"Your Majesty is wise!" On the deer stage, Yuan Hong, who also saw this scene, clenched his fists and couldn't help but cheered excitedly: "If it weren't for the majesty's profound layout, Huang Tianhua would never have surrendered to our army before the battle!"

Zishou:? ? ? ! ! !

What?What am I doing?

Why are you all becoming more and more like Fei Zhong?

Zishou's eyes gradually became a little hostile, he stared at Yuan Hong and said, "What do you know?"

Why don't I remember that I have set up a game?I didn't do anything at all this time!

Gao Ming and Gao Jue also looked confused, they subconsciously felt that Yuan Hong was a bit too exaggerated, how could this be the king Gao Ming?

"Your Majesty, don't look at me like that..." Yuan Hong shook his head, and said embarrassedly: "Grand Master Wen and I were still wondering why Huang Feihu led the four generals of the Demon Family to go out this time, and why Your Majesty didn't give instructions. Now look Come on, Your Majesty has long known that Xiqi will send Huang Tianhua, and Huang Tianhua will surrender as soon as he encounters Huang Feihu, so you don't even need to watch to know that you will win this battle."

"Heh, heh..."

Zishou's eyes were a little dull, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

I obviously didn't do anything...

The result is still the same scenario...

Oh, by the way, in the original book, Huang Feihu descended to the Western Zhou Dynasty, so Huang Tianhua protected Zhou and defeated Zhou, but now Huang Feihu is still a merchant, so the plot has changed...

Mmp, if I knew it earlier, I should have found a way to force Huang Feihu back!


On the battlefield, Jin Zha saw that Huang Tianhua had become a traitor before the battle, his face turned black with anger, and he rushed forward to sacrifice the dragon escape pole.

Seeing this, Huang Tianhua sneered, and sacrificed the Heart Nail first!

Immediately, Hua Guang burst into flames, and the heart nail passed through the heart with a "whoosh", Jin Zha let out a scream, and fell directly into the dust.

"Brother!" Immediately after Mu Zha saw that his elder brother was still alive or dead, he was furious and wanted to sacrifice the two swords with Wu hooks.

"Self-death!" Huang Tianhua took back the heart nail and struck it out again, but Mu Zha couldn't hide, the heart nail came out through the heart, and fell directly to the ground.

"Traitor! How dare you hurt my brother!" Nezha was furious when he saw the two brothers died unexpectedly, and hurriedly sacrificed the Nine Dragons God Fire Shield.

But Huang Feihua immediately stopped the nail, and sacrificed again, also passing through his heart, Nezha screamed, and also fell into the dust.

The remaining Yang Jian saw that Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha were all injured by Huang Tianhua, so he swung out the three-pointed two-edged knife and slashed at Huang Tianhua.

Huang Tianhua was taken aback, and once again sacrificed the Heart Nail, which also pierced through the heart.

But Yang Jian had eight or nine profound skills to protect his body, even though the nail pierced through his heart with all his heart, he still didn't die, so he turned around and left.

Seeing that three of the four disciples of Chanjiao were killed and one injured in Huang Tianhua's hands, the four generals of the Mo family were horrified, knowing that if Huang Tianhua dealt with them, the four generals of the Mo family would die as well!

This heart nail is too scary, the nail is extremely fast, and it will kill you instantly.

It is simply a big killer!

"Haha, kill me!" Mo Liqing roared, and with the Qingyun sword in his hand, he immediately released wind and fire towards Xiqi.

Mo Li, Hong Mo, Li Hai also sacrificed their own magic weapons, and suddenly the sky was full of flames and burned towards Jiang Ziya.

"Quick retreat, quick retreat!" Jiang Ziya yelled and fled back to the city on Sixiang, and immediately made people hang up the exemption card.

After checking the number of people, not only the three generals Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha were lost in this battle, but also about [-] soldiers were burned to death.

The city of Xiqi was desolate.

If Huang Tianhua hadn't invested in Yin Shang today, then they would have won this battle.


"Fuck! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!!!"

Seeing Huang Tianhua beating Jin Zha and the others to death, he was so angry that he almost turned over the table. Huang Tianhua, who was riding a horse, this little dog...

Zishou really doesn't know what to say, this plot is getting more and more wrong!

Seeing the scene of Xiqi's defeat on the imaging stone, Zishou felt really tired.

Alright, kill a Huang Tianhua...

Xiqi was supposed to win!

"No! Huang Feihu must be driven away!" A thought flashed through Zishou's mind like lightning.

Huang Tianhua is so awesome, this bastard still has a nail in his hand, he must not stay in Yin Shang!

The reason why Huang Tianhua temporarily betrayed was all because of his father, Huang Feihu. As long as he found a way to drive Huang Feihu away and force him to vote for Xiqi, then Huang Tianhua would definitely fall into Xiqi's embrace.

"How do we drive Huang Feihu away..."

Zi Shou muttered something in his heart, and tapped his fingers on the table.

According to the original work of King Zhou, molesting Huang Feihu's wife?

Not to mention that this approach is too risky, and as an outstanding young man with an excellent education in the 21st century, Zishou would not be able to do such a thing.

"How do we drive Huang Feihu away!"

Originally, he thought that Fei Zhongyouhun was dangerous enough, and would misinterpret his own meaning at every turn, but this Huang Feihu was even more terrifying, he just came up with a mouthful and turned Huang Tianhua's words the wrong way, who can stand it!

If Huang Feihu stays in Yin Shang, who knows when this "timed bomb" will blow him up.

Huang Feihu must be arranged!


Besides, after the death of Jin Zha and Mu Zha, their souls seemed to have sensed something, and they flew towards the Conferred Gods Altar in a daze, intending to enter the list of Conferred Gods.

Bai Jian, the god of Qingfu who was in charge of introducing the list of gods on the stage of fengshen, was shocked when he saw this, knowing that Jinzha and Muzha were not on the list, he hurriedly mobilized his mana to push them out, and immediately reported to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately rushed to the Conferred God Stage, casting spells to hold back the two souls.

In the Yunxiao Cave of Wulong Mountain, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun suddenly felt something, pinched his fingers, his face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "My disciple Jinzha died again! The number of days has changed. Who changed the number of days?"

"Not good, the Conferred God Stage has been completed, I'm afraid he will be on the list!"

At that time, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun flew to Xiqi anxiously on a cloud. At the same time, the real Puxian from the Baihe Cave in Jiugong Mountain also rushed to Xiqi after Mu Zha died, and the Taizong from the Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain rushed to Xiqi anxiously. Immortal Yi also came out of the mountain.

After Manjusri and Puxian rushed to Xiqi, seeing Jiang Ziya dragging the soul of Jin Zha and Mu Zha, he was relieved and took away the two souls of Jin Zha and Mu Zha.

As long as the soul does not enter the list of gods, it can be saved.

If you enter the list of gods, everything will be over.

But Nezha has no soul, so Taiyi Daoist took his body and returned to the Golden Cave.


"Huang Tianhua, you actually betrayed the master and killed my apprentice." They returned to the Prime Minister's mansion together, and after listening to Jiang Ziya's story, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun was so angry that his face was livid.

"Brother, this is also a change in the number of days..." Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly: "According to the number of days, Huang Feihu should return to the Western Zhou Dynasty at this time."

"Uncle, don't worry! Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha were brought back to be resurrected by the three uncles. As for Huang Tianhua, Yang Jian will go to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain to find his uncle." Yang Jian said.

(The spiritual treasures in this book are only divided into congenital and acquired, and do not subdivide the top, middle and low grades. There is also a setting that is different from other books. Stronger than Xiantian Lingbao.)

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