At this moment, Zishou only felt that two balls of fire were burning in his stomach, and he was writhing in pain, and he couldn't help crying.

He is a Hunyuan cultivation base, and the only one in the world who can make him roll in pain is the twelfth rank Mieshiheilian.

Xin Xijia leaned over to look at him, and said with a slight smile: "The twelfth-grade black lotus is not so easy to refine, if you don't want to be burned to death by these two black lotuses, you can have sex with me and be mine... ... a man?"

She thought that under such circumstances, even a saint would definitely not be able to bear it.

Swallowing two twelfth-rank black lotus into the belly together, it is impossible to refine it even if it is a trick, so Luo Hu has to be extremely cautious.

And Zishou swallowed the two Mieshi Heilian carelessly, and he was afraid that he would be refined by the Mieshi Heilian before he could refine it.

Zishou had a ferocious expression, sweat dripping down the size of soybeans, and he looked at Xin Xijia with murderous intent in his eyes.

Xin Xijia smiled and said: "I admit that I have intentions, but I will never harm you. I just want to use you to help me reduce the power of the world-destroying black lotus. Besides, doing this is the best of both worlds. First, you can get a Duo Mie Shi Hei Lian, secondly, it’s always a good thing to have sex with me, and thirdly, do you know how great an honor it is to become husband and wife with me?"

Zishou stared at him coldly, his breathing became extremely short, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even say a word, even holding back the wailing became extremely difficult.

Xin Xijia bent down to his ear and said softly, "I am Rahu's biological mother. If you and I become husband and wife, Rahu will become your son."

Although his whole body was in severe pain, Zishou was still shocked: Rahu's biological mother?Rahu has a mother?Isn't Rahu a born demon?Why did Rahu have a mother?

Xin Xijia slowly put his hands on his chest, drew circles with his fingers, and said with a smile: "Is it very hot? You practice the Xuan Gong and have sex with me. I will share half of the pain for you, okay?"

Zishou spat out from his throat: "Get out! Old woman!"

Xin Xijia's face darkened. Although she had given birth to a child, she is immortal in practice. Not only is she beautiful, but her figure is unmatched by any woman in the world.

The words "old woman" really hurt her heart.

"Hmph!" Xinshijia reached out and grabbed Zishou's clothes on his chest, and said coldly, "Do you think I can't do it by force? I'm afraid no one can stop what I, Xinshijia, want to do!"

She reached out to tear Zishou's clothes.

Zishou's heart turned angry. It's not that he doesn't like women, but he just doesn't like doing that kind of thing with a demon who gave birth to Rahu. He pointed at him and said sharply, "Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

The Xiantian sixteen swords immediately turned into a sword array, aiming at Xin Xijia.

Xin Xijia said angrily: "You dare to seek death!" He slapped Zishou's lower abdomen with his palm!

This palm slapped Zishou's lower abdomen, and immediately stimulated two black lotuses, Zishou roared in pain, his true energy collapsed, and the sixteen Xiantian swords fell to the ground one after another.

"Let me tell you, no one can stop me, Xinshijia, from what I want!" Xinshijia said, stretching out her hands to untie Zishou's clothes.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from the side: "Who said no one can stop it?"

A round of red sun smashed out, although the power was small, but when it hit Xinshijia, it directly sent Xinshijia flying, fell heavily on the ground, and turned into a cloud of black demonic energy.

Xin Xijia quickly congealed, startled and angry: "Who are you? How dare you stop me, Xin Xijia?"

"Do you have any shame for doing such a thing to Zishou?" A slender girl walked up to Zishou. She was dressed in a spotless white dress, with black hair like a waterfall hanging down her back. hydrangea.

Who is not Nuwa?

Seeing that such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was interrupted by others, Xin Xijia would have done it directly if he hadn't seen that Nuwa's cultivation level was not low.

She gritted her teeth and said, "He swallowed two twelfth-grade Mieshi black lotus. I'm saving him. If I can't help him disintegrate the Mieshihuo in his body, he will be burned to death."

"Is there such a way to save people in the world?" Nuwa was slightly taken aback, then said coldly, "My man won't bother you!"

The red hydrangea in his hand was thrown out violently, the red hydrangea was as fast as lightning, once it was thrown out, how could Xin Xijia's yin god body at this time be able to resist it?

With a muffled "bang", Xin Xijia screamed, his body turned into wisps of black smoke, and got into the magic banner.

Nuwa pondered and said: "Xin Xijia? Where did the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal come from? This person seems to be a member of the demonic way, and this demon-calling banner is Zishou's. Could it be that she has been hiding in the demon-calling banner all the time? "

Nuwa looked at Zishou, at this time Zishou was already burned by the flames, rolling all over the floor in pain.

Nuwa walked over and reached out to hold his palm. When she touched it, she withdrew her hand in pain and said in amazement, "It's so really swallowed two black lotuses?"

Zishou raised his head, and after seeing Nuwa's face, the painful expression on his face eased a lot, and he said hoarsely, "It hurts, it hurts to death..."

Nuwa knew that if it was an ordinary pain, a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian would never be in such pain.

"How can I save you?" Nuwa grabbed his hand, and suddenly remembered what Xin Xijia said just now in her mind, and a blush flashed across her face: "Is what she said true?"

Zishou could only nod his head.

Nu Wa said: "I'll help you suppress the Mie Shi Hei Lian."

She still couldn't pass the level in her heart, so she sent the true essence into the son's receptor to help him fight against the world-destroying black lotus.

However, the power of this world-destroying black lotus is so terrifying that just a strand of true energy is swallowed by the world-destroying black lotus.

"Ah!" Zi Shou suddenly lay straight, his body extinguished fire overflowing everywhere, his eyes widened, excruciating pain, he tremblingly said: "It's useless..."

Nuwa grabbed his hand, her face flushed suddenly, and she said in a very low voice, "I'll help you restrain the Mieshihuo in your should be able to do it with pure yang kung fu."

If it was before, Zishou should have been ecstatic, but now that he has experienced Nuwa's fall, his mood has changed a lot. Seeing Nuwa's embarrassing look, he sighed in his heart, thinking that I would be burned to death , but you look embarrassed, so what's the point of forcing yourself to save me?

Zishou whispered: "Forget it...I don't want...I don't want to force you to do...what you don't want to can go...maybe I'm nothing in your eyes...why make things difficult for me And you……"

Nuwa suddenly slapped him hard, stared at him, her eyes seemed to have mist, and said coldly: "Who said you are nothing in my eyes? Why do you think so..."

Zi Shou smiled bitterly: "Isn't it? You... Aren't you unwilling?"

"Who told you yes! Who said I..." Nuwa gritted her tiny silver teeth angrily, glared at him angrily, then leaned over suddenly, her voice trembling slightly: "Who said I didn't want to... "


ps finally overthrow Nuwa! ! !Make up your own mind with paid content!Then, play money! ! !

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