Under Su Mei's persuasion, Zi Shou still agreed to accompany her to go shopping outside.

When Gu Qingluo learned that the two were going down the mountain, he hurriedly asked if he needed to prepare a chariot.

Zishou thought that it would be too ostentatious to just go outside for a walk, and he refused immediately.

After the two arrived at the foot of the mountain, they drove towards the nearest pass using the Five Elements Escape Technique.

When I came to the gate, I saw a plaque on the gate with the four Sanskrit characters of "Banjara Kingdom".

After Zishou entered the Panjara Kingdom, he saw foreigners in strange costumes everywhere on the streets. Various cultural landscapes and folk culture were completely different from those in the prehistoric times, somewhat in the style of ancient India.

Zishou knew that although the Devil's Capital was the most respected place on the Peacock Continent, there were many small countries in the four directions. Obviously, although the Devil's Capital was powerful, there could not be a "Eternal One Emperor Qin Shihuang", so that many people appeared on this continent at the same time. nation.

Although this Banjara country can be regarded as a country, it is actually not as big as a big merchant.

Entering the city, Su Mei acted like a little girl, pulling her child to jump up and down, wandering left and right, with an innocent look.

However, anyone who knows Su Mei knows that this seemingly innocent woman is actually the lustful monarch of hell, with the cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Accompanying Su Mei for a day's shopping in the Banjara Kingdom, at the end of the day, Zishou was panting with exhaustion and sweating profusely.

Su Mei immediately reached out to help him wipe off the sweat on his forehead, with a faint smile on her face, her starry eyes staring at Zi Shou's face, "Master, are you tired? Do you want to go back and rest?"

Zi Shou was made a little uncomfortable by her intimate action, at this moment Su Mei was like a gentle wife, every movement was extremely gentle.

"Then go back!"

The two walked side by side, Su Mei suddenly stretched out her hand to hold Zishou's hand in her palm, Zishou was stunned and struggled for a while.

"Let me hold your hand." Su Mei said.

Zishou had no choice but to follow her.

Looking at Su Mei's face that resembles Nuwa, maybe no matter what request she makes, he will not refuse.

There was a happy smile on Su Mei's face, her star eyes narrowed slightly, she seemed to enjoy this feeling: "It's nice of you like this... No matter what I do, you won't resist, unlike before, Always choking my throat and threatening to kill me."

Zishou sighed, this little witch...

No, not the little witch,

It's the great witch.

Zi Shou looked at Su Mei's neck and thought to himself.


After leaving the pass, a terrifying demonic aura suddenly erupted from the mountain in front, and then a series of strange talismans shot into the sky, turning into black silk threads, forming a net of sky and earth, blocking the entire mountain.

The eruption of evil spirit continued, shaking the whole mountain, but as the net gradually shrunk, the astonishing evil spirit gradually weakened.

Zishou looked up and said, "The demonic aura just now seems familiar, I'll go and have a look."

Su Mei said with a blank face: "No, there is no evil spirit, young master, after you lost your cultivation, you have an illusion, let's go on!"

Zishou was stunned for a moment, "Illusion?"

At this moment, the evil spirit erupted again, and the sky and earth net on the mountain was about to be shaken away. However, after the evil spirit erupted, it weakened rapidly and finally disappeared completely.

Zishou said, "It's not an illusion, let's go and see."

He gently broke away from Su Mei's hand and walked towards the mountain.

Su Mei glared at that side angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "I have interrupted our time with the emperor, no matter what kind of monster it is, I will eat it for the night."

At this moment, in a small mountain peak, a woman in white was half-kneeling at the foot of the hillside, her face was pale and colorless, blood was pouring from her shoulders, and her body was sluggish.

But even though she suffered such a serious injury, she still had a charming look on her face.

Coupled with her beautiful appearance, it makes men's hearts beat even more.

However, behind the white-clothed woman, there are nine huge tails stretching towards the sky!

The nine tails fluttered up and down, exuding terrifying demon power.Among them, six tails are white, and three tails have turned into gold.

Around the woman in white, there were seven demons in black robes.

Each magic path carries a long chain, and gray flames are faintly burning on the chain.

"Nine-tailed fox, you can't escape!"

"What the Peacock King wants, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, it will be difficult to escape from his palm!"

"It's a great honor for you to let our Seven Stars of the Demon Family come to capture you!"

The seven of them sneered slightly, and the aura emanating from their bodies was clearly that of a Golden Immortal.

One of the tall men came out, the iron chain in his hand rattled, and said coldly: "The Peacock King is the son of Brahma King, if you offend him, where do you think you can escape?"

The woman in white seemed to think of something, trembling all over, and a look of horror appeared in her eyes.But there is still a smile on his face, against the morning glow, and the amorous glances are infinite.

Although she was seriously injured and knelt in the dust, she was still a flawless piece of beautiful jade. She raised her head, looking pitiful and full of eyes, biting her lips and said: "I am innocent and wronged, members of the Demon family, please stop for a while, forgive me." My life is better than building a seven-level pagoda."

Six of the seven people heard their bones and tendons crumble, and the leader of Tianquan Modao shouted angrily: "Don't be deceived by her! Don't forget the fate of being deceived by this nine-tailed fox!"

The six people were startled and immediately woke up.

This nine-tailed fox is the number one wanted criminal named by the Peacock King, and countless strong men have been dispatched to arrest her in the past few days.

However, when most demons saw the charming and tender posture of the nine-tailed fox, they were fascinated and turned numb all over. Instead of taking her back to the palace, they helped her leave.

Therefore, the Peacock King was also furious and killed a lot of demons, and finally sent the seven stars of the demons to capture the nine-tailed fox.

The Seven Stars of Mo Dao are the powerhouses of the "Shudramen" under the Peacock King, each of them has the cultivation base of a golden immortal, especially the boss Tianquan Demon Star, who is a strong man at the peak of a golden immortal.

It is unheard of to send out the seven golden immortals to capture a nine-tailed fox with only heavenly immortals.

However, even so, the Seven Stars of the Mo Dao almost let the Nine-Tailed Fox escape. If the boss Tianquan Demon Star hadn't been castrated since childhood and had no interest in sex between men and women, there was no way to force the Nine-Tailed Fox to this point.

"Do it! We can't catch her back today. Once the Peacock King gets angry, we will die without a place to die!" Tianquan Demon Star sternly, reached out and shook the chain in his hand, and rolled towards the Nine-Tailed Fox. Don't hook it, hook it viciously!

There was a stern look in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, and he said sharply: "The nine-tailed fox opens the sky!"

The nine tails stretched out together, resisting the attack of the Heavenly Power Demon Star.

However, in terms of charm, there are very few people in the world who can match the Nine-Tailed Fox, but in terms of cultivation, the Nine-Tailed Fox is far behind!


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