Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 442 Nangong Shi's Counterattack

Nangong Shi's chest was shocked as if being hit by a giant hammer!

Riding the wind and waves for three thousand miles?

Jiang Ziya was very satisfied with Nangong Shi's reaction, and continued: "General Nangong was in the Western Zhou camp. He was so blinded that no one knew the talent of General Nangong, but Di Xin... the one we want to conquer! Instead, it was him who knew about General Nangong. It's bad luck! Di Xin knew that the reason for General Nangong's failure was not his own, but his luck! Therefore, regardless of the past, he still reused you."

Jiang Ziya looked at Nangong Shi: "General Nangong, let me ask you, the king is so open-minded. I don't think you still used you when you conquered the Shang Dynasty. Can you still betray him? Can you still be a human being if you betray him?"

Nangong Shi felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, and immediately said loudly: "Of course I can't...but...but I was originally a courtier of the Western Zhou Dynasty. How can I surrender to the Great Shang because of this? So...when I grow old, what face will I have to see you?" Your Majesty..."

He still has the word loyalty in his heart, and wants to be a loyal minister, and refuses to betray the Western Zhou Dynasty and surrender to the great merchants because of Di Xin's important use.

Jiang Ziya shook his head with a smile, looked at him and said, "Nangongshi! What a brain! Isn't the Western Zhou Dynasty a courtier of a great merchant? Ji Fa wants to call himself a king when he sees Di Xin. How can this be called a betrayal? You just turned your back on the dark and turned to the bright." ah!"

These sophistry words reached Nangong Shi's ears, but it shocked him. Unexpectedly, his heart felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

I didn't betray Xi Zhou, I didn't betray Ji Fa, I just turned from darkness to light, not to mention that Ji Fa is also a courtier of Di Xin, so I don't count as betraying Xi Zhou!

Seeing the change in Nangong Shi's face, Jiang Ziya smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "Nangong Shi! It's today to find a thief for the king! To prove that he is not an invincible general, is tomorrow! !

Your Majesty, he values ​​you so much, can you still let him down?Conquer Xuanyi City, become the number one general of Yin Shang, and leave his name in history! "

Nangong Shi's eyes gradually became brighter, but not brighter: "Taking Xuanyi City, becoming the number one general of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and leaving his name in history..."

There is no military general who does not want to be famous in history, and so is Nan Gongshi.

The No. [-] warrior of Yin and Shang is completely different from the No. [-] warrior of Xiqi. If he can win the title of the former, then...

This life is enough!

"This time, I, Nangong, will definitely wash away my shame! No matter what enemy general you encounter, no matter whether the opponent can use spells or not, you will fight! At worst, you will die!" Recalling the past fiasco, Nangong gritted his teeth. I am so eager for a victory, I really want to take off the title of "General of Frequent Defeat".

Jiang Ziya smiled with satisfaction, now Nangong Shi is the only one of his subordinates who can still be used, what if you don't pour some chicken soup on him, defect in front of the battle or play a wave during the battle?

He, Jiang Ziya, will rely on this battle to reach the peak and prove himself to everyone in the world.

Jiang Ziya ordered Nangong Shi to lead a team to fight at Xuanyi City.

At the same time, Nezha, Wen Zhong and others in Jiangcheng also knew that Jiang Ziya was preparing to attack Xuanyi City.

Nezha had a thought, and said: "Jiangcheng is fine, why don't you go and have a look. There is a fierce general Wu Dafan in Xuanyi City, Nangongshi is sure to die."

Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan were also curious, wanting to see how Jiang Ziya would fight. Now the five of them also used Taoism to go to Xuanyi City.


On the other side, when the scout horse reported entering Xuanyi City, King Xuanyi also frowned: "Sure enough, Yin Shang sent troops to attack, what should we do?"

The lieutenant next to him, Wu Dafan, said: "Your Majesty, don't worry! Now we are waiting for the Nine Barbarians to form an alliance, and we are united in unity. If one side is in trouble, the other side will support it. What's more, there are only 8000 people here now, why should you be afraid of him! Wait for the last general to go out and go forward. Go and kill him, and give that Yin businessman a run for his money!"

King Xuanyi took a look at Wu Dafan and nodded. This person is Xuanyi Dongturen. He practiced acacia in his early years and robbed eleven or twelve-year-old girls to collect Yin and supplement Yang. Difficult book.

Later, he was discovered by a Taoist leader of the Taoist sect. The Taoist leader shot out in anger, swung his sword, cut off Wu Dafan's lifeblood, and broke his magic power.

Wu Dafan's magic skills were broken, and he almost died, but he met the venerable of the Demon Sect, took him in as a disciple, and repaired his magic skills. Hornet needles grew out of his body, which can stimulate the earth to sting, and the power is infinite.

After coming to Xuanyi City, he also made outstanding achievements repeatedly, and he is a famous general under King Xuanyi.It would be best if he was the one to act.

At that moment, King Xuanyi also said: "In this case, General Wu, please go for a walk!"

Wu Dafan was ordered to ride out of the city on horseback, came to the bottom of the city, looked at Nangong Shi and said with a sneer, "Who is it? How dare you invade my city?"

Nangong Shi squinted at Wu Dafan, and found that this person's footsteps were exaggerated, his face was pale, and his body looked hollowed out, and his heart moved: this person must be a heretic, and he must be resolved quickly, otherwise something will happen!

Nangong Shi has fought against heretics a lot, and gradually gained some experience.

"Nangong is right!"

Nezha and others in the distance peeked secretly, all shaking their heads with a sneer.

Ji Li said: "Nan Gong is suitable for this person, although his martial arts are not bad, but facing such heretics, he is definitely out of luck."

Nezha said: "Then what does it matter to us? Just go to the theater."

Wu Dafan laughed loudly: "Nangongshi? I've never heard of it, he must be some kind of inferior general! Anyway, let's take your head today to teach the rich merchants how powerful I am in Xuanyi Kingdom!"

Wu Dafan unbuttoned his crotch and took out the secret treasure Huangfeng Needle.

As the so-called Qingshekou and Huangfeng needles are highly poisonous in the world.

Wu Dafan grinned grimly and said, "Nangongshi, my ground thorn is very big, bear with it, I will die soon, haha!"

Nangong Shi gave a tiger roar, and galloped his horse to fetch it. At this moment, Wu Dafan activated the Huangfeng Needle, and with a "bang", a sharp thorn grew out of the ground, stabbing at Nangong Shi's mount!

This move was so fast and fierce that even Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, Xin Huan and others exclaimed, if they were replaced, they might not be able to stop it now!

Nangong gave a low cry, but he was already prepared, jumped, flew out from the horse, and slashed out with a knife.

Wu Dafan's complexion changed drastically, he was eager to turn around and run away, but before it was too late, Nangong Shi's big knife was sharpened extremely sharp, coupled with such a hard throw, it was really as fast as lightning!

Seeing a flash of white light, the wasp needle Wu Dafan held in both hands was cut off first, followed by a big knife slashing, Wu Dafan's body was cut in two and died on the ground.

Not only Ji Li, Yu Qing, Deng Zhong, and Xin Huan, but even Nezha was surprised. This Nan Gongshi is really smart!

Nangong Shi laughed, feeling that the humiliation of many days was washed away in one day, and laughed wildly: "Xuanyi people, who dares to come out to take my knife!"

When King Xuanyi heard that Wu Dafan had been beheaded, he was horrified, and hurriedly ordered people to hang up the card of exemption from fighting.

Seeing this, Nangong snorted coldly and led the troops back to the camp.

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