Among the flowers in the mirror, the scene of Chaoge City was reflected, but I saw an old monk in the city standing with palms together, his face full of compassion, and beside him, Jia Luolou was lying on the ground, looking like he had been subdued.

In front of the old monk, many court singers prostrated themselves on the ground and listened to the old monk explaining Buddhist principles.

"You living beings, never exist in non-existence, non-existent in non-existence, non-existent in non-existence, non-empty in form, empty in emptiness, non-being in non-existence, non-existent in non-existence, form in non-form, emptiness in non-empty, emptiness in emptiness, emptiness in There is no fixed emptiness, form is form, form has no fixed form, that is, form is empty, that is, emptiness is form. If you can know that emptiness is not empty, and that form is not form, it is called illumination. There is no hindrance to the cave view. Entering all the wonderful doors, you will naturally understand and enlighten, leave the net of doubts, and do not follow the empty view. Purify the six senses, cut off all evil obstacles, and I will be you. I will say this wonderful scripture, which is called protecting life and helping all living beings. Missionary to the world, circulation and reading."

The old monk recited the scriptures aloud, and the golden light flowed around his body, showing the solemn appearance of the Buddha.

The people of Chaoge are all equipped with the qualifications for cultivation. Although they are not fools, they can't help but kneel and kowtow when they see the Buddha's light, shouting that the true Buddha has come.

Zishou sneered slightly, and he immediately understood that Jia Luolou and Sakyamuni had probably colluded and acted together, the purpose of which was to conquer the great merchants in another way.

Just imagine, if all the people in Dashang believed in the Buddhism of the Peacock Continent, then the Peacock Continent would have conquered Dashang without bloodshed, and the next step would be to conquer the entire prehistoric land.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this kind of drama is staged, but how do the public know it.

Yun Zhongzi frowned and said, "Where did this Buddhist sect come from? Why does this Sakyamuni have the same name as Duobao Tathagata?"

An angry look appeared on Yin Jiao's face, and he said, "Father, this bald donkey is acting like a ghost!"

The people present are all smart people, and everyone can see at a glance that this is a scene of the Buddha sacrificing himself to feed the eagle.

"We also have a Buddhist gate. Where did this Buddhist gate come from?" Minghe Patriarch asked, "Could it be the Peacock Continent? Does the Peacock Continent also have a Buddhist gate?"

"It should be right, he should be talking about Hinayana teachings." Zishou said.

"What is Hinayana teaching?" Yun Zhongzi asked puzzled.

"The Hinayana teaching method is a method of Buddhism. The Hinayana aims at self-improvement and liberation. It can only save oneself, not others." Zishou said.

He thought of his own time, when Buddhism was introduced to Kyushu from India, most of the Hinayana teachings were taught, and Buddhism was not perfect at that time, it was Kyushu that developed it to a perfect stage, from saving oneself to saving others.

Although there are many people who think that Buddhism is a foreign sect and should be eradicated.

But in fact, after the introduction of Buddhism to Kyushu, the development of thousands of years has been completely different from that of India.

Zi Shou was full of thoughts. In his world, many people despised Buddhism very much, and even belittled the teachings of Buddhism to nothing.

One reason is that Buddhism is not a native sect in Kyushu, but who knows that Buddhism at that time was completely different from Indian Buddhism.

At that time, there was even a saying that "Taoists in troubled times went down to save the world, monks closed their doors to avoid disasters, Taoists in prosperous times retreated to the mountains, and monks went out to collect money".

But in fact, people who say such things are often ignorant.

As everyone knows, Japan invaded China in modern times and carried out a massacre in Nanjing.Seeing the suffering of the refugees, the monk Jiran of Qixia Temple resolutely established a refugee shelter in Qixia Temple and protected more than 24000 refugees.

During this period, Monk Jiran asked the masters of Qixia Temple to take out all the food in the temple to solve the problem of feeding tens of thousands of refugees.

The Japanese army harassed Qixia Temple many times, wantonly killing children and raping women. Monk Jiran also tried his best to protect the refugees.In the end, he became ill from overwork and passed away at the age of more than forty.

Where did the troubled times close the door to avoid disaster?

Whether it is a Taoist priest or a monk, there are good and bad. How can we beat Buddhism to death with a stick.


Zishou withdrew his thoughts and said: "This Sakyamuni is not the same as Duobao Tathagata. They are not the same person. Duobao Tathagata's previous life was Duobao Daoist, and this Sakyamuni should be Joe from the Peacock Continent." Answer Siddhartha."

Yun Zhongzi asked, "Should I go to the west and invite Taoist Duobao?"

Zishou pondered: "When two Tathagatas of time and space meet, bad things may happen. One of them may disappear. But in real history, Daoist Duobao is not a Tathagata. If they meet, will one of them disappear? be on the safe side, don't call Daoist Duobao for the time being."

Yun Zhongzi nodded and said, "In this case, please let the emperor kill him!"

Zishou said: "This person came to preach the Dharma, and it must be related to Vishnu, the demon kingdom. Now there is no evidence to prove that Garuda was driven by him, so we can't do it rashly."

Yun Zhongzi asked: "Then according to the emperor's opinion, how to deal with this person?"

Zishou remained silent, thinking about how to deal with this Sakyamuni.

Chaoge City.

I saw Sakyamuni reciting the "Sutra of Receiving Life and Death", and said: "The world is infinite, and the view is empty. After learning from Buddhism, it is convenient for the heart to work hard. The great wisdom is idle, and the indifference is in the unborn; the real machine Be silent, be free in silence. The original husband wants to grow spiritual seedlings, first hold the mind. The six roots are purified and a thousand species are destroyed. The three realms are empty and a hundred things are cured. Seeing, hearing, and perception are the original causes of obstacles; The great meaning of truth. If you are determined to learn the Tao, you must take care of your heart. If you have a quiet mind, you will be alone and bright, and if your mind exists, all situations will be invaded. There is nothing owed by the truth, and there is nothing left. It can be seen in life; What to ask for. Knowing that all dharmas are empty and all predestined relationships are gone, doing meritorious deeds and meditating is the madness of Tao. Giving favors and giving kindness is the deceit of virtue. If you are as clever as you are stupid, you still know that everything is inaction; Let go of your head. But keep your mind still and do everything on your own. Every time you live in peace, you will know your fate and enjoy the heaven. No matter whether you are hungry or thirsty through spring, summer, autumn and winter; Originally, it is in a square inch, so why do you have to cultivate it for many generations. Yongjia realized it and forced him to stay overnight. , At present, it is full of empty bubbles. Immortals are mixed with things, and ghosts and ghosts are unpredictable; elephants are invisible everywhere, and the world is hard to contain..."

At this moment, a sneer suddenly came.

"Then monk, you can only teach Hinayana teachings, but can you teach Mahayana?"

Sakyamuni frowned when he heard the words, stopped preaching, and looked up.

I saw a person walking slowly, and said with a sneer, "Your Hinayana teachings can't save the dead from exaltation, but can only be vulgar and dull! I, Yuan, have the Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism, which can surpass the dead to ascend to heaven, and can save difficult people." Get rid of suffering, be able to cultivate the body of immeasurable life, and be able to do things without coming and going!..."


The author is really full of emotions when he writes here.People always say that the author is a Buddhist, really speechless.But monks who know about the modern anti-Japanese war would not say that.Does it have to be written that Buddhism is extremely vicious and everyone rapes and plunders?Although the author sometimes hacks a certain fairy for the sake of the plot, he will not be foolish. Most of the hacks will tell you that the historical prototype is not like this. It is only for the plot, so don’t take it seriously.In this world, there are of course some wine and meat monks who spend their days drinking and spending money everywhere, but there are also monks who really practice Buddhism.

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