Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 553 Parallel Great Desolation

The abyss opened by the western land led to the ground, and Zishou mobilized his true energy to fly down with all his strength. The further he went down, the more he felt an extremely oppressive atmosphere.

It was as if a normal person walked into the cold mortuary in the hospital, and the ubiquitous dead air around him gave people a feeling of extreme depression.

After Zishou became a second turn Hunyuan, he has long been fearless of life and death. Even if his primordial spirit has not merged into the Dao of Heaven, there are almost no people in this world who can threaten his life.

But the further he went underground, a strong sense of uneasiness came to his heart.

"Mission [-], the magic flames burn all over the west, and the ancient Tianmen is now underground. If you successfully enter the Tianmen, you will be rewarded with a five-turn Poyuan Pill."

"Five-turn Poyuan Pill: When the cultivation base reaches the peak of the fourth turn of the Hunyuan, this pill can be used to break through the fifth turn of the Hunyuan and prove the high-level Hunyuan position."

The second task only requires Zishou to enter the underground gate of the West, but Zishou knows that this task is far from simple.

The reward is linked to the difficulty of the task. The five-turn Yuan Yuan Pill can help people break through from a low-level Hunyuan to a high-level Hunyuan. This reward is definitely better than the reward for destroying the Western Sect.

It also proves that entering Tianmen is more difficult than destroying Western religion!

"Enter the Tianmen? Not to mention how to get in, is there any difficulty? After entering? What is the place behind the Tianmen? And how do you get out?"

"If it is as I guessed, it would be too shocking."

Soon, Zishou discovered that the end of the abyss was in front of him, and in the middle of the abyss, a huge stone gate appeared at the place where the rocks were piled up.

The stone gate is seventy to eighty feet high, and the two doors are already covered with moss, and the years have left many marks on the door.

At this moment, no matter whether it is Luo Hu, Nu Wa and others, or the Lord of Hell, they have all arrived in front of Shimen.

"The smell from this door makes me even uneasy. No one knows that there is such a door under the Western religion." Empress Ping Xin put her arms around her shoulders, her expression changed from her usual laziness, and she looked at the door solemnly. door.

Nuwa said: "I have never seen it before, and I am very curious about what is inside the door."

The leader of Tongtian said: "Although there is the ultimate light, those who have form cannot be fully seen. Although they are extremely intelligent, those who have voice cannot be fully heard. Everything is like this, why is there nothing? The people of immortals are full of bamboo. Daqian The world is full of wonders. There may be another world outside the prehistoric world. This door gives me a dangerous feeling, and there may be another world inside the door."

Zishou was thoughtful. In his world, human civilization was already very advanced, but there were still some unsolved problems.

Does the universe have an end?

If so, what is beyond the end of the universe?

Just like the prehistoric world today, although we know how big the prehistoric world is, who knows if there is another world besides the prehistoric world?

At this moment, Luohu came to the huge rock gate, stretched out his hand to touch the gate, and said, "Nuwa, Pingxin, Tongtian, you and I have no enmity, why should you be my enemy? You are all undead saints who have endured through thousands of kalpas, The same goes for me, even if you fight me hard, how can you kill me?"

"What kind of place is the world behind the door, are you eager to know?"

While speaking, Luo Hu's body surged with monstrous devilish energy, and all of it was poured into the huge rock gate.

It stands to reason that with Luo Hu's current cultivation base, even if he fails to return to the peak, he is still the top Hunyuan standing in the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Pyramid. Even if the three Hunyuan Nuwa, Pingxin, and Tongtian join forces, they may not be his opponent. .

However, his monstrous demonic energy injected into the rock gate, not only will this giant gate not be broken, but it will emit a bright light.


The abyss shook, and the rock door slowly opened.

Zishou stared at the rock door closely, and he also wanted to know what kind of world was outside the door.

Luo Hu put so much effort into coming here, what is it for inside the door?

Xin Xijia came to Zishou's side and said, "When the door opens, follow me closely, and you must enter within three beeps."

Zi Shou was surprised and asked, "Why?"

Xin Xijia said: "Haven't you always been curious about my identity? I am the creature from inside the door. After three beeps, the door will be closed. If you cannot enter within three beeps, you will not be able to enter again. "

Just when Zishou was about to say why I should believe you, a gap was already opened in the rock gate.

Even if it's just a gap, the breath seeping out of it will make people feel like a great terror in the world, the huge coercion is overwhelming, even Zishou feels short of breath.


At this moment, Xin Xijia let out a low cry, pulled Zishou and rushed towards the gap.

A gust of air blew through the gap, and Zishou hurriedly mobilized his true energy to rush forward, and rushed into the rock door in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Luo Hu rushed towards the world inside the door against the strong air current.

"Zi Shou..." Empress Nuwa swept her eyes away, jumped after her, and immediately entered the gap.

Pingxin then caught up, and when Pingxin entered the gap, a terrifying air flow gushed out from inside!


The powerful force directly knocked the Tongtian leader out!

Master Tongtian raised his sword to block.


The huge rock door slammed shut, the air flow subsided, and the leader of Tongtian had already missed the opportunity to enter the world inside the door.

"What exactly came out just now?"

Master Tongtian waved Qingping in his hand, sending away all the sand and dust in front of him, his eyes fixed, but he saw a majestic figure appearing outside the rock gate.

Master Tongtian took a closer look, his face changed suddenly, and the Qingping Sword trembled in his hand.


After Zishou entered the rock gate, he felt the world spinning for a while, and when he finally stabilized his figure, he had already appeared on a high mountain.

This is a snow mountain, the sky is gloomy, gloomy as if it is about to collapse.

"Is this the world behind the door?"

Zishou took out the killing gun, not daring to relax in the slightest.

"That's right." Xin Xijia walked out slowly and said, "This place is also a prehistoric place."

"Another Great Desolation?" Zishou's expression didn't change much, but his eyes were fixed on Xin Shijia.

This woman claimed to be Luo Hu's mother, but in the prehistoric times, Luo Hu didn't have a mother at all. What was her origin?

Xin Xijia looked at everything around him, with a look of nostalgia on his face, and said: "This is another prehistoric world, which is different from the prehistoric world that existed in the Shang Dynasty. The two floods are like two horses galloping on the same official road. They start running at the same time, but they run in different directions, one is east and the other is west.”

Zishou said, "Why do you know this?"

Xin Xijia said: "Why do you know? Because I escaped from this flood to your flood. Aren't you always curious about my identity? Rahu is revered as the ancestor of demons, why does he have a mother? You think I am deceiving you , but in fact, I am indeed Rahu's mother, but my son is not the demon ancestor Rahu, but the evil star of this world, Luohu."

Zishou took a deep breath.

Although he had already guessed seventy-seven eighty-eight, but at this time he was still shocked to hear Xin Shijia say this.

Zishou said: "I always thought that I traveled back to the past, but there are many things that don't match up. For example, Nuwa can't calculate the future, and she, as a saint who has never worn out, can't calculate it. The reason is this. The world is not the world I exist in at all. In other words, the prehistoric world I traveled through is actually another parallel world?"

"Parallel world? This statement is quite appropriate." Xin Xijia folded his hands and said, "There are similarities but differences between the two prehistoric times. For example, there is also Kunlun Mountain, the same Shang Dynasty, and the same Rahu. It's just that The Shang Dynasty in this world has perished, and it was replaced by the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Luohu of this world is not a high-level Hunyuan, but a fierce god. Although his strength is not bad, he can't compare to that demon ancestor Luohu. Because... the Luohu in this world only has the cultivation level of the Daluo Jinxian."

Xin Xijia smiled and walked forward, opened his hands as if to embrace the world, took a deep breath and said: "I am Xin Xijia, the daughter of Dasha, and I am a demon in that world. In this world, I am I am a Rakshasa. I tried to devour a god monkey in this world back then, but I didn’t expect that god monkey to tear my stomach, and I almost fell. Only a wisp of divine consciousness drifted to another prehistoric world, and later ...Hiding in the magic banner to recuperate for a long time."

Listening to Xin Xijia's explanation, Zishou also roughly understood some things in this world.

"So, although there may be the same person in this parallel prehistoric era, their identities and experiences may be completely different, just like the demon ancestor Luohu and the fierce god Luohu, the former can fight Hongjun, but the latter is just a big Luoxian .Then is there still a me in this world?"

"The door in the underground of the Western Church is actually the door to the parallel prehistoric. The system let me pass through this door, is it actually trying to tell me that there is another parallel prehistoric, or does she have another purpose? From this point of view , maybe she is also a person in the parallel prehistoric, but not necessarily this parallel prehistoric."

"Why does Luo Hu know about this door? But he doesn't seem to know what kind of world lies behind the door."

Zishou had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn't know what the system wanted him to do here, and he didn't know how to get out after he came in.

"How about my strength in this world?" Zishou asked.

Xin Xijia said: "In this world, it's considered... so-so!"

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, could his own strength be considered so-so?

He suddenly thought of one thing, if this is a parallel prehistoric place, will there be a second Nuwa?


In front of the rock gate, Master Tongtian looked at the man in front of him, his eyes narrowed: "Who are you?"

The man was dressed in a black robe, exuding endless fierceness all over his body, and said: "This is really another prehistoric place, I really never thought of it."

"I am the son of Vibragiti and Xinshika, the king of Yetiya, the fierce god Rahu! What are you?" The man looked at the master of Tongtian.


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