirit with Nuwa to crack the Meteor Sacred Pill."

Zishou took a deep breath and grabbed the God-killing Spear again. The cold murderous air and the violent and killing emotions came from the God-killing Spear, constantly infecting Zishou's heart.

Zishou kept his mind calm and said, "Okay, I'll open the sky!"

At this moment, Nuwa reached out and grabbed Zishou's hand, and said softly, "Let me open the sky."

Zi Shou was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"It is necessary to use the law of force to open up the world. Although you have learned a lot of laws, you are not good at it. Opening the sky rashly will be dangerous." Nuwa said.

Ping Xin also nodded and said: "Nu Wa is right, not to mention that if you want to give birth to a new world after the opening of the sky, you must feed back the earth with your body. Zi Shou, you don't have a saint's body, so you open the sky rashly. It's bad luck."

Zishou's face showed a dignified look, and he also knew that what the two said was correct, he was a false saint with cultivation base, and Nu Wa was a true saint with cultivation base, not to mention that she had repaired the sky and created humans, so it was natural for her to come to open the sky.

With a flick of her wrist, Nu Wa sacrificed the Map of Mountains and Rivers, which is also a treasure of space.

In the picture, the mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon and the stars, flowers and trees, birds and animals are hidden.It can be used to trap people and pretend to be people, and its power is not inferior to the Taiji diagram of Taiqing Laozi.

At this time, Nv Wa lightly shook the map of mountains and rivers, and it turned into mountains and rivers in front of her. Nu Wa stepped onto the mountains and rivers barefoot, grabbed a long sword with her right hand, and slashed towards Chaos.


There was a loud noise, and the entire chaos was trembling.

The chaos of heaven and earth is like a chicken, and with Nuwa's sword slashing down suddenly, the chaos that was about to be split opened a huge crack rumblingly.

Opening up the heavens and opening up the earth, Yangqing is the sky, and yin and turbidity are the earth.

Chaos turned into yin and yang, lingering behind Nuwa, and turned into a picture of yin and yang and two fishes.

Immediately, yin and yang bred another purple qi, and Hua Sancai rushed in all directions.

There are three living things, and there is already an imperceptible breath of life in the chaos.

Even if you don't pay attention to it, after hundreds of millions of years, a soul will be born from it.

After Nu Wa broke through the chaos, she felt a sudden realization in her heart, her cultivation level rose suddenly, and she didn't know what level she had reached, far surpassing her previous cultivation level.

If it is an ordinary quasi-sage, after splitting the chaos, he will personally witness the creation of the heaven and the earth at this time, and feel the Dao in the yin and yang, and then he will be able to successfully step out of the threshold of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and prove the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Although Nuwa is already a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but this time she used her strength to prove the Hunyuan Daoguo, and proved the saint twice in different ways, so her strength has naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

The world was first opened, but there were no mountains, rivers, trees, or creatures.If you want to wait for the heaven and earth to give birth to creatures naturally, it will take hundreds of millions of years.

Nuwa frowned lightly, she stepped on the turbid air, and her figure turned into a ten thousand feet, supporting the heaven and the earth.

As the saying goes, numbers start at one, stand at three, complete at five, prosper at seven, and stand at nine, so heaven and earth are ninety thousand miles away.

Nine is the extreme number, not to say that the distance between heaven and earth is only [-] li, but that the number is unknown, and it is called Nine Dynasties.

At this time, as the sun cleared and the sky turned, and the yin and turbidity turned the earth, the chaos was completely propped up.

After the Great God Pangu opened the sky, he had to use his body to transform into the prehistoric storm and thunder, the sun, the moon and stars, the five mountains and rivers, the fields, the vegetation, the golden stones, the pearls and jade rains, in order to give birth to the prehistoric land with countless outstanding people and spiritual treasures.

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