Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 468 Hongjun Transformation 3 Saints

Zi Shou glanced at the battlefield, only to see Deng Chanyu was wounded, leaning against Princess Longji's back, fighting with seven or eight men in black.

Deng Chanyu's cultivation base was above the man in black, but he rushed in before and was suppressed by the Kunlun mirror, and was seriously injured. In addition to the other party's many spiritual treasures, the heaven and earth turtle circle, the Lingyun staff, and the jade yin and yang were sacrificed in the air. Zhong, Fulongbo and several acquired spiritual treasures, the two were actually invincible!

Zishou's consciousness turned into a huge net and came out, suddenly seeing the cold light flashing, seven or eight Houtian Lingbao in the air stopped one after another and stopped falling.

Those seven or eight ascetics only felt that the spirit treasure in their hands could no longer be controlled, and they were terrified.

One person said: "Kill them!" He took out the double dragon whip from his arms and sacrificed it to Longji's head. At this moment, the huge net formed by the divine consciousness in the air changed again, and each strand of divine consciousness turned into an extremely sharp blade. The sharp blade cut suddenly, and the seven or eight ascetics were cut into countless pieces in an instant.

Princess Longji's face was pale, and she looked at Zishou with a smile on her face: "Your Majesty!"

Zishou looked back and saw that Jiang Qian was attacked by three ascetics in a hurry. If she hadn't been the incarnation of fire lotus, she would have died on the spot.

There was a flash of mysterious light, and the three ascetics had just sacrificed their spiritual treasures when their bodies were cut into pieces by the sharp consciousness.

With the addition of Zishou, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the battle situation changed drastically. His consciousness was released, turned into thousands of strands, and woven into a net. No matter who it is, as long as the giant net cage transformed by his consciousness Live, it was twisted into pieces in an instant.

The white-clothed old man who was fighting with the Three Sovereigns looked back, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Di Xin, he was attacked by the three of us at that time, and he is still alive?!"

At that time, the three of them shot at the same time, and they immediately found out that although Zi Shou had the soul of a saint, he didn't have the strength of a saint. They thought that the three of them could kill Zi Shou at the same time, but who knew that he would come back alive.

"Taoist Chaos, you went to take care of Di Xin!" The Taoist in Qingshan shouted, swiping the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy of several feet attacked Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, and then the sword in his hand rushed out like a storm towards Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor!

Every time the sword is swung, there will be a sword qi that is several feet long.

Xuanyuan Huangdi raised his Xuanyuan sword to resist, but he also became vicious!

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Fengqi, I leave it to you!" The black-robed Taoist gave a low shout, and swung his gun, which made Fuxi take two steps back, and then shot Xiang Zishou.

When Zishou saw this man kill him, his killing spirit was extremely strong, and his cultivation level was no longer below that of a Taoist.

"Taoist Chaos? Is it the beast Chaos? I've never heard that Chaos is a saint! And the spirit treasures used by those ascetics seem to come from Zixiao Palace." Zishou's thoughts turned sharply, seeing Taoist Chaos coming to kill him, As soon as the body retreated, it tore open the space to move, and the spiritual consciousness was woven into a net again and swept out.

The ascetics who were besieging Tiannvba were instantly shattered into pieces by the net of spiritual consciousness.

Taoist Chaos said angrily: "What a emperor, how dare you kill my apprentice!" He stabbed out the spear in his hand, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from the tip of the spear!

As soon as the Sumeru precept in Zishou's hand lit up, the god-killing gun flew out!He reached out and grabbed the God-killing gun to block it.


The killing air collided with the killing air, the earth trembled, and cracks were torn out in the time and space in front of him.

Taoist Primal Chaos narrowed his eyes, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Is he also the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian? A few days ago, he obviously didn't have such strength!"

Zishou took two steps back, swept the huge net woven by his spiritual consciousness again, and cleared out all the people in black around him, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

The god-killing spear in his hand shook, and in the flickering black light, he turned into a black dragon and attacked the Taoist Primal Chaos.

Taoist Chaos brandished his gun to parry, and found that although Zi Shou's cultivation level was still a bit lower than his own, the God-killing Spear in his hand had made up for everything.

On the other side, the Shentong man slapped the green bamboo stick, and seven green dragons flew out from behind, three of them attacked Shennong, and four of them attacked Fuxi.

Shennong raised the Shennong Ding and said: "I will taste the medicine as a common people, Shennong Ding, town!"

Stretching out a finger, the quaint cauldron turned away abruptly, a gust of luck gushed out of the cauldron, protecting Shennong himself, but the three green dragons rushed towards him, but were blocked by Shennong's cauldron.

Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs back then, the heaven and the earth were right, and he made merit, so Shennong cast this Shennong tripod.

The Shennong Ding brings together part of the luck of the human race, and it is a top-level spirit treasure that can be used for refining medicine and protecting the body.

Although it is an acquired genus, the body of the cauldron has integrated the human race's belief in Shennong and the power of reverence. As long as the belief is not destroyed, almost no one can break the defensive power of the Shennong cauldron.

Although the green bamboo stick in the hands of the Shentong people is powerful, they can't take Shennong down for a while.

The other four green dragons attacked Fuxi, Fuxi sighed lightly, stretched out his hand and swiped in front of him, the yin and yang two fishes rotated by themselves, turned into Tai Chi, and formed eight trigrams.

The Tai Chi gossip evolved and circulated in front of him, exuding a simple and mysterious charm. The four green dragons attacked, but they were actually fixed by the Tai Chi gossip.

"Three mere mortals have never transcended the five elements and jumped out of the three realms, but they are immortal by virtue of the fire cloud cave, even comparable to saints. This fire cloud cave is indeed the missing way of heaven!" Pointing at the green bamboo stick, ten green dragons sprang up from behind again, attacking Shennong and Fuxi.

At the same time, Taoist Fengqi and Xuanyuan Huangdi have formed a desperate situation. Xuanyuan Huangdi is holding the Xuanyuan Sword, which is also an acquired merit and spiritual treasure. !

Daoist Fengqi's sword moves are similar to those of the Master Tongtian, fierce and domineering, although he suppressed Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, it was difficult to win for a while.

The more they fight, the more impatient Taoists will be. How much effort they have prepared, how much painstaking pains they have put in. They were supposed to take Huoyundongtian away, but they didn't expect that Di Xin appeared suddenly, disrupting their plans completely. !

Zishou gave a low shout, activated the two laws of space and time at the same time, fixed the Chaos Taoist in front of him, and at the same time stabbed out the god-killing spear in his hand!

However, Taoist Chaos waved his spear to resist, but he was not stopped by the law of space for even a second!

"You are not from the Demon Sect at all, you are Zixiaoke, right?" At this time, Fuxi said, while drawing gossip to resist the attack of the divine Taoist, he frowned and thought about something: "We are trying to transcend the five elements After jumping out of the Three Realms, you all came in, and together with the Kunlun Mirror's spiritual treasure that reverses time and space, it is absolutely impossible to possess this supreme treasure, the Demon Sect. You are Zixiaoke, what do you have to do with Daozu Hongjun?"

The Taoist of Shendao didn't answer, and continued to speed up his attack, while the Taoist of Chaos became more impatient, stabbing fiercely with his spear, and the Taoist of Fengqi's sword moves became more fierce.

Fuxi suddenly thought of something, and said, "You are Hongjun's clones, aren't you? In the prehistoric world, it is impossible for three saints to appear, but no one knows about them."


ps The world in the Kunlun mirror in front of the author Zun originally wanted to write about truth and falsehood, dreams and reality, and also prepared a lot of ancient books about dreams-there are quite a lot of them. I have studied many Taoist classics. The author Jun thinks it is very interesting of.

But when I wrote it, I felt that it was too long to write down—the outline at the beginning was that the protagonist lived a real life in the dream world.Write about the brother-sister relationship with the concubine Tiannv, the family relationship with the family, and the love in the dream. At the end, when you suddenly look back, you will be enlightened, and you will succeed in becoming a saint.

Because this plot is indeed not cool, I guess you don't like to read it either.After thinking about it, I finally deleted it, and as you will know later, if you delete it until you reach the college entrance examination, you will directly become a saint.

In fact, I still think it's a pity that it would be much easier to become a sage after deleting it, and I didn't write what I wanted to express.

So it became the Kunlun mirror plot of the fifth chapter, and there are more people talking about water in this plot.

Alas - the macho sighed.Nothing to say.

After that, I won't write this kind of drama again.Next, I will write what you like to read, Yuan Hong and Fei Zhongsao operate, play with the West, and calm down...

One more thing, why do you say this is a stallion?Zishou's woman can count on pinching her fingers, not even the three monsters of Xuanyuan Tomb, not even Queen Jiang, have never touched or kissed her, so why are they just stallions?

The stallion is picked and not picked, how much is paid, okay?


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