This snow-capped mountain is on the verge of a sea of ​​ice that has not melted for thousands of years. It winds and winds endlessly, and few people visit it on weekdays.

At this moment, at the foot of the vast snow-capped mountain, a young man in thin clothes was walking slowly, as if he was about to climb over the snow-capped mountain.

Behind him, followed by a beautiful girl in black.

The two communicated as young master and Su Mei, but most of the girls in black spoke, while the young man nodded.

The two of them didn't have any fluctuations in cultivation, especially the "young master" who was panting twice after walking three steps, as if his body was extremely weak, even worse than the girl beside him.

"The Dao of Heaven in the Peacock Continent is extremely oppressive to outsiders. The laws of the Dao of Heaven are restricting my cultivation all the time. Even the speed of storing true energy has become slow. My cultivation has not recovered a bit so far, but you How did your cultivation base recover so quickly?"

Zishou panted slightly, feeling a little puzzled.

Over the past few days, he has already noticed that the suppression of Tiandao here is like a mountain on his back, and it takes a lot of energy to walk a few steps.

It stands to reason that Su Mei's cultivation is not as good as her own, and even if she recovers from her injuries, she will never be easier than her, but the fact is the opposite.

Su Mei smiled, her eyes narrowed slightly, like two beautiful gems: "Maybe it's because I have been in hell for a long time, and I have adapted to this state. Master, are you tired? Do you want me Behind your back?"

At this moment, Su Mei was wearing black ancient clothes, and her legs were wearing socks. Although it was black, the overall look gave people a very amazing feeling.

This set of clothes was also found by Zi Shou from the Sumeru Precepts. It seems to be Ping Xin's clothes, and it seems to have been worn by Zhong Li.

But he also forgot when there was such a set of clothes in the Sumeru Ring.

After all, he has stuffed a lot of things in the Sumeru Ring over the past few hundred years, and he doesn't remember when each thing was put in.

"No need." Zi Shou lightly rejected Su Mei, looked up at the big iceberg, but felt a little headache.

In the past, you can use the law of space to shrink the ground into an inch, easily climb over the snow-capped mountains, and you can also use the five-element escape technique, but now you can't use anything, you can only walk on foot.

"The suppression of Heaven is because I still can't adapt. As long as I find a way, I should be able to get rid of this suppression. Sakyamuni, Shiva incarnated in the prehistoric world but was not suppressed by Heaven, maybe there is a way to get rid of the suppression. "

Zi Shou was thinking in his heart, but he was not too worried. Even though his cultivation base was suppressed by great restrictions, there was still a big killer in his body that was not weaker than himself at all.

That wisp of ghostly will-o’-the-wisp burning in the heart——Ma Shan.

Today's Nether Ghost Fire is no longer comparable to what it used to be. In terms of cultivation, it may not be as good as Zishou of Rank [-] Hunyuan, but in terms of killing ability and terror, it is even higher than Zishou. Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation may not be able to match it. Compare.

After all, this thing combines many divine flames and different fires, which have already undergone qualitative changes and sublimation. Not only does it have the power to destroy the world, but it can also directly burn the soul through the secluded world.

Tun Tiankun was directly burned to death by the ghost fire that day because his soul was burned to ashes.

"Master, there seems to be someone in the mountain." Su Mei said.

Zishou looked up, although he couldn't use his spiritual sense to detect the spirit, but only by the sage's deep induction, he could also detect some not weak existences in the mountain.

"This is the capital of peacock demons, and there are many demons. People in the demons often use unscrupulous means to indulge their desires. Let's be careful." Zishou said.

"Master, when you say indulgence, do you mean me?" Su Mei stared at Zishou expressionlessly, but there was a smile in her eyes.

This beautiful face and smiling eyes made Zi Shou's heart skip a beat.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, this Su Mei really seduced her with even a single look in her eyes.

He didn't even look at Su Mei at the moment, and walked straight towards the mountain.

The north wind blows in the snow-capped mountains, and it is bitingly cold.

In the sound of the wind came the sound of fighting skills. Amidst the whirring sound, a copper bell was sacrificed in the air, and then a flying sword shot out into the sky with a blue light, and collided with the copper bell in the air.

With a flash of blue light, the giant clock was cut in half by the flying sword.

"Junior Sister Qingluo, what else is there to talk about now? It's better to merge with my sect and treat my Wanjun sect as the respect. You must know that the three thousand Taoism comes from the Jiejiao, and I, the Wanjun sect, is one of the ten thousand of the Jiejiao. It is the first of Taoism." A rich voice sounded slowly.

At the foot of the hillside, stood a burly man in green clothes, with a sword in his right hand, the tip of the sword trembling slightly, and under the slanting sunlight above his head, it shone blue and purple.

Behind the man, there are seven or eight men in different clothes, some have fierce faces, some have swollen faces, some have wolf-like eyes, and the weapons in their hands are also strange, swords and sticks, Both chains and hammers are available.

On the other side, a young woman in purple was leaning against the mountain wall with her right hand covering her shoulder, her face pale and angry.

Beside the young woman in purple, there were two girls protecting each other with swords, but they couldn't help but show timidity when facing the man in green.

"Think about it, the Yuanshi Tianzun enshrined by your Yuqing Sect has long since fallen into the world. Now there are only a few people in the Yuqing Sect. Why fight with my Wanjun Sect? Even if I let you go now, a year Finally, when a sage chooses an apprentice, will you choose you?"

The man in Tsing Yi approached slowly and spoke.

A girl in front of the young woman in purple said: "She Tianjun, our two religions come from the same sect, are you doing this to your master?"

She Tianjun said: "Didn't I give you a choice? Two nephews, if your master disagrees, then She can only use some means."

The girl said nervously, "You, what do you want to do?"

She Tianjun smiled and said: "Our Wanjun Sect disciples can't marry wives, but it's just for fun, it doesn't matter."

The face of the young woman in purple tightened. She is the current leader of Yuqingjiao, and Yuqingjiao is a branch of Chanjiao. Since the demise of Chanjiao, Yuqingjiao has gradually been reduced to a small sect.

The Wanjun Sect is a branch of the Jie Sect, and it gradually declined during the period when the Demon Dao was strong.

In the past, the Chanjiao and the Jiejiao were also at odds with each other, fighting openly and secretly. After that, the two major sects perished, and the small sects that inherited part of their orthodoxy naturally did not live in harmony with each other.

The leader of Wanjun Sect, Wanyi, has been advocating the merger of the two religions over the years, taking the word "Wanjun" from Wanjun Sect and the word "Jiao" from Yuqing Sect, and merging them into one religion.

Gu Qingluo, the current head of Yuqingjiao, naturally refused.

In the past, the Wanjun Sect was only suppressed secretly. Later, the saint came and wanted to recruit disciples among the three religions.

Gu Qingluo's face was pale, and the flames of anger were burning in his eyes.

"She Tianjun, you, you dare!"

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