Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 490 The Explosion of the World-Destroying Black Lotus

Zishou felt a pain in his heart. If Pingxin hadn't blocked the fatal shot for herself, she would not have suffered such a serious injury. Back then, she was willing to sacrifice herself for the underworld. How sad is it?

Zishou said: "Pingxin, you enter the world of Hongmeng, take two or three years of injury, practice for thousands of years, and wait until you break through to rank nine Hunyuan, and then come out to seek revenge from Hongjun. His strength is higher than yours. Don't act rashly."

Pingxin forced a smile: "I...I know...you, why are you talking about this?"

Zishou sent the master of Tongtian, Pingxin, into the world of Hongmeng, looked back at Nuwa, and found that the other party was also looking at him.

"Why do you seem to be explaining the funeral?" Nuwa looked at him and said coldly.

Zishou smiled and said, "What are you kidding? Am I the kind of person who sacrifices myself for others? Nuwa, you go in too."

"Then what about you?" Nuwa stared at him, a sense of ominous premonition welling up in her heart.

Zishou touched the Mieshiheilian in his arms, took a deep breath, and said calmly, "Nuwa, you advanced into the world of Hongmeng, go to Dashang and wait for me."

Nuwa grabbed his hand, stared at him with wide eyes, and said, "Wait for you at Dashang? Are you trying to lie to me? Let's enter the world of Hongmeng together!"

Zishou said: "The Mie Shi Hei Lian is about to erupt, and it cannot be brought in. If it erupts in the Hongmeng World, it will not only destroy the Hongmeng World, Yuan Hong and the others will also be burned to death by the Mie Shihuo."

"Then throw it away!" Nuwa stared at him and said.

Zishou sighed slightly: "You can't throw it away, honey, you go in first!" He reached out to stroke Nuwa's hair and looked at her face.

Nuwa's eyes widened, and tears welled up in her eyes: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"You go in first, Pingxin is still waiting for you." Zi Shou slowly put his hand on her shoulder, and suddenly pushed it forcefully into the opened gate of the Hongmeng World. The gate of the Hongmeng World flickered and closed .

Zishou took a deep breath, and took out the two Mieshi black lotus from his bosom. At this time, the Mieshi black lotus had broken through the layer of true essence membrane he had set up, and a hideous and hideous scar was burned on his chest. Horrible blood hole.

And as the two black lotuses opened and closed, it seemed that they were about to unleash a stronger wave of World Extinguishing Fire.

Zishou has always felt that he is not a good person, not only not a good person, but also a selfish person who would sacrifice countless people in order to survive.

But watching Empress Pingxin block a shot for him, something deep in her heart was touched.

Throwing away Hei Lian and taking refuge in the world of Primordial Meng, watching the underworld being destroyed by Taoists of Chaos, watching Da Shang, Jiejiao being slaughtered?

Maybe before, he would choose to be wise and protect his life without hesitation, but now...

He looked at the Mieshi Black Lotus, and inexplicably made a decision in his heart. He sent his true energy into the Mieshi Black Lotus, urged the two black lotuses with all his strength, let them self-destruct, and killed the Primal Chaos Taoist with the power of self-explosion.

After this idea came out, it spread like wild grass to the whole heart.

Even though this approach is close to the same end, but deep down I still want to do it.

"In order to avenge Pingxin, he would risk his life with Chaos? Or is he afraid that Taoist Chaos will become the second Rahu and endanger the world, destroy the underworld, suppress the Jiejiao, and slaughter the people of the great merchants? Do you have such noble sentiments? ?”

Zishou didn't know why he did this, whether it was to avenge Pingxin, or he was really worried about the survival of the underworld, the big merchants, and the Jiejiao, or because he was passionate for a while, and it shouldn't be right to hide in the Hongmeng world with his personality. Is it the most correct choice?

What does Dashang's survival have to do with him?What does the destruction of the underworld matter to him?Even if all the disciples of Jiejiao are dead, what does it matter to him?

"Yes! What does it matter to me?" Zi Shou sighed.

"It's none of my business and whose business is it?! Dashang, Hell, Jujiao, which one is none of my business?"

Zishou looked at the two black lotuses in his hands, and ran towards Taoist Primal Chaos. At the same time, he frantically injected the true energy in his body into the two black lotuses.

The Hunyuan's true essence was desperately poured into the two black lotuses that were about to explode, it was like pouring gasoline on the bomb.

Following the crazily injection of Zishou's true essence, the two black lotuses also emitted a dark and strong light!

Zishou stared at the two black lotuses in his palm, and knew in his heart that he might have made the right choice. If he really brought these two black lotuses into the world of grandmist, it would definitely destroy Nuwa's hard work.

As for standing inside the gate of the Grandmist World and throwing the World-Exterminating Black Lotus to Chaos, as long as there is a wave of aftermath sweeping in, the Grandmist World will also be destroyed, not to mention that Pingxin and Tongtian are both seriously injured. They will also fall and rebuild.

If the two black lotuses were kept, Taoist Primal Chaos would definitely become a new Rahu after they got them.

Even after Primal Chaos refined the Black Lotus, he might be a hundred times more terrifying than Luo Hu.

Because Taoist Chaos is Hongjun's evil corpse, he only has endless evil thoughts in his heart.

As strong as Hongjun is, his evil thoughts are as strong. If these evil thoughts are fused with Hei Lian, and the God Killing Spear is still in the hands of Taoist Chaos.

At that time, not to mention the underworld, the big merchants, and the education, the whole prehistoric world will be subverted!

"When, when, when!"

In the endless darkness, Taoist Primal Chaos slammed his God-killing Spear while smiling, "Where are you hiding? Di Xin, if you dare to escape from the dark abyss with the Mieshi Heilian, I will go and destroy Dashang." At least [-]% of your Dashang will die in my custody! Can't I kill you, can't I kill your woman?"

"Tong Tian, ​​do you still want your Interceptor? If I want to destroy your Interceptor, no one can stop you, you know?"

"Peace, are you still alive after taking my shot? Come out obediently, otherwise I will destroy your hell first!"

Zishou's face became extremely ferocious because of the infusion of true energy, and the two black lotuses in his hands were already extremely black.

"Two twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotuses exploded at the same time, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

Zishou showed a crazy look on his face, and said sharply: "Taoist Chaos, come up and take death!"

He rushed out in the direction of Taoist Primal Chaos, and almost all the true energy in his body was poured into the Mieshiheilian!

In the darkness, Taoist Primal Chaos appeared, his face first showed ecstasy, and then turned into panic: "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Of course it's your life!"

Zishou's face was ferocious, and the two black lotuses in his hands emitted an intense black light, and he pushed them towards Taoist Primal Chaos!

The two black lotuses were sent out, and the black light had reached its peak!

However, at this moment, the space next to him squirmed, and a door appeared.

"Zi Shou!"

A white figure rushed out of the door, reached out and grabbed Zishou's back, forcefully sent him into the door, and then shielded his body in front of the door.

As the black lotus erupted with a brilliant light, with a bang, the world seemed to lose all sound!

The world-destroying flames swept out, and the entire world was swallowed by the world-destroying flames!

The Primal Chaos Taoist in the center was instantly blown into powder by the Mieshi Black Lotus. The white figure was within the explosion range of the Mieshi Black Lotus. His body trembled violently, his long hair fluttered, blood sprayed out, and he fell slowly into the Mieshihuo.

Zishou raised his head and saw a smile on Nuwa's pale face amidst the flames, and three or four drops of plum blossom-like blood were stained on her snow-white cheeks.

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