The leader of Tongtian stared at the leader of the Demon Sect, and said in his heart: "This person looks very similar to Luo Hu, even the breath on his body is almost the same. Even if it is not Luo Hu, he has a great relationship with him, or he is a brother. I don't know."

The leader of the demon sect said: "I know you, but you don't know me. Just listen, wear the moon and cover the clouds, and go to the Primordial Immortal. Ji Dulian sits on the lotus, and today is Futongtian. I am the demon king Jidu!"

As the leader of the Demon Cult spoke his name, all the immortals who entered the building were at a loss, apparently they had never heard of the name Jidu.

Zi Shou frowned, and said to himself, "Ji Du...could it be him?"

Nuwa frowned and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Zishou nodded, and said, "Rahu has an eclipse every time the sun and the moon eclipse, and Jidu often disappears. In our era, he, like Rahu, was regarded as a disaster star. Once he appeared, it meant that disasters would occur in the world."

Nu Wa nodded, and she also knew the era when Zi was accused.

Ji Du sneered slightly, it was normal that none of the people present knew him.

At that time, the demon ancestor Luohu provoked the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and kylin to fight for his own self-interest. Later, he fought with Taoist ancestor Hongjun in the west, and began to praise the struggle between Taoism and demons.

At that time, although Luo Huo was strong, he missed a move and narrowly lost to Hongjun. Hongjun chopped off his head and arms, and even his soul was wiped out. above, in order to be resurrected one day.

Since Luo Hu was already the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at that time, although the primordial spirit was destroyed, his physical body was almost immortal. He disappeared into the darkness for thousands of years and turned into Jidu.

To put it bluntly, it is called the corpse re-breeding the spirit, but to put it bluntly, it is the corpse transformation.

Therefore, although Jidu resembles Rahu in appearance, he is no longer Rahu.Rahu's eclipse every time the sun and the moon means that Rahu's ambition is so great that he will devour the sun and the moon, and Jidu often disappears, which means that after Rahu's physical body becomes Jidu, no one will know where he is.

These two sentences have been circulated in Zishou's time, and they are astrology, but the time is so long that no one knows the truth.

"What a futongtian today, hum, give me a palm!"

The leader of the Tongtian sect saw that the tricks were all on his face, how could he tolerate it!With a snort, he slapped out his left palm obliquely!

The power of his Primordial Saint poured out from his palm, and its power was unparalleled.

Ji Du sneered, not daring to directly receive the palm of Master Tongtian, and immediately stepped back, waving the black banner at the same time, taking aside the power of the saint that Master Tongtian had slapped.


There was a rumbling sound, this palm passed through, and directly made a huge hole in Loucheng, the palm force went straight out, and fell into the sea of ​​blood outside, and the sea of ​​blood suddenly surged!

Yuanshi Tianzun, Taoist Jieyin and others all walked into the building, Ji Du sneered, put away the black flag and retreated, and said coldly: "Master Tongtian, Tianzun Yuanshi, Taoist Jieyin, wait for me to sit on the twelfth rank World-destroying Black Lotus, come to compete with you again!"

As soon as the words stopped, he had already gone to the inner hall by means of escapism.

Seeing that Ji Du had fled to the inner hall, the leader of Tongtian sect, knowing that Mieshi Heilian appeared in the inner hall, snorted coldly, jumped forward, and chased after him.

Zishou said, "We will follow!"

Ji Du's aura was extremely powerful, far surpassing that of Zishou's. Zishou guessed that this person was at least a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of rank four or five, and he might be lost if the Master Tongtian chased him alone.

Nuwa, Pingxin and the others all nodded and followed to the inner hall.

After walking towards the inner hall for a while, there was a wave of waves in the space, and after a slight delay, they came to another huge palace.

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, then realized that there was still room here.

There is a corridor in the hall leading to the front, Ji Du is standing on the corridor and looking at this side with a sneer, surrounded by Zhang Zhengqing, Li Siyou and other demonic figures.

Master Tongtian shouted: "Ji Du, where are you going!"

Ji Du waved his hand and said: "Use that corpse to stop them, and give me time to refine the World-Exterminating Black Lotus!" After finishing speaking, he rushed towards the tunnel.

Zhang Zhengqing nodded, and put down the large iron coffin he was carrying on his back.

Li Siyou said: "Use corpses to exorcise souls, Siyou to play ghosts, dragons and tigers go together! Now!" He bit off the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood in front of him, and stretched out his finger.

The big iron coffin shook violently, as if something was about to burst out of the coffin.

And as Li Siyou spit out this mouthful of blood, his face turned paler.

Li Siyou showed a ferocious expression on his face, and said with a grin: "Let this thousand-year-old ghost play with you!"

The iron coffin was shaken again, and with a "bang", the coffin lid flew out, and a tall corpse in the coffin suddenly stood up.

As the corpse stood up, streaks of black mist appeared around it, covering it in all directions.

Master Tongtian frowned, and said coldly: "Get out!" He raised the Qingping sword in his hand and swiped at the corpse.

A streak of hundreds of feet of sword energy suddenly came out, striking at the corpse with astonishing killing intent!

At this moment, the corpse raised its arms, forcibly connecting the sword of the Heavenly Cult Lord!


A terrifying wave of air suddenly pushed away, and the immortal who had just arrived at this floor was swept by this wave of air, and even flew backwards and fell on the ground.

The corpse staggered back more than ten steps before it stopped, turned its head slowly, and exhaled black mist from its mouth and nose.

The skin of this corpse was like bacon, and the skin and bones on the face were extremely terrifying. The two had been decomposing for an unknown amount of time, with green will-o'-the-wisps in their eye sockets, which looked extremely creepy.

Master Tongtian couldn't help frowning, all the people in the world who could receive his sword just took a few steps back, and no one except Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could do it.

But how can there be so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in this world?

What's more, it seems that this corpse is definitely not Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Houqing, stop them!" Li Siyou yelled, this corpse was a thousand-year-old beast, and it had been cultivated by their demon sect with demon energy for many years. Hei Lian is too important, and Demon Sect will never bring Hou Qing along.

After Li Siyou drank it, Hou Qing seemed to understand the order, and with a snarl, he threw himself at Master Tongtian again!

Master Tongtian frowned, and slashed Qingping obliquely in his hand. It seemed light and powerless, but in fact, the burst of sword energy directly chopped Houqing backwards.

But even so, Houqing still let out a stern roar, and threw himself at Master Tongtian without hesitation.

"Interesting, is the physical body comparable to a turn of Hunyuan? It's still alive and well after being hit by me twice in a row." Master Tongtian narrowed his eyes: "If I have nothing to do, I want to play with you! Unfortunately, I don't have time now."

Around the area of ​​his long sword, the fierce sword intent suddenly became feminine, and he sent Hou Qing towards the Taoist who was leading him.

Seeing this scene, Taoist Jieyin, who was still watching the play, was so angry that he almost jumped, and said angrily, "Master Tongtian, you!"

"Ji Du must never let him get the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus, this demon is handed over to you!"

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