The protection formation of the Western Sect is so powerful that even Patriarch Styx, the Demon Master Kunpeng, and the Holy Mother of Jinling could not break through it together. Cobweb-like cracks.

The immortals of Jiejiao raised their heads immediately, with respectful and worshipful expressions on their faces.

Wearing a black robe and a Kui Niu long sword.Who is the leader of the Tongtian sect?

Taoist Jieyin's face was ugly, and the Master Tongtian came, plus the four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian outside, how could he handle it?

"Opening up the earth, opening up the heavens, clarifying the principles, talking about the scriptures and discussing the law, and traveling in Beijing. The five qi are passed on in the Yuan Dynasty, and the three flowers gather on the top to perform lifeless."

But when he heard the singing of the leader of the Tongtian Sect, Kui Niu had already arrived, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the sword intent was awe-inspiring, and the sword energy flew into the air. The huge Western Sect formation was densely packed with cracks, and it might break at any time.

"The golden light on the top is divided into five colors, and the red lotus at the foot travels thousands of miles. The gossip fairy clothes fly with purple energy, and the three-edged sword is called Green Apple."

With the movement of the Green Apple in the Master Tongtian's hand, the sword energy flew across the sky, and there was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the Western Cult's protective array was completely shattered like a shattered glass cover.

Under the shining of the sun, only dots of stardust and pieces of starlight can be seen, 24 the heavens have been exposed in front of everyone.

"About [-] disciples, followed by thousands of surnames to be the elite. The sky is full of flowers, and the ground embraces the golden lotus and the long Ruizhen."

The master of Tongtian chanted slowly, and the green apples returned to their sheaths.

"When the white cranes cry, the world turns, and the green luan spreads its wings, and the sea and mountains become clear. The master of Tongtian sect leaves the golden palace, and gathers a group of millions of immortals!"

All the immortals of Jiejiao shouted loudly: "Disciple welcomes the coming of the Master Tongtian!"

When tens of thousands of voices are uttered together, it is like a great sound of a bell, shaking the mountains, and those who are less cultivated in Western religions will feel their hearts shake.

Seeing the aura of Master Tongtian's appearance, Zishou silently praised him in his heart.

Sure enough, he is the leader of the Tongtian sect, and he pretends to be so aggressive!

The anger in the Taoist's eyes was about to ignite, and he arrived on the cloud, and the relics on his head were frantically moving, and the bones were turning, and the golden light enveloped the whole body.

"Tongtian! You ruined my sect protection formation. It is extremely hateful. If you don't avenge your revenge today, I will be the leader of the Western sect in vain!"

The leading Taoist glared at the Master Tongtian and said.

The leader of Tongtian said loudly: "It's just right, I haven't avenged the revenge of that day."

Taoist Jiezhi knew that he was referring to the time he attacked him in the depths of the sea of ​​blood. He offended Tongtian first, and then Tongtian took action to abolish the formation, but Taoist Jieyin was furious at this moment, so he couldn't care less so many?The auspicious clouds are rising under the feet, the relic above the head is turned, and with a grasp of the right hand, the magic pestle is thrown at the master of Tongtian.

The Master Tongtian didn't dare to be careless, and the green apple in his hand turned into a blue light, resisting the magic pestle.

This magic swinging pestle, subduing magic pestle, was used by many people in the prehistoric times, the most famous one is Wei Hu's subduing magic pestle, which is as light as grass dust when held in the hand, but as heavy as Mount Tai when hit on a human body.

Although Taoist Guidance is not good at force, he is a saint after all, how can the magic pestle in his hand be anything ordinary?

But seeing the swinging magic pestle left and right swinging in Taoist Jieying's hand, although it is a simple move, it also has a fierce and ruthless aura.

Master Tongtian swung his sword to resist with all his strength, and every time he touched the magic pestle in the hands of the Taoist, he would feel a dull pain in his palm.

It was also uncomfortable to receive and guide the Taoist, every time the swinging magic pestle and Qingping sword met, a sharp sword energy penetrated into his body, and it was as painful as a knife.

The two real saints fought, swords back and forth, fighting with brilliance in all directions, with awe-inspiring power.

Nu Wa stood on the reed canopy to watch the battle from a distance, and said: "The Lord Tongtian is a saint who is about to turn six, and although the Taoist who guides him will reach five turns, it is still only the limit of four turns. Four to five turns is a In the process of transformation, the difference between the two is not small, and guiding Taoists is not the opponent of Tongtian Cult Master."

Ping Xin said: "Actually, we don't need to take action in this battle."

Zishou stroked his chin thoughtfully. When the leader of Tongtian first appeared, his strength was obviously comparable to that of the leading Taoist, that is to say, both of them were at the limit of four revolutions.

But later, the leader of Tongtian broke through the fifth rank, and once broke the relic shield of the leading Taoist.

Although the combat power of Taoist Taoist has soared now under the rage, but after a long fight, he will not be able to match the leader of Tongtian.


The Taoist who received and guided Yuezhan became more and more anxious. The opponent's fierce sword energy was like a sea of ​​turbulent sea, which could push across from all directions. Although he was the enemy for a while, he would inevitably lose after a long time.

What's more, there are still a few Hunyuan guarding outside at this time. If others don't say it, Pingxin's strength may not be inferior to that of Tongtian Jiaozhu.

And after Nuwa opened the sky, her strength absolutely skyrocketed.

In addition, Zi Shou, who has mastered two ultimate moves, is also watching around, and the lead Taoist has to worry about being nailed by him with a god-killing spear accidentally.

"It's better to lead the disciples to evacuate from Xitian and complain to Patriarch Hongjun. If we continue to fight, it will be of no benefit to me."

Receive and guide the Taoist's secret passage in his heart.

At this moment, Master Tongtian held the long sword behind his back with one hand, and pointed to the sky with the other. The saint's true energy in his body was activated, and the sky suddenly changed. Countless lead clouds piled up, like a giant beast appearing in the sky.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

"Shangqing Divine Thunder!"

Master Tongtian shouted, golden light flashed at his fingertips, and the whole world instantly turned into darkness. There was a sound of wind roaring like a giant beast, and a purple-black thunderbolt instantly fell from the lead cloud.

Taoist Jieyin's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly sacrificed the relics crazily, trying his best to resist the thunder of the Supreme Purity.

Everyone knows how to use the five thunders, but few people have ever seen the thunder method belonging to the leader of the Tongtian sect.

After all, the Tongtian Sect has few active hands, and even fewer people using thunder to attack people.


The black lightning passed by in one blow, directly piercing through the shield of the leading Taoist, and struck him horizontally.

Received and led the Taoist scream, and the whole person stepped back seven or eight steps.

Zi Shouxin said that this black lightning, among other things, this power is scary enough, it is very suitable for pretending to be aggressive, why the system has not rewarded any lightning method!

"Master Tongtian, I will avenge this hatred in the future!" The Taoist who led him turned around and walked away in embarrassment, ready to abandon the west and leave.

However, how could Zishou let him go so easily?With a wave of his hand, the banner of summoning demons swayed, Taoist Zhunti stepped out of the banner, and in the next moment, he came behind the Taoist who received him, brushed the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand, and seven colors emerged, right in the middle of the Taoist's vest.


The Taoist Jieyin spit out a mouthful of blood, turned around and saw that it was the Taoist Zhunti, although he was furious, he didn't dare to stay, and fled to the outer sky.

His disciples also scattered like birds and beasts.

Zishou watched the leading Taoist leave, but did not choose to chase him.

As a sage, Taoist Guidance cannot be killed, but can only be nailed with a god-killing spear, and nailing a Taoist guide means that the god-killing gun cannot be used.

What's more, Hongjun might not be able to sit still if he really nailed the Taoist priest.

Just when the lead Taoist was about to escape from the west, something happened suddenly!

Zishou's eyes constricted, his face suddenly changed: "It's him!"

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