This accident is like a rabbit rising and falling, which is beyond everyone's expectation.

I saw a naked man in the shape of a wild animal rushing towards the old monk, and he opened his mouth to bite.

The old monk was cut off half of his body by the Zhuxian sword formation, and was already seriously injured, but seeing this beast-like figure rushing towards him, he raised his right hand and slapped the Vajra Prajna Palm.

Vajra Prajna Palm is a unique Buddhist technique, which can subdue all demons in the world.

The Vajra Prajna Palm of Shakyamuni Buddha is even more powerful.

However, when this palm hit the naked man, it was blocked by a mighty body-protecting essence, which shocked the old monk's right hand with pain.

Shakyamuni's face changed drastically. His palm had already tested the cultivation of the man in front of him. The real essence of this man was extremely mixed, as if the cultivations of thousands of people were in one body, fighting each other but blending together. His strength was at least Five-turn mixed yuan.


With a beast roar, the man stretched his head over, opened his mouth and bit off the old monk's neck, gulping down the blood.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the old monk's shoulders with both hands, and tore them hard, tearing the old monk into two pieces immediately, and took out the liver from it to eat.

Even the saint was horrified when he saw this accident.

Luo Hu swept his gaze away, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "This is Jidu's Roe Owl magical skill, which eats all people to gain self-improvement. This thing is actually a five-rank Hunyuan. How many people can it eat to achieve this level of cultivation?  … ...It's a pity, the backlash of those who are devoured is like a beast."

In Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun also pondered slightly: "The way of the devil?"


At this moment, Zishou looked at the naked man who was biting the corpse of the old monk, and a person flashed through his mind like lightning.

Zheng Wuyou!

This man is none other than Zheng Wuyou!

Back then, Zheng Wuyou ate the flesh of the beast with the help of Zishou, breaking through the Hunyuan.

Later, when they met again, their cultivation had already reached rank three Hunyuan, but when they met again today, they had already reached rank five.

You must know that when it comes to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the true essence of each breakthrough is far more than the sum of the previous ones, and the western lead has been stuck at the peak of the fourth turn for many years.

And now Zheng Wuyou has only spent hundreds of years of effort?It has already reached the rank of five ranks.

However, there is obviously something wrong with this terrifying speed of cultivation. At this time, Zheng Wuyou is no longer as elegant and scholarly as he first saw, but like a mad dog who has rabies and hunts for people to devour.

After Zheng Wuyou finished eating the old monk's body, he was not reconciled, picked up his bones one by one, put them in his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them.

"Haha, haha! I, Zheng Wuyou, succeeded, succeeded!"

Suddenly, Zheng Wuyou raised his head, opened his arms and shouted wildly.

His whole body was surging with blood and entangled like a poisonous snake, and his cultivation level rose rapidly!

The rising speed can only be described as "terror".

Rank five Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian peak!

Turn [-] Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian early stage!

Turn [-] Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian mid-stage!

Turn [-] Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Late Stage!

Rank six Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian peak!

Turn [-] Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

In just a few breaths, Zheng Wuyou's aura had already reached rank seven, and the dark devilish energy emanating from his body almost crushed the space.

"Have you seen it? I, Zheng Wuyou, have succeeded, I, Zheng Wuyou, have succeeded! I am rank seven Hunyuan, let me see, let me see who else will look down on me, Zheng Wuyou, who dares to look down on me?" Disrespect me, haha, haha..."

Zheng Wuyou looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but the expression on his face had changed several times.

"I am the Great Emperor, if you dare to eat my flesh, I swear that I will not make it easier for you!"

"This body belongs to me, Ding Qiu'an, so don't any of you try to snatch it from me!"

"Let's see who can survive to the end!"

As Zheng Wuyou spoke, the expression on his face changed again and again like a Sichuan opera.

Suddenly showing arrogance, now showing hatred, now showing pain, and now showing anger.

"Ah! Get out of here! I must refine you, I am Zheng Wuyou, I am Zheng Wuyou!" Zheng Wuyou hugged his head and yelled sharply, as if there were countless souls fighting for control in his body In other words, in his memory, there are countless different personalities vying for the dominant position.

Zishou stood up slowly from the ground, his face was pale, his whole body was in severe pain, he looked at Zheng Wuyou in front of him, feeling a little bad.

But at this moment, Zheng Wuyou turned around, tilted his head to look at Zishou, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Eat you, let you suppress other people, just right, eat you, eat you ,eat you……"

Zi Shou secretly thought that something was wrong, Zheng Wuyou had already jumped out, with a ferocious expression on his face.

With a flick of the Qinglian sword, Zishou raised the sword and stood up.

At this moment, Zheng Wuyou suddenly fell to the ground, covered his head and rolled all over the ground, roaring like a beast.

"Don't come out, don't come out!"

"Don't come out, go back, go back!"

"It's so painful, it's so painful, who will save me, it's so painful!"

"Ah! I am in such pain!"

Wisps of golden light suddenly appeared around him, and immediately after that, another devilish energy surged out!

"Amitabha, my lord rises and falls, and the gods recede!"

At this moment, another strange voice came from Zheng Wuyou's mouth, and then he stood up slowly, raised his palm, and Buddha's light appeared!


All the gods watching were shocked.

Luo Hu said: "This magic skill can certainly improve people's cultivation to high-level saints in a short period of time, but the side effects are even greater. Once they swallow people who shouldn't be swallowed, they will be dominated in turn. Kamuni is the one Zheng Wuyou shouldn't devour."

"Old man, don't you want to drive me away, hahaha!"

Zheng Wuyou sternly said, the left half of his face showed a ferocious look, and the left side was also filled with devilish energy!

"Amitre Buddha, the donor is in such pain, let the poor monk save you! Namo Helatana Duolaye, Namo Alaye, Polujiedi Shuoyalaya, Bodhisattva, Mahasattva Hupoya, Mahagaluni Gaya, oh! Sa Bo La Fei Yi, count Tan Na Tan write..."

The right half of the face is full of Buddha's image, and the loud and clear Buddha's voice comes out from the mouth, and the Buddha's light on the right is surging.

"No, don't try to save me! I will never die, ah!"

Zheng Wuyou yelled sharply from his left side, he was lying on the ground, his body was intertwined with devilish energy and Buddha's light, his face was half devil and half Buddha.

As the Buddha's light and demon energy continued to intertwine, Zheng Wuyou's demon and Buddha images also began to merge!

"It's true that Zheng Wuyou is rank five, but the old monk was also severely injured. It seems that no one can compete with the other. It's interesting." Luo Hu sneered slightly.

At this moment, Zheng Wuyou raised his head suddenly, and shouted sharply: "Oh! The poor monk saves all sentient beings, can't he save you? Kill, kill, kill!"


The devilish energy and Buddha's light fused on Zheng Wuyou's body, but seeing the ferocious Buddha-like face on his face, the golden light flowed, which was indescribably weird.

"My Buddha is merciful, destroying all living beings."

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