Zishou felt that his primordial spirit was sucked into a dark place, surrounded by all kinds of negative emotions and murderous aura.

Negative emotions such as death, pain, killing, despair, pity, and loss came one after another, as if they were about to pour into Zi Shou's heart.

The most frightening thing is that the killing spirit turned into a fierce weapon, wreaking havoc everywhere.

"This is the inner world of the God-killing Spear? Every time I activate the God-killing Spear, I must passively accept the invasion of a killing spirit, and the negative emotions in my heart will be mobilized by the God-killing Gun, and after crucifying someone , The God-killing Spear also absorbs the emotion of the nailed person in turn..."

Zishou muttered to himself, he finally figured out why the saint claimed to be immortal, yet the god-killing gun could nail the saint, turning the saint into a fish to be slaughtered.

"No matter how rough and fleshy a person is, mosquitoes can easily pierce their skin and flesh with their mouthparts and suck their blood. The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit has a thick and hard turtle shell, but she is no match for the Taoist Mosquito who turned into a mosquito. The God Killing Spear The killing air in the gun is like the mouthparts of a mosquito, which can cut through the body of any saint, while the endless negative emotions in the gun body become something that consumes and suppresses the saint's emotional memory."

"So even if it is a saint of heaven, once it is nailed by the god-killing gun, the soul will be suppressed by the endless negative emotions in the god-killing gun, and will passively fall into a deep sleep. If you intentionally activate the god-killing gun, it will be able to kill the saint Emotional memory."

Thinking of this, Zishou couldn't help feeling cold sweat.

The soul of a saint is immortal, but if the emotional memory is infected and worn out by endless negative emotions, one day, it will still be obliterated.

At this time, if I entered the interior of the God-killing Spear, if I was not careful, I would end up with the guide Zhun.

Become a blank soul body.

"Is this the dark hand left behind by Rahu? Once someone tries to refine the God-killing Spear, they will be pulled into the God-killing Spear, suppressed by the killing spirit, and worn away by endless negative emotions to remember their emotions."

Zi Shou thought to himself, he didn't know how to get out of here, after all, although he was a saint, he was far inferior to a veteran saint like Luo Hu, who knew what kind of means Luo Hu would use to deal with him.

He could only try his best to run the Nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong, carefully resisting the endless negative emotions around him.

But if he can't escape in time, one day, he will still be worn out and lose everything.

At this moment, Zi Shou glanced out of the corner of his eye, and seemed to see a light beating not far away.

It was as if a golden lamp was lit in the depths.

Zishou wondered, this is the world inside the God-killing Spear, but where does the light come from?

Now he followed the blue light and fumbled forward. After walking for about an hour, he saw a dilapidated cave suddenly appeared in front of him.

Zi Shou frowned, vaguely aware that this dilapidated cave seemed familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he saw it.

The door of the dilapidated cave was open, and the light was coming from inside.

Zishou wondered why there was such a place in the God-killing Spear. Could there be another trap for Luo Hu to arrange this cave?He walked into the dilapidated cave.

After entering the dilapidated cave, the sense of familiarity became stronger, as if it had been here before, and at the same time, a sense of strangeness surged up.

And the closer he got inside, he found that the negative emotions around him had disappeared, and even the killing spirit became very weak.

Zishou secretly said: "Where is this place? How does it feel like I have been here? Is there such a place in reality?"

The golden lantern in the cave was dimly lit, but Zishou swept his eyes away, and suddenly found a lamp burning in the center, with golden flames jumping on the lamp.

But under the lights, there were three old people sitting.

The three of them turned their backs to Zishou, so that he couldn't see the appearance of the three of them clearly.

Zishou approached the three of them vigilantly, his whole body agitated with true energy, ready for a big battle.

There are three old people in this place, no matter how you look at it, it feels wrong.

And after Zishou took a step closer, one of the old people suddenly said, "He's here."

The old man on the left said, "He's finally here."

The old man on the right said, "He should have come."

Zishou secretly said: "Why is this voice so familiar? Who are these three people?"

At that moment, Zishou said slowly, "Who are the three?"

When he approached and saw the appearance of the three of them, he was dumbfounded and just stood there in a daze.

I saw one in the middle with two horns on top; the one on the left with leaf-covered shoulders and tiger and leopard skin around his waist; the one on the right wearing imperial clothes.

It was the three acquaintances, Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan among the three saints of Huoyun Cave.

It's just that the three sages of Huoyun Cave at this time seem to be severely worn out by the years, and they are very old. There is not a single black thread in their pale hair.

You know, although the three saints in Sanyun Cave are old, they all have the strength of a saint. How can they be so old?

"You... why are you here? It was Rahu who attacked you and locked you up here?" Zishou's heart was filled with turmoil, and he finally understood why he felt a sense of familiarity, because this place was exactly the Huoyun Cave. !

It's just that the current Huoyun Cave is extremely dilapidated!

"But if Luo Hu made a sneak attack on Huoyun Cave, why didn't I notice it? What's going on?" Zishou was full of bewilderment.

From the aura emanating from these three people, it can be seen that the three of them are not demonic transformations, but the real three saints of Huoyun Cave.

Fuxi chuckled, and his voice became extremely old: "You are here, and finally let us wait."

Shen Nong also smiled and said, "At least the wait was not in vain."

Zishou frowned and said, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "Time is running out, there is no room for delay. Zishou, when is the prehistoric age?"

Zishou frowned, staring at the three sages of Huoyun Cave, and suddenly said: "Now that the demon country is invading, and the demonic way is in full swing, you must know when it is. You are not the three sages of Huoyun Cave I know, but you are The three saints of Huoyun Cave, are you another parallel prehistoric one?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi did not deny it, and said: "It turns out that this time has come... You are right, we are not the three saints of Huoyun Cave you know. We are broken bodies, and the only purpose is to wait for your arrival."

Zishou said, "Wait for me? What are you waiting for me to come?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "Wait for you to inherit this lamp."

Zishou looked at the golden lamp between them, but his expression suddenly changed when he saw it!

"Yuxu Palace Lantern? Why return it here?"

There are three lamps in the world, the Eight Views Palace Lantern in Xuandu Cave, the Yuxu Glazed Lantern in Yuxu Palace, and the Coffin Palace Lantern in Lingjiu Mountain.

The Eight Scenery Palace Lantern gave birth to a sky-burning purple fire, and the Yuxu Glazed Lantern gave birth to a golden flower of different fire and ancient spirits.

The Lingjiu Palace Lantern in Lingjiu Mountain gave birth to the glazed ghost fire Ma Shan.

Ma Shan's quilt was refined and became a divine fire in his body, while the lamp in front of him was lit with a golden flame.

The golden flame flickered slightly, releasing a soft light, what is it if it is not Wanling Guyi?

But Wanling Guyi is the lighting flame of Yuxu Palace, so how could it appear here?

Shennong said: "The flame on this lamp is called Wanling Guyi. We are guarding this lamp and waiting for you to come."

Fuxi said: "It's best if you come here, take out the lamp flame and devour it, and refine and fuse it with the world-destroying ghost fire in your belly."

Zi Shou frowned, staring at the three people, and said: "Be clear, where did you come from? Why is Yuanshi Tianzun's lamp here? If you don't explain clearly, don't expect me to do it!"

All kinds of questions flooded his mind, and it was absolutely impossible to obediently listen to what the three old men said.

Shennong sighed, and his tone was full of helplessness and exhaustion.

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "Since this is the case, let me tell you! That is..."

Fuxi suddenly interrupted him: "It's a long story, we don't have much time. There is something you want to know in this lamp. If you swallow the flame of the lamp, you will naturally know everything.

Zi Shou looked at Wan Ling Gu Yi, hesitating.

Logically speaking, he had no reason to trust these three people of unknown origin, but for some reason, a sense of trust surged in his heart inexplicably.

"Can I know everything by swallowing the flame?" Zi Shou asked.

Fuxi laughed and said, "That's right, can I, Fuxi, still lie to you?"

Zi Shou nodded slowly, walked towards Wanling Guyi, stretched out his hand towards the lamp flame, and slowly took it off.

Wan Ling Gu Yi was very docile and did not violently resist.

This also made Zishou feel even more surprised.

"Don't lie to me!" Zi Shou said.

Fuxi asked back: "Don't you know everything after swallowing it? We three old men are here. If you have any problems, you can always ask us to settle accounts."

Zishou nodded slowly, put the lamp flame into his mouth, and swallowed it into his stomach.

In an instant, Wan Ling Gu Yi exploded in his body, burning everywhere!

At the same time, Mieshi Guihuo also quickly awakened, and started a fight with Wanling Guyi.

Zishou knew that this was a necessary process for the fusion of gods and fires, so he performed the nine-turn Xuanyuan Kung Fu to help the world-exterminating ghosts and fires merge with all spirits and ancient scorpions.

The two kinds of divine fires in this world are already extremely powerful, and the fusion in the human dantian at this time is also because Zi Shou has practiced the Burning Fire Jue, plus the cultivation base of a fifth-rank high-ranking saint, if it was someone else, he would have been eliminated The two divine fires were reduced to ashes.

With the integration of Wan Ling Gu Yi, Zi Shou also felt a huge amount of real energy from it.

This huge real energy is extremely gentle, once injected into his dantian, it circulates in his body, driving his cultivation to skyrocket!

Rank [-] saint pinnacle!


The early stage of the sixth rank sage!

The middle stage of the sixth rank sage!

The late stage of the sixth rank saint!

The pinnacle of the sixth-rank saint!

In just a few breaths, Zishou's cultivation was pushed to the peak of a rank six saint.

Zishou's face changed drastically, he never thought that this true essence was so powerful.

Then, something unexpected happened to him.

The cultivation base has reached the peak of the rank six saint, but there is no tendency to stop. Instead, it directly breaks through the shackles and reaches the early stage of the rank seven saint!

At the early stage of rank seven sage, he slowly slowed down and stopped advancing.

Zishou was surprised and delighted, dazed, and confused: "What's going on? Why is there such a powerful gentle essence in Wanling Guyi? But there seems to be nothing else?"

He turned around, only to find that the Three Emperors had become even older, looking dying.

Zishou snatched up, grabbed Fuxi's arm, and probed for his true essence, but was shocked to find that his true essence was empty, which was a sign of exhaustion!

"You...what's the matter with you? What did you do?" Zi Shou asked.

He inspected Shennong, only to find that Shennong was smiling, but died of anger.

Zishou was frightened into a cold sweat, and went to Xuanyuan again, and found that although he was not dead, he was almost there.

Fuxi smiled slightly, and said: "The power of the Three Emperors... is contained in this lamp of inheritance... now... now it is passed on... to you... we... the contract has been completed... "

"What contract? Pass it to me? What are you talking about telling me? You... your soul is exhausted? What's going on?" Zi was horrified.

Fuxi said: "Life is like a lamp, which will eventually burn out...We are neither saints nor the way of heaven...how can we survive the wear and tear of the years...not to mention...even the way of heaven will be destroyed one day ..."

Fuxi was on the verge of dying, and if he said a word to take a breath, it was obvious that time was running out.

Zishou circulated the true energy and sent it into his body, only to find that his primordial spirit had collapsed so badly that it was difficult for him to continue to receive the true energy. What's more, even the true spirit was severely worn out.

"No need..." After Fuxi finished speaking, his head drooped, and he also died of exhaustion, and his primordial spirit slowly turned into stars and dissipated.

Zishou snatched Xuanyuan away, knowing that he could not be rescued, he shouted: "Xuanyuan, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

Xuanyuan grabbed Zishou's shoulders and tried hard to stand up, but he couldn't do it.

Zishou helped him stand up.

Xuanyuan said: "You have refined the power of our Three Emperors, plus this Wanling Guyi... Wanling Guyi is the fire of inheritance, and it can also prevent the erosion of the god-killing spear... From where you If you go, you can leave..."

He stretched out his finger and pointed in a direction, and said: "I am a king, draw gossip, set rituals and music, there will be no disasters, and the virtues will flourish day by day. The lights are withered, the will is powerless...the descendants of Yan and Huang, and the generations to come, I can't protect them completely...I have to open a path for them..."

His voice was weak, but he didn't tremble at all, and his eyes were full of majesty.

Zishou was shocked.

Xuanyuan said: "This is the time of farewell, I really want to take another look...the land of Kyushu..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, until finally it was inaudible.

Xuanyuan slowly turned into stardust and disappeared into this time and space.

Zishou stood there blankly, one question after another popped up, he felt that there seemed to be a fog in front of him, no matter how he tried to clear it away, he couldn't see the truth behind the fog.

"What's going on? What's going on with these three people? Why did they appear here? What do they mean?"

Zi Shou couldn't figure it out, he took a deep breath and walked towards the direction Xuanyuan pointed.

In any case, let's leave the God-killing Gun first, and the West is still waiting for itself.

A flash of fire jumped out from the finger, but there was a golden light jumping in the mysterious black light!

After this ray of flame was sacrificed, the surrounding Jue Qi no longer approached.

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