Among the people present, only the Master Tongtian knew what kind of person Zishou was, as soon as he saw Fei Zhongdeng, he knew that he was not Zishou.

When Duma saw Zishou, a strange look appeared on his face.

And Ravana and Karji looked at each other, neither of them dared to act rashly.

The person in front of him was dignified, but exuded a profound and mysterious aura, with a faint smile on his face and squinting eyes, like an emperor looking down on his courtiers.

What shocked Ravana and Karji the most was that they found that they could not see the real cultivation of this person no matter what.

No matter how you look at it, he looks like an ordinary person who is not as good as a heavenly immortal, or even an earthly immortal.


Would an ordinary person who didn't even have an immortal dare to enter Biyou Palace?

Dare you open your mouth to scold them?

What's more...

Can Di Xin be an ordinary person?

Ravana and Karji looked at each other, they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Ravana secretly said: "Either this person's cultivation is really only this way, or his cultivation is much higher than mine, so that I can't see his real cultivation! I heard that Di Xin is the way of heaven." A sage, a great merchant emperor, holds a sword formation to kill immortals in his hands, how can such people be ordinary people! This time he was unlucky, and unexpectedly met Di Xin here, what should we do next..."

Karji thought to himself: "This person is ordinary at first glance, and he might not take a second look if he is thrown into the crowd. However, when he looks closely, he finds that this person is mysterious. He is worthy of being a great business emperor, even Luo Hu You have to take action against the existence yourself."

Zheng Wuyou secretly said: "As expected of a teacher, just one sentence shocked the three Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxians."

Fei Zhong looked indifferent, and looked up at the leader of Tongtian, "Tongtian, these three people dare to go to Biyou Palace to act recklessly. If I want to help you kill them, it will appear that you are not as good as them, so you can do it yourself!"

Unspoken meaning: I can't do it, hurry up.

Master Tongtian: ...

You can't, you still want to brag?

Ravana took a step forward and said in a clear voice: "Di Xin, I have long admired the reputation. I am Ravana, the great demon king of the Peacock Demon City! Although my cultivation level may not be as good as yours, the Brahma King took my head and gave me endless blessings. Knowledge, a powerful weapon, no one can defeat me in Peacock City!... Please enlighten me!"

Ravana is a strong man in the Peacock Demon City. He practiced asceticism in front of the Brahma King, and later he was angry with the Brahma King's disregard. He cut off his head, but every time he cut it off, a new head would grow out of it. After repeating this ten times, Brahma finally appeared.

Ravana asked for immortality, but King Brahma refused, but injected the nectar of immortality into his navel.As long as the nectar exists, he cannot be defeated, nor can he be killed.

The nectar of immortality is hidden in the navel, and no one can ever take it out.

In this way, Ravana is almost invincible in the world, no matter it is a beast, gods and demons cannot harm him.

Karji also took a step forward, and said in a loud voice: "Di Xin, I have heard the name for a long time, Karji, the filth destroyer of the Peacock Demon City, please enlighten me!"

Although Karji is not a saint, he is one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu, the god of protection of the Peacock Continent, and is also the last and most powerful incarnation.

At that moment, Calji pulled out the fire sword, and the blade burned with a strange blue flame.

And Ravana held up the magic wheel, and it was spinning in front of him. Black flames were also burning on the magic wheel.

Fei Zhong fell silent.

Enlightenment?Can another day be ok?

Master Tongtian saw that he was not Zishou, and said calmly: "Di Xin, I will deal with these two people."

That's great, since you have spoken in person, it would be unreasonable for me to refuse, so it would be disrespectful!

Fei Zhong was so overjoyed that he opened his mouth to speak, but when he played the role of Di Xin, his words and deeds were inconsistent, and the meaning of what he said was completely different.

"Two Hunyuan, in front of me, are nothing more than clowns with mantis arms as carts! Why do you need Tongtian to make a move! A certain sword is enough to kill." Fei Zhong said lightly.

After saying this sentence, Master Tongtian was stunned, not because he looked at Fei Zhonglai again, wondering where this guy's confidence came from.

And Fei Zhong was stunned, what did I just say?

Ravana and Kargi laughed wildly angrily, and the laughter shook all kinds of Qionghuayao trees in Biyou Palace.

Although they are not saints, they are also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after all.

One has an immortal body, and the other is the incarnation of a saint. Even if they are placed on the Peacock Continent, they are also well-known powerful demons.

"What a jumping clown, mantis arm blocking the car, what a Dixin, you look down on us so much, I want to see what you are capable of!" Ravana sternly shouted, the magic wheel in his hand whirled, and it might happen at any time Fly out.

"I would like to know how you killed us with one sword!"

Calji also sneered, the fire sword exuded scorching heat, and the time and space in front of him began to distort.

Fei Zhong's face was indifferent, and the pores all over his body exuded a look of contempt, like a giant who doesn't care about the provocation of ants.

But in fact, he was already desperate in his heart, and wished he could die in situ.

Zheng Wuyou looked at Fei Zhong excitedly, and said in his heart: "A certain sword is enough to kill. Such a domineering teacher, his swordsmanship is absolutely beyond the cognition of the world, to be able to observe this sword from such a close distance , it has also improved my way!"

Master Tongtian couldn't figure out what Fei Zhong wanted to do, so he handed out the Qingping sword and said, "Di Xin, I will lend you the Qingping sword."

Fei Zhong:?

What is the use of lending me the Qingping Sword?

Can I beat it by lending me?

Fei Zhong's expression remained unchanged, but his heart had already collapsed.

Frankly speaking, Qingping Sword, as the saber of Tongtian Cult Master, is a top-level weapon, not inferior to one of the four swords of Jade Immortal.


It depends on the person to use the sword.

In the hands of the Master Tongtian, the Qingping Sword can display terrifying sword energy, but in the hands of Fei Zhong, it may not even be able to hold it.

I have a stomachache, how about you come and beat me?

Fei Zhong was silent for a while, and thought that it was a dead word after all, it would be better to pretend to be forced and die, after all, people don't pretend to bully young people.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a very disdainful expression: "Sword? Why use a sword to deal with such jumping clowns?"

He turned around, walked towards a Qiong tree, gently broke off a branch, and waved it casually, with a warm smile on his face: "I use the branch as a sword, and I will kill all the great Luoxians in the world!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked!

Ravana and Karji were full of anger, and there was a touch of shock in the depths of their pupils.

First, they were angry at Fei Zhong's contempt, and second, they were surprised at Fei Zhong's strength.

And the Master Tongtian was also dumbfounded.

Although in practice, there is indeed a saying that with the arrival of true energy, plants, trees and leaves can be turned into peerless weapons.

But that also depends on the object.

For example, the leader of the Tongtian sect can use luck to turn a branch into a peerless weapon to beat up a quasi-sage strong, but if he meets the Yuanshi Tianzun of the same level, taking a branch will mean death.

Even if the master of Tongtian Sect is much higher than Ravana and Karji, he dare not take a branch and say that he can kill them.

Fei Zhong's actions seemed arrogant, but in fact they were very arrogant, completely ignoring Ravana and Karji.

This made Master Tongtian couldn't help thinking, he wouldn't be mistaken, would he?

However, looking left and right, Fei Zhong is still not as good as a heavenly immortal.

Zheng Wuyou was greatly shocked, thinking to himself what kind of strength is the teacher?How could a tree branch be used as a sword to kill all the immortals in the world?

Ravana and Karji looked at each other. Although they were shocked, they couldn't believe it, and they both snorted coldly.

Ravana said: "Okay, I, Ravana, would like to see how you kill us with a branch! Di Xin, let's do it!"

Shot?Can I still die if I make a move?

Fei Zhong's face was indifferent, and the pores on his body exuded an aura of arrogance. He was as cold as ice, and said with aloofness: "Shoot? Are you sure you want me to strike first? If I swing the sword, you definitely have no chance to make a move."

Ravana and Karji were even angrier, knowing that Fei Zhong meant that he could instantly kill them both with one move.

"Okay, let's go together!" Kaerji snarled, and with a wave of the fire sword in his hand, a hot breath swept out.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit showed shock, knowing that this person is extremely powerful, even the teacher must be careful with this sword.

Fei Zhong was so frightened that he collapsed, he shouted suddenly: "Wait a minute!"

Calji sneered and said, "What are you waiting for? Haha, are you just bluffing?"

Fei Zhong sneered slightly, turned around slowly, and left them with a haughty back, "You and other ants are really insignificant. You must face it head-on! Take action!"

Kargi was shocked and angry, and Ravana's eyes were full of anger.

"You... why did you turn around, turn around for me! Fight me upright!" Kaerji sternly shouted.

"Ha ha……"

Fei Zhong smiled, his expression was indifferent, his back was aloof, like a peerless sword fairy standing in the palace.

"The souls of the dead under Zi's sword are all saints, and you and other rats are no more than Hunyuan, facing you head-on?

Would you like to match? "

Ning match?

After saying these words, Ravana and Karji were so angry that their eyes were about to burst into flames.

However, a touch of horror welled up from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, they thought of what Luo Hu said, that the Great Shang Emperor dared to face the majesty of the saint when he was quasi-sage, and even beheaded the saint.

Back then, the amazing sword formation in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation almost killed the four saints.

Even Luohu, the Demon Ancestor, also suffered from Zishou's hands.

The strength of this person can only be described as unfathomable.

Is it...

Is this person really capable of killing them with his back against them?

Ravana and Kargi don't believe it!

But Fei Zhong's arrogant demeanor made them believe that this person's strength might be unimaginable.

Ravana raised the magic wheel, and Karji raised the fire sword, aiming at Fei Zhong's back.

They saw that Fei Zhong's back was full of flaws, they just needed to send their weapons forward to finish him off.


The two stopped at the same time.

I have the same thought in my heart, can this person really kill us with a branch?

This sword round cannot be sent out!

Tong Tian was stunned.

At this moment, the wise man Duma sighed, picked up the Longinus gun and came out, saying: "You dare not do anything, I will kill him!"

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