The illness was very violent, and in less than a month, countless people were killed and injured in Chaoge City, and even the concubines in the palace were also infected with the illness.

At this time, there were also rumors in Chaoge City. Some said that because of this reform, the heavens were angry and punished all living beings with stubborn illnesses.

And three days have passed since the day when the goddess Ba went to Huoyun Cave to seek the poison pill.

"What's going on? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Yin Jiao patted the table with an extremely ugly face.

He entrusted the task to his younger brother Yin Hong, hoping that he would ask for the detoxification pill back, but he didn't know that three days passed and no news came back.

"Tiannuba is very likely to have an accident. She has been away for three days and hasn't come back. If she just asks for the detoxification pill, one day is enough to go back and forth..." Yin Hong also felt an abnormal headache, and Tiannuba patted his chest that day and promised that he would go to ask for it. However, three days later, the pill was not seen, and the person did not come back.

"You are going to Huoyun Cave right now, and you will definitely meet Master Sansheng and get the elixir quickly!" Yin Jiao didn't want to blame more, he vaguely felt that there might be a big problem with this matter.

Yin Hong nodded and said, "I'm on my way."

At that moment, Yin Hong put on the royal robe, put on the yin and yang mirror, went out of Chaoge, and took the path of Tudun to Huoyun Cave.

In the southeast of Huoyun Cave Qi Town, Zhongtian Shengyue.The tall and straight cypresses and the buckling pines are originally a good place for practicing.

After arriving at Huoyun blessed land, Yin Hong walked towards Huoyun Cave.

He felt that the Huoyun Cave seemed strangely quiet. Although the Xianshan Cave was a quiet place, it was not as silent as this.

With a bit of apprehension in his heart, Yin Hong walked towards Huoyun Cave, and said loudly: "The disciple is His Royal Highness Cheng Tang Er, Yin Hong, who is ordered by Master to come here to pay homage to the Three Sages!"

At this moment, a vague and unclear voice came from Huoyun Cave: "Come in!"

Yin Hong walked into the cave, and suddenly, in the utter silence, his screams were heard.

The voice seemed particularly shrill, it came out of Huoyun Cave, and echoes came from everywhere.Then it disappeared, and there was no movement.

At this moment, Yin Jiao was still waiting for news of Yin Hong in Chaoge City, so naturally he didn't know that something happened to his younger brother.

He waited until the evening, and the uneasiness in his heart gradually increased.

"Yin Hong's cultivation is at the peak of the Golden Immortal. No matter how slow he is, he should be back now. Could it be that the three saints deliberately made things difficult for him?"

Yin Jiao frowned and thought it was impossible. Among the three sages of Huoyun Cave, Emperor Fuxi and Bagua set rituals and music, Emperor Xuanyuan pacified Chiyou, and Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs. They were all holy emperors who cared for the people.

In particular, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and devoted himself to serving all living beings. If he knew that the lives of all the people in Chaoge City were dying, how could he deliberately make things difficult?

What's more, although the three saints of Huoyun Cave are not real saints, they have the name of saints, and their strength in Huoyun Cave is not inferior to saints.Why should such a person embarrass Yin Hong?

One night passed, Yin Hong still did not come back.

Yin Jiao was in a state of anxiety, not knowing what happened to the Huoyun Cave, why the goddess Ba and Yin Hong had gone for a long time without seeing anything back, and if they encountered an enemy, wouldn't the three saints in the Huoyun Cave not come to their aid? reason?

But seeing the increasing number of deaths in Chaoge City, Yin Jiao's face turned ugly, and he announced to Zhang Kui, "Zhang Kui, if you go to Huoyun Cave with the ground movement technique, no matter whether you have obtained the detoxification pill or not, you must report it immediately!"

Zhang Kui originally fought with Zishou on the Eastern Expedition, but later Zishou appointed Jiang Ziya as the general to conquer Dongyi, and Zhang Kui also returned to Chaoge.

Yin Jiao knew that Zhang Kui was powerful in martial arts, and if he wanted to escape from the saint, no one would be able to stop him. This time, it was perfect for him to go to Huoyun Cave.

Zhang Kui bowed and agreed, twisted his body, and disappeared in place, heading towards Huoyun Cave.

However, after Zhang Kui left, it was still like a stone sinking into the sea, and he never returned.

Yin Jiao waited until evening, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Zhang Kui couldn't come back. Could it be that something really happened to Huoyun Cave?

Yin Jiao pondered for a while, put on the Tiantian seal, the Luohun bell, and the Xuanniao robe, and said, "I must go in person!"

The Xuanniao robe can resist soul-destroying, and after wearing it, it is invulnerable to fire and water, and invulnerable to swords and guns. Coupled with the Fantian Seal and the Falling Soul Bell in hand, Yin Jiao's strength can be ranked at the top even in the prehistoric.

What's more, now that Yin Jiao is also the Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base, he thought to himself that if he went to Huoyun Cave, he would be able to protect himself even if he really encountered an enemy.

Yin Jiao went to the Central Palace to report to his mother, Jiang Qian, and prepared to go to Huoyun Cave.

Although Yin Jiao sat on the throne of the emperor, after all, there was no news of Zishou's death, and it was not good for him to be enthroned as the emperor in an open and aboveboard manner. Living in the East Palace, everything needs to be reported to Jiang Qian.

At this time, it was the time of lunar new year, and concubines from all palaces came to the Central Palace to congratulate, including the Western Palace, Xinqing Palace, Shouxian Palace, Tianxian Palace and other noble concubines also came to the Central Palace.

Of course Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji, Su Daji and others were also present.

Although Deng Chanyu and the others are women, they are either immortals, military generals, or demon immortals, so naturally they don't avoid suspicion.

When Yin Jiao mentioned that she was going to Huoyun Cave, Deng Chanyu murmured: "Your Highness Yin, you need to sort out the government affairs now. I went to Huoyun Cave to ask for medicine before, so let me go!"

Yin Jiao smiled wryly and said, "The goddess Ba, Yin Hong, and Zhang Kui all went there once before, but they all went to nothing, and they never returned. I'm afraid something will happen to Huoyun Cave."

Deng Chanyu said: "Since that's the case, His Royal Highness Yin can't go, let Princess Longji and I go!"

After much deliberation, Yin Jiao had no choice but to agree.

At that moment, Deng Chanyu called Princess Shanglongji, and Empress Shiji went to Huoyun Cave together.

All three of them were branded with the black bird totem, and after Zishou became a quasi-saint, the cultivation bases of the three of them were also promoted to quasi-sage.

It is very safe for the three of them to set off together.

Jiang Qian got up slowly and said, "Since I'm going to ask for medicine, I'll go with you."

When Jiang Qian mentioned going, Su Daji, Yu Guiren, Hu Ximei and others spoke up one after another, and they also wanted to go to Huoyun Cave.

Deng Chanyu frowned slightly: "There don't need to be too many people, I, sister Jiang Qian, Princess Longji, and Empress Shiji are enough."

Although Su Daji was not happy, she didn't say much.

At present, the four of them made some preparations, took the Lingbao, and set off together with the escape technique. Although Jiang Qian had never practiced before, she was the incarnation of the fire lotus after all, and she had also eaten flat peaches before. Also more than enough.

When the four of them arrived at Fire Cloud Blessed Land, a waning moon gradually fell to the west, and the cold air in the mountains was penetrating. Even though they were practitioners, the four girls also felt slightly cold.

Deng Chanyu pointed to Huoyun Cave and said, "I've been here before, let's go there!"

Before arriving at Huoyun Cave, Deng Chanyu said softly, "Deng Chanyu asks to see Teacher Sansheng!"

There was silence, but no one responded.

Deng Chanyu and the others looked at each other, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

At this moment, someone in the cave yelled sadly: "Deng Chanyu, go!"


I found out that a local tyrant rewarded me with rockets and [-] tickets... I was shocked! ! !

Thank you "Mystery Jump Big"! ! !

But being able to subscribe to the author, the author is already very happy and satisfied, and the reward is unnecessary, haha, I am so sorry!To be honest, I am still a little confused, whether it is a wrong reward. .

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