Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 497 Zishou, Nuwa will leave it to you

The incarnation of the twelfth-rank Black Lotus has attracted countless forces and powerful people in the prehistoric world, which is the same as in memory.

Zishou had already reached the periphery of the sea of ​​blood. He was wearing a black robe and an iron mask on his face. Zheng Wuyou followed beside him, also wearing a mask to hide his breath.

There are more and more strong people around, no one has noticed Zi Shou and Zheng Wuyou, maybe no one knows, these two people are actually Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"Master, how did you know that the twelfth rank Black Lotus would come here?" Zheng Wuyou asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Zi Shou said coldly, the closer he got to that matter, the faster his heart beat, and the more uneasy he felt in his heart.

In the end... Can you successfully change this fact?

In the end... Can you successfully break this cycle?

Zishou looked at his body and narrowed his eyes slightly.

As Zishou remembered, he, Nuwa and Pingxin arrived first.

When that graceful figure appeared, Zi Shou's body trembled slightly, his eyes were already moist.

"Nuwa~! I saw you again."

Nuwa subconsciously glanced at Zishou, then moved away after a pause, feeling slightly puzzled: Why does it feel that Zishou is there?

She looked at Zi Shou beside her, thinking maybe it was an illusion!

What happened next was exactly the same as Zi Shou's experience. To guide the Taoist, the leader of Tongtian arrived one after another, and then the leader of the Demon Cult, Jidu and Yuanshi Tianzun also arrived at the same time.

Zishou said in a deep voice, "Let's follow, don't get too close."

The two selves will have some feelings for each other, and Zishou is worried that Zishou in the current time and space will find out.If the two contact each other in advance at this critical moment, then he in the state of nothingness will be directly repelled by the current time and space, and disappear into the long river of time.

There were still many strong men around who followed into the sea of ​​blood, but no one noticed that there were two men in black robes following them.

After all, the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus attracts countless strong men, some strong men who don't want to let others know their identities often choose to restrain their breath and hide their bodies, Zi Shou and Zheng Wuyou are not conspicuous.

The sea of ​​blood was dry, hot and sticky, and wisps of world-extinguishing fire kept coming.

After arriving at the palace deep in the sea of ​​blood, Master Tongtian and Mozun Ji fought.

"You have to wait for Taoist Chaos to come out before you can show up. If you show up too early, not only will you not be able to prevent that incident, but it will cause one of the two to disappear because of the meeting between the two of you. You still can't be careless." Zi Shou held his breath in his heart, regardless of the inside No matter how people do it, he always hides his whereabouts and does not make a move.

After entering the main hall, it was Li Siyou who released the zombies, and Ji Du entered the corridor.

The leader of Tongtian led the zombie to the Taoist guide and rushed into the tunnel, and the second son Shouhe Nuwa, Pingxin, Minghe, Yuan Hong and others also entered one after another.

"Master Tongtian, I vow to repay this revenge!" The Taoist shouted angrily, and sent Hou Qing flying away with his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the leading Taoist led the disciples and Yuanshi Tianzun into the tunnel.

Zishou hid at the end, glanced at Hou Qing on the ground, and his heart moved. Hou Qing also belonged to the ancestor of zombies in later generations, but unlike Tiannv Ba, who was born with drought, Hou Qing was acquired.

At this time, Houqing should not have spiritual wisdom. If he takes it out and cultivates it well, it will be a good help in the future.

"You take Houqing out, stay outside, and protect the people of Jiejiao and Dashang Dynasty." Zishou turned his head to Zheng Wuyou and said.

You must be considerate when you do things. Zishou remembers that when he went through that incident, after Luo Hu came out, Yuanshi Tianzun, the guide Taoist, and Mozun Ji were all the first to escape.

The disciples of Jiejiao and the powerful merchants were all outside. At that time, the Taoist guide had already taken action against Tongtianjiao, so there was no reason not to attack the disciples of Jiejiao.

"Yes." Zheng Wuyou nodded: "Master, don't worry, with me around, no one can hurt them."

Zheng Wuyou thought to himself that he was also a first-rank Hunyuan cultivation base. Although he was not as good as a first-rank Hunyuan who had really cultivated by strength, the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Who dares not to have long eyes to provoke.

Now Zheng Wuyou will be taken out of the hall by Hou Qing.

Zishou continued to follow behind into the tunnel.

Behind the corridor is a deep pool, in which grows two twelfth-grade black lotuses.

Zishou didn't dare to go further, and watched these people fight from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hu appeared as in memory, summoning the dark abyss to fight with the saints.

The second son, Shou, quietly picked the Mieshi Heilian and took it away.

Zi Shou sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, if I hadn't taken away the Mieshi Heilian, maybe the following things would not have happened."

Watching the battle of many Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxians, Zishou suddenly fell into deep thought.

"If I change this matter, Nu Wa will not fall, and then I will not be able to come back through the long river of time in the future to change this matter. So... where did I come from? What kind of person am I? Existence? I am like an extra person who cannot appear... Could it be that changing history is impossible? No, if that is the case, it is impossible for the system to let me come back. "

He was extremely calm in his heart, thinking about another question: "If I don't exist, then there is only one possibility..."

Thinking of that possibility, Zishou's body trembled slightly.

After Luohu killed the Quartet, he then fought with the second son Shou, Nuwa, and Pingxin. This part was exactly the same as in memory, and even the movements were exactly the same.

On the other hand, the leading Taoist coaxed the leader of Tongtian to attack him and took the opportunity to attack him.

Zishou continued to lurk, even if the master Tongtian was injured by the leading Taoist, he did not take action.

Zishou knew that the real enemy here was not the guiding Taoist, nor Luo Hu, but Hongjun's evil corpse clone!

If he had exposed himself too early, it might not have been able to stop it.

After the Master Tongtian was severely injured, the second son Shou, Nuwa, and Pingxin were also defeated by Luo Hu. Just when Luo Hu was about to snatch the twelfth-rank Black Lotus, the space squirmed, and three Taoists slowly appeared. An incomparably terrifying breath suddenly erupted!

"The three corpses of Hongjun are indeed here." Zi Shou's face was very calm, he hid in the darkness, and he didn't see any breath from his body.

Hongjun and the three corpses teamed up to deal with Luo Hu, and soon Luo Hu was severely injured and fled into the dark abyss.

Until now, Zishou still held his breath and did not make a move: "If you make a move now, you will be in contact with me. If you make contact with the second son Shou before I kill Chaos Taoist, I will disappear. It is not the best time to make a move." ! The best time is when the evil corpse is chasing and killing the second child!"

The second son shou took Nuwa to escape, and the Chaos Taoist took control of the dark abyss, chasing him out step by step, and the sound of grinning laughter resounded throughout the dark abyss.

Taoist Primal Chaos knows that there is no one in the sea of ​​blood that is his opponent now. Luo Hu, Shentong, and Feng Qi have all chased into the dark abyss.

There is no Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian here who can rival him.

On the other side, the second son, Shou, had already made up his mind to send Master Tongtian and Empress Pingxin back to the world of Hongmeng. He took two black lotuses and prepared to make a desperate gamble and give it a go.

"Di Xin, where are you going to run to? If you dare to leave, I will go and destroy your big business!" Taoist Primal Chaos said coldly, holding a god-killing gun.

"Pingxin empress, are you really not afraid that I will destroy your underworld? Hand over the world-destroying black lotus to me!

At this moment, Zishou rushed out and stopped in front of Taoist Chaos, releasing an extremely terrifying aura of devouring from his body.

"Who are you?" Taoist Primal Chaos' face changed drastically. When will there be a strong man in the sea of ​​blood?Why don't you know?

The aura on this person made him feel frightened.

At the same time, the second son shou also rushed over with two black lotuses, and when he saw him, he was stunned: "Who is he? Why is he so familiar?"

Zishou looked at Taoist Primal Chaos, his face under the mask was expressionless, and his eyes shone with a strange light: "If I were Zishou from the past, then I would never be able to change the fate of Nuwa's fall. Once I change, Zishou will never change." Will go back to the past. If that girl won’t lie to me, then when I successfully change, then I am not Zishou, but a memory, a memory imprinted in this physical body. I am a memory in the state of nothingness Just like King Zhou stayed in my true spirit, King Zhou will return the memory to me at some point, and I will return the Xiantian Sixteen Swords to him at some point."

Without any shock in his heart, he jumped forward, opened his mouth, and spat out the Xiantian Sixteen Swords!

"Chaos Taoist, end it!"

The power of the second-turn Hunyuan urges the Xiantian Sixteen Swords, which suddenly turned into a Zhuxian sword array, and the sword energy all over the sky instantly strangled the Chaos Taoist!

Ping Pong Pong!

Like breaking glass, Taoist Primal Chaos and the entire space were shattered into pieces.

Taoist Chaos widened his eyes, his expression extremely horrified: "Second-turn Hunyuan? Where did the second-turn Hunyuan come from..."

At the same time, the second son was shocked by a sudden shock, and he froze in place: "The Sixteen Swords of Heaven? The body of King Zhou? Is he King Zhou? Or who?"

As Taoist Primal Chaos turned into star-like fragments, Zishou took the God-killing Spear with one hand and put away the Sixteen Innate Swords with the other, and the memories in his mind disappeared like quicksand.

"The physical body carries memories, and memories carry emotions. Everything in the past is a deduction. Maybe this is the real first time. When I successfully change this, I will become a memory imprinted on my body, the so-called Reincarnation and reincarnation never happened. In the eyes of the world, I was a dead body that was born with intelligence by accident. It was just a coincidence that I killed the Chaos Taoist in a certain period of time and changed history. I, that is It’s nothingness. The long river of time is so mysterious.”

Zi Shou let out a low sigh, he turned around slowly, reached out and took off the mask on his face.

The second son was shocked violently, and his eyes widened: "King Zhou?"

Memories and emotions are being lost rapidly, but Zishou is not afraid of this disappearance, he looks at Zishou and smiles slightly.

"Zi Shou...From now on...Nuwa will leave it to you..."

His body slowly fell to the ground, and he disappeared like quicksand, as if he had never existed.


The Sea of ​​Blood dungeon is coming to an end, and Fei Dacongming will be online soon!

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