On the endless snow field.

A tall man with a lazy expression walked lazily in front, followed by a petite girl who kept her head down and looked at her heels.

The man is of course Zishou, and the girl is of course the goddess Ba who lost her memory that day.

Zishou has been walking on this snowy field with the little girl for two days.

Huoyundongtian was bigger than imagined, and Zishou couldn't completely cover the whole Huoyundongtian with his consciousness.

In order to find the "door" to enter the inner world, he took the little girl along the way.

On the one hand, he was looking for the "door", and on the other hand, he also felt that there might be something in this Huoyundongtian that he hadn't noticed.

"I'll take you back to the outside world, leave this world of ice and snow, and live with me from now on." Zi Shou turned around suddenly, and said warmly.

"En." The little girl let out a sound from Qiong's nose, the expression on her face was still full of worry and bewilderment, but she was not so afraid of Zi Shou at all.

"What shall I call you from now on? Ba refers to ghosts, this word doesn't sound good... Yuxue Feifei, Feifei... From now on I will call you Heavenly Concubine, is it okay?"

Zishou smiled and confirmed the little girl's new name.

Tiannv Ba... or Tiannvfei looked up at Zishou's back with a strange expression on her face.

Consort Tian lowered her head and said, "Concubine Tian...the name sounds nice..."

She didn't seem to know how to express her emotions, and buried her face very low after saying this.

"Let me give you a cat!" Zi Shou smiled, stretched out his hand, and the magic banner flew out. The iron-eating beast, nicknamed the big fat cat, walked out unsteadily, and found that there was a After the ice and snow world, he looked at Zishou complainingly.

Zishou discovered that Concubine Tian's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the big fat cat, showing the happy expression of a girl when she saw a cute thing.

Concubine Tiannv squatted down and carefully reached out to stroke the big fat cat's head.

After receiving Zishou's order, the big fat cat didn't dare to resist, lazily accepting Tian Nu Concubine's touch, turned over on the snow again, exposing its belly, stretched out its forelegs to hug Tian Nu Concubine's tender little hand, and then kissed Tian Nu Concubine's tender hands with scarlet red tongue licked.

Seeing the cuteness of the big fat cat, Concubine Tian couldn't help showing a smile on her face. She looked at Zishou and expressed her gratitude with a rare boldness: "Thank you... Thank you."

Seeing the innocent and bright smile of this little girl, Zishou also smiled slightly, but he sighed in his heart, another thing came to mind.

Walking on the snowy field with the little girl for the past two days, he observed the little girl's movements and manners intentionally, and found that the concubine Tiannu would sometimes make a cute gesture of wrinkling her nose, or sometimes bit her lower lip, and she would use the same method when eating. I can't fake the innocent smile on my face when I saw the giant panda just now...

And these are not things that a real Tiannuba can do at all.

Although the real Tiannvba looks only twelve or thirteen years old on the outside, she has actually lived for thousands of years. Although she sometimes appears innocent, she cannot do the natural movements of Tiannvfei.

Moreover, Tiannvba has a habit of eating and using things with her left hand, while Tiannvfei prefers to use her right hand.

Even wrinkling her nose and biting her lower lip, Zishou hadn't seen her do it during the time she spent with Tiannu Ba.

"She seems to be a different person... Memories can be lost, emotions can be changed, but subtle subtle movements will not change. Even if a person completely loses his memory, such actions as stroking his hair and biting his lips subconsciously will not be completely changed. Change, isn't she really a goddess?"

Zishou felt very at a loss: "But if she is not the goddess Ba, what is the matter of qi? A person's appearance can be disguised, but qi cannot be disguised. It is like a pair of twins, no matter how similar they look, if you are familiar with them People can easily tell the difference, because everyone's qi mechanism is different... What's going on here?"

Zishou couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it, but what was certain was that Concubine Tian's memory was blank, as if she was in this snow-capped mountain when she woke up, without any memory of the past, and she couldn't think of a single name.

It's like a blank scratch paper with nothing on it.

"Tiannu Concubine, Tiannuba, what is your relationship?" Zi Shou sighed inwardly.

Consort Tian and Big Fat Cat walked together, looking at Zishou's back, her eyes dimmed slightly.

"This person seems to be very kind to Concubine Tian..." Somewhere deep in the little girl's heart, a tall figure suddenly appeared.


An abyss appeared ahead, and Zishou stopped in front of the abyss.

When he glanced around thousands of miles with his spiritual sense, the only thing he found to be wrong was this place.

"Concubine Tian, ​​can you stand in the distance with the fat cat and wait for me?" Zi Shou turned around and said.

Concubine Tian looked at him with her big autumn eyes wide open, as if there were tears in her eyes again, her voice trembled slightly, with an uncontrollable panic, but she pretended to be calm: "You...do you want to leave? "

Zi Shou was taken aback for a moment, knelt down, and reached out to stroke her hair lightly.

Concubine Tiannv did not dodge.

Zishou said: "I said that I will take you away and live with you. Don't worry, just wait by the side for a while."

Consort Tian nodded, her voice still trembling: "Then I'll wait for you there!"

She pointed to a cedar tree not far away, and then walked over with the big fat cat.

Zishou said, "Wait for me there for a while."

As soon as he turned around, he heard Concubine Tian call out in her tender voice: "Brother...I'll wait for you here."

The soft voice was like a gust of spring wind, blowing into Zishou's heart.

Zishou said, "Okay."

elder brother?Sounds like it's fine.

It's just... the wife seems to have become a younger sister?

Zi Shou smiled wryly, walked towards the abyss, and swept down the abyss with his powerful consciousness!

Suddenly, there was a strange cry from the abyss, like the screaming of a wild boar, or the screaming of some kind of monster.

Zishou frowned, thinking that there was indeed something wrong.

His spiritual consciousness enveloped him, turning into a barrier that silently enveloped the abyss and himself.

Suddenly, the sound of crawling came from the abyss, densely packed, as if countless creatures were moving!

In less than three breaths of time, a group of strange creatures had climbed up to the top, and countless eyes were watching Zishou.

Zishou felt goosebumps in an instant.

It's not because of fear, but the feeling of these creatures is too scary.

Rather than saying it is a group of creatures, it is better to say it is a pool of creatures.

The shapes of these creatures were blurred and distorted, and they were completely black. Not only could they not see their faces, but even their limbs seemed to be absent, but their whole bodies exuded an unusually weird, cold, and evil aura.


With a desolate roar, these creatures were densely packed and crawled towards Zishou extremely quickly.

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