

Long before this debate started, Chaoge priests, civil and military generals, and even strange people from all sides had arrived at Chaoge, ready to watch this discussion.

At this moment, Yin Jiao has already lined up and led all the civil and military officials, concubines and relatives to Lutai.

Members of other sects, big and small, all attend lectures in the city.

Looking around, I saw a thousand-zhang deer tower standing on the ancient city of Chaoge. It really is the star splitting the wings and connecting the ground to Henglu.Take the three rivers and lead the five lakes, control the wild Jing and lead Ouyue.

All the immortal families of Xianchao have arrived, with fairy clothes and spiritual treasures, golden light shooting bullfights, Daluo immortals, and three flowers hidden in bloom.

This kind of spectacular scene is almost comparable to Hongjun Zixiao Palace's preaching.

On the deer platform.

Yin Jiao took the lead, sitting in the chief position, and a girl in white stood beside her holding a sword, but it was Concubine Su.

Beside him, stood Kong Xuan, Ming He, Jiang Ziya and other old ministers.

In less than a while, many more fairy families rushed in.

The Holy Mother of Jiejiao Jinling, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of Guiling, the Empress of Sanxiao, and the attendants of the Six Immortals, Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Yuding Zhenren, Qingxu and Moral Zhenjun, Huang Feihu, the emperor of the underworld, led the Ksitigarbha, Asura taught the concubine Umo and her husband Bo Xun to bring 72 princesses of Asura, and the Western Buddhist laughing Maitreya led the Mahathir, Manjusri, Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra and others to arrive one after another.

Most of these people have met each other, some were brothers before, and some were enemies, but now hundreds of years have passed since the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation, and together with the fact that they jointly fought against the Demon Kingdom some time ago, the enmity between each other has also been put aside for the time being, pointing to each other. A nod to say hello is to be seated.

Yin Jiao sat in the first seat and did not greet the immortal.

He is now the Great Emperor of Zhongtian Beiji, sitting in Ziwei Palace, his magic power is getting stronger and stronger, and his status is not comparable to before.

Concubine Su stood beside him with a faint smile on her face. She wondered if anyone would see my identity today. It would be better to wear a veil to hide my face.

Although gods can easily see through the veil, Concubine Su was formerly the concubine Sumo with profound mana, if she wanted to hide her face, few people in the world would be able to see it.

Secondly, Concubine Su is obviously from Yin Jiao, and Yin Jiao is Zishou's son, so naturally she is not as daring as a god to peek at Concubine Su.

Yin Jiao thought to himself: "Today's debate on Taoism and Buddhism, although I am born in a non-Taoist and non-Buddhist background, after all, my teacher is a Taoist, and I have received a lot of kindness from him. In the debate field, most people care about Taoists."

There has always been one side of the debate as the referee.

In the historical debate on Buddhism and Taoism, either Confucianism or the emperor was used as the referee. If the referee deliberately favored one side, the other side would naturally lose more than win.

Of course, if Buddhism makes the Taoists have nothing to say and is willing to admit defeat, even if the referee is biased, there is nothing he can do.

In the Primordial Realm, Zishou sat in the air, but looked at the deer platform with his eyes, thoughtful in his heart.

In the world he lives in, the influence is relatively huge, and the fourteen famous debates on Buddhism and Taoism are more famous.

Among them, Taoism loses more and wins less.

Of course, there were reasons why the emperor, who was the referee, was inclined to Buddhism, and there were also reasons why Taoists were not good at debating and Buddhist monks were very good at sophistry.

Zishou was most impressed by the debate about Taoism and Buddhism. At that time, Taoist Jiang Bin quoted "Lao Tzu Kaitian Jing" and believed that Lao Tzu turned Hu into a Buddha, and the Buddha was Lao Tzu's attendant.

Then Buddhist County Wu quoted "Zhou Shu Yi Ji" and "Han Fa Ben Nei Zhuan" to prove that Buddha was born before Lao Tzu, and finally refuted Jiang Bin's arguments, and proved that "Lao Zi Kai Tian Jing" was forged by Jiang Bin.

Dun didn't know that these three scriptures were all forged, but Emperor Xiaoming of the Northern Wei Dynasty at that time was partial to Buddhism. He only investigated the authenticity of "Lao Zi Kai Tian Jing" and sentenced Taoism to lose.

As for the talk about Lao Tzu turning into nonsense—it means that Lao Tzu went out of customs and entered Hu, and turned into Buddha Sakyamuni.

Most people think that Laozi Huahu is a story fabricated by Taoism to overwhelm Buddhism. In fact, according to the research of later generations of scholars, Laozihua nonsense was not fabricated by Taoism, but was fabricated by Buddhism itself in order to preach to China.

Because Buddhism was introduced to China from ancient India at that time, but was rejected by the Chinese. In order to make the Chinese people better accept Buddhism, some monks made up this story.

That is to say, Lao Tzu went west out of Hangu Pass, rode a cow into Tianzhu, entered the belly of Princess Jingfan, and was reincarnated as Shakyamuni.

Since then, Taoism felt that since Buddhism was willing to admit that Sakyamuni was the incarnation of Lao Tzu, it was also happy to accept it.

Generally speaking, in the history of debates on Buddhism and Taoism, Taoism has lost most of its arguments.

Zishou thought to himself, if it was a real Buddha, how could he use sophistry to argue for reason; if it was a Taoist who really practiced Taoism, how could he argue with the monk until his face turned red and his neck was thick.

What do Taoists seek?It's just becoming a fairy and living forever.

The only purpose is to practice immortality and live forever.

A true Taoist is either forced to do so or the situation demands it, otherwise he would not argue with the monk.

On the deer platform.

All the immortals whispered.

Among the people present, there are also Asura sects, Sanxians, and demons, who don't care who wins or loses in Buddhism.

At this moment, I saw an old monk descending slowly with one palm upright, stepping on a golden lotus, and on the shoulder of the eagle, stood a shrunken Garuda.

"Here he is, Shakyamuni!"

"This person's cultivation is so deep, I can't even see through it with my Jinxian cultivation!"

"Is the bird on his shoulder the Garuda that ate several cities that day?"

"Are all the monks in the Peacock Continent so deep? What exactly is the Peacock Continent?"

"It is said that it is a world very similar to the prehistoric world!"

"This person is also called Sakyamuni...but he doesn't look like a big brother at all, he looks very old!"

"Yuan Hong wants to debate with this person, and feels that this person's cultivation level is very advanced!"

"It's not Yuan Hong who is arguing with him, it's Taoism! Didn't you find out that there are many other immortals besides the leader of Jiejiao?"

All the immortals whispered.

At this time, Shakyamuni slowly stepped onto the deer platform, and the golden lotus under his feet also slowly disappeared.

Shenying is restrained!

At this moment, Sakyamuni withdrew all the breath from his body, like an ordinary old monk, without a trace of fluctuation in his cultivation!

Concubine Su stood behind Yin Jiao, glanced at Sakyamuni, and said to herself, "Sakyamuni, one of the incarnations of Vishnu... This person is no worse than me in the heyday, and the Dharma should be extremely profound. If you want to argue with him, I'm afraid..."

"Old monk Sakyamuni, come to Lutai to debate the Dharma with Taoists!" Sakyamuni said loudly.

The voice spread out slowly, but Yuan Hong still hadn't arrived!

Everyone looked at each other.

Guang Chengzi took a step forward and said loudly: "Tao begets one, one is two, two is three, three is all things, and Tao is all things! Between heaven and earth, only Tao is the only one! Buddhism is the end! Shaman wants to spread the flood, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Sakyamuni immediately questioned: "Since the Tao produces all things, poor monk, do you have knowledge or ignorance of this Tao?"


In order to write this debate on Buddhism and Taoism, I checked a lot of information and read books, and most of them were written in classical Chinese. .It is really a headache to watch, and my mind is full of various concepts of Buddhism and Taoism.

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