Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 630 The 3rd Parallel Prehistoric Situation

At the foot of the snow-capped mountain, two idle Taoist priests were going up the mountain together to gather herbs. Suddenly, the Taoist priest on the left looked up into the sky, held the hand of the Taoist priest on the right, and said, "Fang Ji, look, whose imperial chariot is that? "

The tall Taoist on the right looked up and saw that two unicorn horses were pulling a chariot in the sky, and golden lotuses were released from the chariot, which was incomparably brilliant.

"It seems to be the agarwood chariot of Gu Tianzun from the Yuqing sect. I heard that this chariot is made of thousand-year-old agarwood and is drawn by two jade horses." Fang Ji, a tall Taoist, recognized the chariot and said, "It seems to be Gu Tianzun. Going out. That Gu Tianzun is the leader of the Yuqing sect. Although he is a female stream, it is said that he has entered the ranks of Daluo Jinxian ten years ago. The agarwood chariot is an imitation of the Jiulong agarwood chariot that taught Yuanshi Tianzun in the past, and travels with this , apart from that Gu Tianzun, there is no one else."

The Taoist on the left said: "It turned out to be that woman's car."

After finishing speaking, Fang Ji shook his head again and said: "That woman? Although after the battle of the Demon Dao, the founder of the Taoist sect, the Taishang Laojun, fell, and the Jiejiao and Chanjiao were also besieged by the Demon Kingdom. Can't compete with the Demon Kingdom. But after all, the centipede is dead but not stiff. This Yuqingjiao has inherited part of the heritage of explaining religion, and Gu Qingluo has also certified the Daluo Jinxian. Fang is still a force that should not be underestimated. Wen, don't talk nonsense."

Taoist Fang Wen said: "Wait, Fang Ji, you said that Chen Xiang chariot is Gu Qingluo's car?"

"Yeah, what?" Fang Ji said.

Fang Wen pointed to the sky with a strange expression on his face: "Look at the one in front...is it Gu Qingluo..."

Fang Ji was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked up, he was dumbfounded.

In front of the wildebeest Chenxiang chariot, a young woman in purple and two girls in white are leading the way.

Among them, the two girls in white clothes are exactly the same in appearance, walking hand in hand, like a lotus with twin stalks.

And the young woman in purple was graceful and luxurious, and the twin peaks on her chest seemed to have been stung by a bee, and she flew up tremblingly.On the altar, three flowers loomed.

Although Fang Ji had never met Gu Qingluo in person, he knew that the young woman in purple was that Gu Tianzun when he saw the three of them dressed up.

As we all know, Gu Tianzun likes purple clothes. He is a half-way monk to practice.

Therefore, Gu Tianzun did not deliberately change his appearance, but maintained the image of a young woman.


Fang Ji looked at the Chen Xiang chariot behind him, but with his cultivation, he couldn't see anyone sitting in it.

"Another person is sitting on Gu Tianzun's imperial chariot? Moreover, it seems that Gu Tianzun is acting as a groom or something. Who is sitting in it?"

Fang Ji was shocked in his heart, and his eyes were full of surprise.


At this moment, Zishou was sitting in the imperial chariot, enjoying Su Mei's hammered legs.

Without the blessing of a strong cultivation base, just climbing the mountain made his legs sore.

Pulling the chariot are two unicorn horses, which are not as good as Kunpeng, but they are also strange beasts.

Clouds grow under the feet of the unicorn, and it walks on the wind, quickly passing through the vast snow-capped mountains.

Gu Qingluo, the leader of the Yuqing Sect, followed closely behind with two female disciples.

Zishou looked out through the sedan chair, and slowly analyzed the situation in the Peacock Continent in his mind.

Judging from the information given by Gu Qingluo, this Peacock Continent, the third parallel prehistoric land, has basically been taken over by the Demon Dao.

Thousands of years ago, the Demon Sect and the Taoist Sect fought a battle of the gods. As a result, the three leaders of the Taoist Sect in this world were all defeated, and they have been missing since then.

Some people say that the three major leaders have all fallen, others say that the three major leaders were sealed in an unknown forbidden place by Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, and some people say that the three major leaders left this place and went to another place. A parallel prehistoric world.

But in short, although Taoism is not like a street rat, it is also in decline and is no longer what it used to be.

Even Yuqingjiao, which has inherited the orthodoxy of explaining teachings, and its leader is only a beginner in Daluo Jinxian's cultivation.

And the Wanjun Sect, which inherited the orthodox lineage of the Jie Sect, is much stronger than the Yuqing Sect because of the doctrine of "There is no distinction between teaching and learning"!

However, the Wanjun leader does not distinguish between good and bad, and accepts disciples he meets. There are good and bad in the sect, and there are many demons who prey on human beings.

As for those who have inherited the orthodox tradition of Humanism, it is even worse than Yuqingjiao.

In recent years, Master Wanjun has tried his best to promote the merger of the three religions and fight against the Demon Sect together, but in fact he intends to swallow the other two religions in order to achieve his own ambition.

So there are all kinds of infighting...

As for the demon sect who didn't bother to deal with the dao sect later on, the three religions were about to be fought to death by themselves.

However, ten years ago, a saint suddenly appeared in the territory of the Daoist forces and lived in Zizhiya, the former place of Jiejiao.

And a few months ago, the saint saw the decline of the Daoist sect from Zizhiya, and now suddenly news came out that he was going to choose three people from the three religions, accept them as disciples, and teach them Daoism.

This is how Wan Jun taught She Tianjun to attack Gu Qingluo in a sneak attack, in order to win all three places.

"This prehistoric power seems to be more complicated." Zi Shou shook his head lightly. As far as he knew, the reason why the Demon Sect did not completely clean up the Dao Sect should be because the three supreme gods were also fighting openly and secretly, and had no time to deal with it. Daomen.

Great Brahma King of the Demon Kingdom,

Buddhist Vishnu,

There is also Shiva, who symbolizes destruction.

Among the three great gods, Brahma and Shiva are at odds, while Vishnu sits on the sidelines and secretly develops his own Buddhism.

The power of the Demon Kingdom is also intricate. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and Sudras have strict classes, and there are serious problems.

"However, who is the saint that Gu Qingluo said appeared here?"

Zishou stroked his chin and began to think, "Could it have something to do with the woman the dog system mentioned? Nuwa?"

"Shouldn't it be possible? Nuwa fought in Honghuang before. Although she didn't know why she refused to come out to see me, she has obviously returned to Honghuang, and it is impossible to accept disciples in the third Honghuang. Maybe it is the three major leaders in this world? "

He wouldn't believe that after the battle between demons and dao, San Qing died.

The sage can suppress, but when the time comes, he will be resurrected.

Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation, after erasing the origin of the saint's true spirit, can still be revived, but it is another person with a blank memory that is resurrected.

Zi Shou guessed that it should be one of Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Laozi who was defeated and suppressed thousands of years ago. Now he is resurrected, but he may have lost his emotional memory.

He looked at the outside world and sighed slightly.

"It's a pity that the Primordial Realm cannot be opened. If not, I have many ways to recover my cultivation."


Outside the chariot, a plump young woman in purple was walking on the wind, lost in thought.

She didn't expect that this boy was really just an ordinary person, and to help herself was just to find him a car.

"How can an ordinary person have a servant of Da Luo Jinxian? Could it be someone from the Demon Kingdom?"

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