Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 574 I am the Great Shang Emperor, in charge of the Hongmeng Realm

Fei Zhong just wanted to give himself two hard slaps, why would he want to flatter him.

Considering that the strong demons are now aggressively attacking the west, the west is extremely dangerous.

"This... Dijun... I..." Fei Zhong just wanted to say that I am not suitable, so Zishou patted Fei Zhong on the shoulder and said, "Pack up your things and go!"

He pointed with his left hand, and the aura gathered to create a physical body out of thin air.

The Yin God walked into the physical body and controlled the actions of the physical body.

At that moment, Yinshen took Fei Zhong with him, left the Hongmeng Realm, and drove all the way to the west.

Great practitioners can refine the primordial spirit, yang spirit, and yin spirit. Among them, the primordial spirit is the most powerful, followed by the yang spirit, and the third is the yin spirit.

The yin god has no entity, but can use the body to revive the soul. Ordinary people do not have the yang god and the primordial spirit, but only the yin god, and the yin god is a ghost.

As a saint, Zishou was able to create a physical body out of thin air, so Yinshen naturally also had a created physical body.

Fei Zhongdao: "Dijun, where are we going to find a Taoist priest?"

At this time, Yinshen Zishou pondered and said: "The Daoist Jieyin was wiped out by my sword array. Even if he is resurrected, he will lose his memory and emotion. But this person has been traveling around for the rise of Western religion all his life. Even if he loses his memory and emotion, he will probably lose his memory and emotion." Wandering in the Western religion. My true self must sit in the Primordial Realm, but if I find a guiding Taoist, I can also use the magic puppet technique to control him. In that way, even if the true self does not need to show up, I can still break the siege of the West."

Yinshen and Yuanshen think the same way, even if they are one person, so can the Yinshen of Yuanshen Society, but the strength of Yinshen is average.

But Zishou was already a rank five saint after all, even the Yin God had the strength of a quasi-sage.

Fei Zhong heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that anyway, he was just following the emperor and would not be in danger.

Even if it is in danger, isn't there still the protection of the emperor?

"Although the lead Taoist has lost his memory, he should stay near the Western Sect. Let's go there and look for it!" Zishou said.

The two arrived in the western land and went to the ruins of the Western religion, but they couldn't find a Taoist to guide them around.

"Isn't Jieying here?" Zishou rubbed his chin and thought, where would a person who lost his memory and emotion go?

"Go, go to the rock gate." Zishou thought of the rock gate in the underground of the West, and he knew in his heart that since he couldn't find a Taoist guide in the ruins of the Western religion, then he probably wouldn't be under the rock gate.But Nu Wa disappeared under the rock gate, and he wanted to go there to have a look again.

When the two of them entered the crack in the ground and were about to reach the rock gate, a voice suddenly yelled, "Who? Who's here?"

There was a powerful mixed essence in the voice, sweeping over.

Zishou's expression changed, he stretched out his arms to resist, stepped back a few steps, and brought Fei Zhong down slowly.

I saw a man in Taoist uniform sitting on the ground. The man's hair was messy, his clothes were ragged, his eyes were red, and his face was ferocious, like a madman.

However, the man exuded a terrifying mixed essence!

This person turned out to be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

"Who are you? Are you going to ask me for your life? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid. If I dare to eat you, I'm not afraid of you asking me for your life!"

The man screamed and his eyes became more and more red.

Zi Shou frowned, "Zheng Wuyou?"

The man raised his head, looked at Zishou, and scratched his hair vigorously: "Zheng Wuyou... Yes, I am Zheng Wuyou, I am Zheng Wuyou! Who are you? Why do I think you are a little familiar?"

Zishou frowned and looked at the man in front of him. It was Zheng Wuyou, the apprentice he had taken in West Kunlun back then. In order to break through the deadlock of the cycle, he let him eat the corpse of a fierce beast and successfully broke through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But later successfully changed the history, Tiandao erased the time-traveling self, resulting in part of Zheng Wuyou's memory also being erased.

"I am your master Zishou, do you remember?" Zishou said.

Zheng Wuyou's cultivation at this time has surpassed rank one Hunyuan, it seems that he has been eating people all these years.

The roe owl magic skill is a magic skill, as long as you eat the strong one, you can have the opponent's cultivation base.

However, the defect of the roe owl's magical skill is also here. While possessing the other party's cultivation base, he also has the emotional memory of the other party. At the beginning, he was able to suppress these memories and distinguish who he is.

But as time goes by, as more and more people eat it, the memory becomes chaotic, and after all, he will not be able to remember who he is, and become a monster with several or even dozens of memories.

And Zheng Wuyou's state is very bad at this time, obviously he can't tell who he is anymore.

"Master? How can I have any master?" Zheng Wuyou said sharply: "You are the Western sect I ate, aren't you? Are you? If you want to kill me, let me tell you, I can eat you for the first time." , I can eat you a second time!"

Zheng Wuyou raised his palm and slapped Zishou directly.

Zishou didn't expect him to go crazy to this extent, so he hastily stretched out his hands to resist with all his strength.

After this resistance, it was discovered that Zheng Wuyou's cultivation base had broken through rank three Hunyuan. God knows how many strong men he has eaten in these years!


Zishou was only Yinshen, and he didn't carry any Lingbao on his body. This palm directly slapped him until Yinshen shattered and fell out suddenly.

Fei Zhong stared blankly, his legs trembling violently.

"Cough cough..." Zi Shou coughed twice, clutching his chest and said, "Zheng Wuyou, you can see who I am! It was I who made you eat the bodies of Emperor Hu and Emperor Shu, so that you could prove to be a fool." Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, you see clearly!"

Zheng couldn't shake his body, as if a valve had been opened in his mind, memory fragments poured in like a tide.

"It's you...it's you..." Zheng Wuyou tremblingly said.

Zishou wiped the blood from his mouth and said, "That's right, it's me."

A look of madness suddenly appeared on Zheng Wuyou's face, and he growled lowly: "Kill him, kill him, eat him, possess his cultivation, and seek revenge from him! As long as I eat Master, I will definitely be able to break through! "

Suddenly, he rushed out, grinning grinningly and said: "I ate you!"

He reached out and grabbed Zishou's shoulder, opened his bloody mouth, and gnawed off Zishou's head.


a long distance away.

In the Hongmeng Realm.

Zishou suddenly opened his eyes, anger appeared on his face, and the Xiantian Sixteen Swords suddenly shook!

"Zheng Wuyou, you are courting death!"

Although the Yin God is weak, it is also his Yin God. Although Zheng Wuyou will not gain the memory of his strength by swallowing the Yin God, it is also a contempt for the saint.

Zishou stood up, and immediately prepared to go to the west to kill Zheng Wuyou, but at this moment, his eyes swept away, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


In front of the rock gate, Fei Zhong was completely petrified.

Dijun Yinshen was gnawed off?then what do I do?

Zheng Wuyou ate up Zishou's corpse, patted his belly, grinned ferociously, and looked up at Fei Zhong: "What about Teacher? What about Di Xin? Didn't I eat it?" ? I want to eat people all over the world, so that I can live forever!"

Fei Zhong knew that his life was at stake, and his mind was spinning rapidly. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

"What a Zheng Wuyou, who dares to swallow my avatar made of a strand of hair, who dares you! Just look, who am I!"

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