As one of the two most powerful formations under the Master Tongtian, the Zhuxian Formation is even more powerful than the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

The formation was filled with killing intent and sword aura, but anyone with a weaker cultivation would be cut off immediately by the sword aura once they stepped into the gate.

Even the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would be greatly suppressed in the midst of it.

At this time, the eight incarnations of Shiva entered the formation together, and soon reached the Sifang Que, and came to the central eight trigrams platform.

The first ones who couldn't resist were the Tathagata and others. None of them was the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. It was difficult to protect themselves under the attack of Moon Shiva and Sacrificial Shiva, let alone block the two of them.

And although Yuan Hong suppressed Kong Shiva and Ri Shiva for a while, but after a long time, his shortcomings were revealed, and he was injured one after another in a short while!

Seeing the eight incarnations of Shiva gradually approaching the gossip platform, the goddess frowned, and said in a low voice: "It seems that I can't fight against it. Master Tongtian alone is not enough to face the attack of the eight of them!"

Deng Chanyu said worriedly: "The emperor doesn't know what happened, should we help next?"

The goddess Ba remained silent. Although their cultivation bases were not weak, they could not be stronger than the Tathagata. Yuan Hong and the others, even the Tathagata and Yuan Hong could not resist Shiva's attack at this time. It's just death.

Tiannu Ba said: "If the situation is not good, we will go back to the Hongmeng world."

She looked indifferent and didn't care about the safety of Xiniu Hezhou at all.

In her eyes, the sky and the earth are not big enough to be big.

If Zishou couldn't wake up, what else would Honghuang do?

Deng Chanyu and Princess Longji looked at each other, and they both looked at each other in blank dismay.


At this moment, Duobao Tathagata was dripping with blood, and when he looked back, he saw the Eight Diagrams Platform, where the Lord Tongtian and the two great Shivas were fighting, and they were indistinguishable from each other.

Moon Shiva in front of him, the sacrificial Shiva came slowly, with a ferocious smile on his face.

However, Manjusri, Puxian and others were seriously injured and fell to the ground, unable to fight any more.

Duobao Rulai secretly said: "Am I going to perish here today?"

Sacrifice Shiva shouted: "Solve him, and then deal with Tongtian!"

As soon as the words fell, he pushed out with a palm.

Although worshiping Shiva represents wisdom, his strength is not as good as other incarnations, but after all, he is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This palm is very powerful, with the power of Hunyuan!

Compared with Fan Tianyin's one-throw prestige, it is thousands of times stronger!

Duobao Tathagata hastily stretched out his hands to resist, and with a "bang", he felt like being hit by Mount Tai suddenly, and his whole body fell backwards.

"Ahem..." Duobaoru vomited a few mouthfuls of blood on the ground, and there were fragments of internal organs in the blood, and his heart fell into despair: "The incarnation of Shiva is too powerful, I am not his opponent at all..."

The priest Shiva approached slowly, with a fierce light in his eyes, and said: "On the Peacock Continent, the Tathagata is the incarnation of Vishnu, sitting on the position of the Supreme Lord, but this Tathagata is so unhelpful! It seems that this world is indeed Far inferior to Peacock Demon City."

Yue Shiva sneered and said: "The prehistoric and desolate Kyushu is completely deserted, how can it compare to the Demon Kingdom!"

Priest Shiva slowly raised his right hand and was about to drop it.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the formation: "Who said that the Demon Kingdom is comparable to the prehistoric Kyushu?"

The voice was peaceful and majestic, and as soon as it sounded, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in the Zhu Xian formation shook violently!


The four swords shake together, and the sword intent is doubled!

But at this time, a man in a black robe rushed into the formation from a distance on a Kunpeng, raised his right hand and grabbed the priest Shiva.

A long sword suddenly cut out in the palm of his hand!

Where the long sword passed, it turned into eight swords!

Zhuxian Sword Formation!

Sacrifice Shiva suddenly changed color, he already knew that the enemy was very powerful, and his strength might have surpassed his own!

He hurriedly grabbed Tathagata and moved forward to resist!

However, the eight swords did not stop, but went straight through Duobao Tathagata, and directly penetrated into the body of the sacrificial Shiva!

Priest Shiva's face showed shock and bewilderment. In the next second, Zishou's figure appeared beside him. He grabbed out his left claw and grabbed Duobao Tathagata. With a sudden slap of his right hand, Kun Wuba sword!

Eight swords strike together!

The sacrificial Shiva was instantly smashed into pieces by the sword energy!

Where did Moon Shiva expect to sacrifice to Shiva during the ups and downs of the rabbit, but he was already beheaded, and he was horrified in panic!

He raised his hands as if to resist, but when he raised his head, he saw Di Xin slowly raised his long sword, and then slashed at him.

"There are Zhuxian in the Zhuxian formation, Hunyuan Daluo is like clouds and smoke." Zi Shouqing said, this sword was slowly struck out, in the eyes of others, there was no trace of sword intent, no killing intent, like a child in the village It's like lifting a straw and waving it lightly, with no power at all.

However, in Yueshiva's eyes, this sword had already turned into a mighty sword light and slashed at it!


There was only horror and bewilderment in Yue Shiva's eyes, and there was only a white light in front of him!

After that sword slashed, Duobao Tathagata found Yueshiva standing there in a daze, and was cut in half by a sword.

Then, the two bodies turned into fly ash.

Duobao Tathagata seemed to be dreaming, staring at the scene in front of him stupidly, unable to recover.

It wasn't until a while later that he came up with an idea: "Dijun, what kind of strength is it?"

Zishou was also amazed at how powerful his sword was, but after thinking about it, he had fused the power of the Three Emperors and devoured all the ancient spirits. He was already a seventh-rank saint. Somo and others can be his opponents.

He walked slowly towards the Xianxian Tower, his face extremely calm, but he said in his heart: "Kunwu sword has the way of cause and effect, and within cause and effect, it locks everything. It is the cause of Shiva's entry into the battle, and the effect of me killing him. So even if Duobao stood in front of Kunwu sword, and it was still Shiva who died."

In the immortal tower, Yuan Hong was seriously injured under the siege of Ri Shiva and Kong Shiva. If he was not an immortal saint, he would have fallen thousands of times.

Suddenly Rishiva swung the linga and threw it at Yuan Hong. Yuan Hong went to catch it with a stick, but was thrown more than ten miles away and fell heavily on the ground.

Shiva grinned grimly and said, "I'll let you talk nonsense!" He straightened up the lingam and turned to Yuan Hong.

Seeing this extremely ugly linga attacking him, Yuan Hong was so angry that his face turned blue.

However, the true essence will be exhausted, but it will be difficult to resist!

At this moment, a person in the distance slowly walked into Juxian Que and said, "Shiva's incarnation? Interesting."

Rishiva turned around and saw a man in a black robe, but he didn't show any cultivation, and immediately shouted: "Who are you?"

Zishou looked at Rishiva and frowned.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Rishiva held Linga upright and turned to Zishou, saying fiercely, "Go to death if you don't speak!"

Seeing this disgusting thing, Zi Ke couldn't help frowning, if he used a sword to catch it, it would defile the sword in his hand.

He turned sideways, took out an illusionary sword shadow from the Kunwu sword with his right hand, and slashed towards Linga!

The sword light flashed, and Linga broke in response!


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