The pharmacist is the supreme master of the world of pure glass, and his cultivation level is also outstanding among the disciples who guide Taoists.

And he had made twelve great vows back then, vowing to get rid of all diseases and sufferings in the world, and thus stepped into the rank of quasi-sage, and even his mana was only above the laughing Maitreya!

The pharmacist holds a medicine bowl in his left hand, and stores mysterious nectar in the bowl, which can heal all the diseases and ailments of all living beings.

And this Riguang Taoist is the threatening attendant of the pharmacist, and he is also the leader of the countless people in the Liuli Pure Land, and his cultivation level is also the Daluo Jinxian.

At this time, Taoist Sunlight holds a medicine bowl and covers Shiji, and the Dao of Karma gushes out!Rao Shiji Niangniang's early stage quasi-sage cultivation was actually suppressed by this medicine bowl.

"Ah! Hypocrites of the Western religion! If you want to cure diseases and save people, why do you use other people's lives as medicine? Is the Fire Cloud Cave also a trap set by you?" Shiji felt that the five elements were all displaced under the medicine bowl, Cause and effect have been messed up.

Although she was at the early stage of the quasi-sage, but after all, it was the feedback from the mysterious bird totem that raised her cultivation to the early stage of the quasi-sage, and she failed to comprehend the power of the law.

At this time, under the law of cause and effect of the medicine bowl, even a powerful magic power cannot be displayed!

"The poor don't understand what you're talking about! Madam Shiji, sacrificing one's life to save the world's common people is a great merit, you should have no regrets! Why resist so hard?" Taoist Sunguang's face was indifferent, Stretch out your hand to make a seal, and press it into the medicine bowl!

The golden bowl in the hands of the pharmacist who had saved countless lives suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the power of the medicine in the bowl turned into nine giant dragons, trying to refine Shiji into a prototype!

Shiji was originally a stubborn stone between heaven and earth. I don't know if it can be used as a medicine. I have absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon and cultivated it for countless years. It can play a role in curing diseases and saving lives.

However, if Shiji is refined into a prototype by a medicine bowl, the thousand years of penance will be wiped out!

Don't talk about re-cultivation at that time, it is extremely difficult to refine into a prototype and re-cultivate, and it is very likely that all memories and emotions will be lost in the process of being refined back to the original form.

Even if another thousand years pass, the Shiji who came back from cultivation will no longer be Shiji.

Shi Ji gritted her teeth and resisted desperately, but as the suction of the medicine bowl intensified, all the true energy in her body was also flowing towards the medicine bowl.

There are also some memories and emotions that pass together.

Seeing Shi Ji laying on the ground, with his true energy passing away quickly, Taoist Sunguang showed a gratified smile on his face: "Use your body to transform into a pill, Empress Shiji, this is your destiny, you can't blame others!"

He doesn't know if Shi Ji can cure the disease, but the elixir brought out by Shi Ji from Huoyun Cave can definitely cure the disease.

Taoist Riguang thought to himself: "It's not in vain for me to wait here for many days!"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind Taoist Sunlight: "What a group of hypocritical immortals, full of benevolence and morality, thinking of dirty and despicable things in their hearts! They only stand on the moral high ground and point out others, but they don't know what they are doing. He is the ugliest person! No wonder the Buddhist sects of later generations are a group of hypocritical people with fat brains and bad stomachs."

Taoist Riguang's expression changed, and he turned around hastily.

I saw a young man wearing an ordinary cloth robe walking towards him step by step. The man's face was expressionless, but anger seemed to be burning in his eyes.

There is a black flame burning vaguely on his body, but he can't see it very clearly, as if this kind of fire does not exist in reality, and he can only see it with the help of some kind of medium!

Taoist Riguang's face changed drastically. He looked at this man as if he were looking at an ordinary farmer, but this man gave him a great pressure invisibly.

"Who is fellow daoist? I am the Taoist Sunlight who is the servant of the Supreme Medicine Master Tathagata of the Glazed World, and I want to refine this demon into a pill to save the common people in the world!" Taoist Sunlight said loudly. Medicine Master Tathagata, few people in this world would dare to offend Medicine Master Tathagata.

The man's eyes swept coldly, and Taoist Sunlight felt as if he had fallen into an icehouse, as if he had been seen through from the outside to the inside.

"What a joke. Taking someone else's life to save someone is not killing? Well, I'll take your life to save her today!"

As soon as the words fell, the man strode up to the medicine bowl and punched violently!


A bang!

The medicine bowl was originally a supreme magic weapon, but under this punch, it trembled continuously!

Daoist Riguang was startled and angry, and shouted: "Stop! That is the magic weapon of Medicine Master Tathagata! Medicine Master Tathagata uses it to save the common people in the world. If you break this magic weapon, you are against the people of the world!"

"The common people in the world? When did your Western religion represent the common people in the world? Even if the common people in the world provoke the lonely king, the common people in the world will be buried with him!" He swung his fist again, hitting the medicine bowl heavily, The whole medicine bowl flew upside down.

Shiji opened his eyes in a blur of consciousness, and a tall figure came into view, that face was so familiar.

"Zi came to save me? Fire Cloud Cave, Chanyu and the others..." Shi Ji opened his mouth, but his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally his vision went dark and he fell into a coma.

Zishou picked up Shi Ji, put his hands on her lower abdomen, and realized that her true spirit fell into a deep sleep, and his face suddenly sank.

Taoist Riguang scolded himself: "Who the hell are you? How dare you break the magic weapon of Medicine Master Tathagata. Even if you are a disciple of Jiejiao today, the poor Taoist will not spare you!"

Zishou glanced coldly: "My name is Di Xin."

Taoist Riguang's eyes suddenly shrank.

Dixin?That Human Sovereign who entered the Chaos Orb five years ago?

He... proved that the saint has returned?


At that time, after Zishou and Nuwa exchanged the primordial spirit, the medicinal power of the Meteor Saint Pill was activated, and the power of heaven in the pill was awakened, biting into the primordial spirit.

However, it happens that the chaotic clock's ability to protect the Lord is activated, not only covering Zishou (Nuwa's body), but also a little bit of true spirit in the chaotic clock pouring into the primordial spirit, and becoming one with Zishou.

Under the destruction of this power of heaven, all vitality was completely destroyed.

Zishou is also suffering from an unprecedented pain, the soul seems to be being bitten by ten thousand poisonous insects, and the true spirit may dissipate at any time.

Fortunately, the Chaos Clock protected a little of the true spirit, no matter how the power of heaven destroyed Nuwa's soul, a little of the true spirit would never be extinguished.

Even so, the pain of this process is not something ordinary people can bear.

Zi Shou recalled the pain of appendicitis in his previous life, he couldn't sleep all night, and it hurt when he turned over.

And the pain of being torn apart is ten thousand times more painful than appendicitis!

It was as if a person was being torn apart by a powerful force, then reassembled, torn apart, and reassembled.

During this process, the power of the heavenly way gradually dissipated, and the pain gradually eased, and some of the power of the heavenly way disappeared into the primordial world and became a part of the primordial world.

Finally, the power of heaven completely dissipated, and the primordial spirit was torn apart tens of millions of times and reorganized tens of millions of times.

On that day, Zishou's true spirit slowly returned to his place, and his vague consciousness slowly recovered.

The Chaos Clock sensed that the power of heaven in the Falling Saint Pill had completely disappeared, and with a buzzing sound, it opened automatically!Zoom back out to the side.

But when Zishou opened his eyes again, he saw a strange scene...


Zishou never thought of that scene.

He thought that his true spirit might be wiped out in the process of fighting against the Falling Saint Pill, and he fell into a real death, while Nuwa and Hepingxin outside were crying into tears.

I also thought that I successfully fought against the Meteor Sacred Pill, walked out of the Chaos Clock alive, and then Nuwa wept with joy, rushed towards me, hugged myself and cried into tears...

I also thought that after I came out, Nuwa looked at me with a peaceful smile, and then opened her arms...

But Zishou never expected...


"Zi Shou" cuddled together peacefully, just like...a pair of lovers!

And he didn't notice himself at all!

Zishou was stunned for a moment, looking at "Zi Shou" and Heping Xin who were snuggling up on the wooden chair, it took a while to realize that "Zi Shou" was the surface, and the inside was Nuwa.

After all, the two souls have exchanged.

But why does this scene feel so weird?

Although you are sisters, don't forget that Nuwa, your physical body is mine!

and many more……

In the end, did I cheat on Nuwa, or did Nuwa cheat on Nuwa?Or did Nuwa green me?

Countless question marks popped up in Zishou's mind.

After Nuwa found that Zishou came out, she pushed Pingxin away and walked over. She didn't say much, but smiled brightly: "You succeeded."

Zishou also smiled at him: "I succeeded."

After a pause, Zi Shou looked at Nu Wa, then at Ping Xin who was still blushing, and asked suspiciously, "What were you doing just now?"

"It's good if you succeed." Nuwa breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to hold his hand: "As long as you live..."

The two didn't say anything else, they just stared at each other quietly.

Pingxin backed away quietly with a smile, leaving space for the two of them to be alone.

Zishou said: "Nuwa, I thought I couldn't survive several times, but I finally survived by thinking about you."

Nuwa looked at him with a smile, and there seemed to be a thousand kinds of tenderness in her eyes.

The two stared at each other for a long time, although they were speechless, they had already said what they wanted to say from their eyes.

Zishou took her hand and said softly, "Can I kiss you?"

Nuwa blushed, lowered her head and said, "Yes! Close your eyes..."

Zishou was elated, and he closed his eyes and kissed him slowly. Before he could feel the soft touch, he felt a pain in his waist, and couldn't help but open his eyes: "Ah! Why are you pinching me again?"

Nuwa's face was covered with thin anger, she glared at him and said, "Where are your hands touching?"

Zishou looked down, only to realize that his hands were unknowingly walking on Nuwa's body. He froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of something: "Wait...wait! This body of mine belongs to Nuwa! Nuwa is now My body, that is to say, my cultivation level is higher than that of Nuwa, if I want to do something, wouldn't Nuwa be unable to resist?"

Thinking of this, Zishou chuckled.

Nuwa looked at his face, glared at him and said, "Don't use my face to show such a cheap expression, let's exchange the true spirit first!"

Zishou chuckled and said, "Change back? No, no, this is my best chance for someone to overthrow Nuwa! Haha!"

Nu Wa's face was dark: "Did you speak out what's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking, now my cultivation base is much higher than yours, if you do something, you shouldn't be able to resist? Hahaha, God help me too! God help me too!" A smug laugh.

Nuwa was surprised: "You...what are you doing! Don't use my body...stop! Ah..."

The following content is the charged part, please imagine by yourself.


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