Twenty or thirty Taiyi Golden Immortals, eighteen Daluo Golden Immortals, and three half-step Hunyuan Brahmins. This lineup is enough to sweep any Taoist forces in the Peacock Realm.

After all, since the Taoist war, there has never been a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Just when all the powerful men rushed into this small courtyard, a girl walked out slowly with bare hands. Facing the attacks of many strong men, every time she just stretched out her palm and gently pushed and grabbed, there was a A strong man twisted his neck several times and fell out heavily.

At this time, Su Mei was wearing a light black tube top dress and a black cloak. The long skirt stretched out a soft curve and was dotted with a few white plum blossoms. Instead of looking dull, it showed her other features. Subtle and elegant.

However, just such a girl in a palace costume was so ruthless every time she made a move, the strong man in front of her couldn't even pass a single move, so her neck was gently twisted, her soul was destroyed, and she fell heavily out of the yard.

"Not good! She is a Hunyuan powerhouse!" Mo Tan shouted in horror.

Although he is a half-step Hunyuan, he must not be compared with Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Below Hunyuan, magic weapons or formations can still be used to make up the gap, but there is no gap between Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but a natural moat!

Su Mei is like a fairy with Lingbo treading the dust, her movements are graceful, her movements are flowing, and she has come to the devil in an instant.

Mo Tan gritted his teeth, and jumped back, he was not stupid, only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could deal with it.

His half-step Hunyuan is no different from an ant in front of the real Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

However, he retreated quickly, and Su Mei pushed even faster!

She clearly seemed to be taking a walk in the garden, but one step was like crossing the long river of time and space, she stretched out her right hand, and grabbed the demon's neck.

Mo Tan's eyes were wide open, and disbelief was written all over his face. He obviously never thought that even if he retreated when he saw the timing was bad, he would not be able to avoid the palm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Su Mei lightly exerted force, and a painful "cluck" came out of Mo Tan's throat.

At this moment, a strong and cold voice suddenly sounded outside the courtyard: "So it's you! Lord of Lust City, long time no see!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ravana walked into the yard, and the terrifying Hunyuan power around him burst out overwhelmingly.

Su Mei's face changed slightly, she stretched out her hand and twisted Mo Tan's neck, and threw it out.

The remaining Da Luo Taiyi panicked and retreated to the Peacock King. Facing such strong men, only Ravana could handle them. If they dared to make a move, they would only die.

The Peacock King's face was gloomy, and when he glanced at Su Mei, a ray of light burst out from the depths of his eyes.

"I just said that the Taoist forces in the Peacock Realm are all rotten fish and stinky shrimp. How could there be a strong Hunyuan? It turns out that you are making trouble. Very good, although the imperial concubine is willing to cooperate with hell, but in my opinion, the hell demon You are a shady mouse, and you are not worthy of being an ally of the Demon Kingdom. Today is just the time to kill you and eradicate this scourge."

Ravana spoke slowly, and as soon as the end sound stopped, his right hand was already grabbing Su Mei.

Su Mei didn't dare to be careless. Ravana's cultivation was not inferior to hers, and even a lot higher than hers. Coupled with the existence of Immortal Nectar, although this person was not a saint, he also had an immortal body, so it was extremely difficult to defeat.

At that moment, she stepped back, and at the same time swung her right hand, a long sword appeared from the palm of her hand, stabbing straight at Ravana.

However, Ravana didn't dodge or evade, he jumped straight up, clapped his hands horizontally, and the magic flame swept out, burning the surrounding time and space to squirm and rupture.

The Peacock King stood outside and watched coldly, his eyes beating with excitement.

Many people may not see this kind of Hunyuan battle once in their lifetime.

The strong Brahmins around him were terrified, and protected the Peacock King desperately, for fear that he would be affected.

After several rounds of fighting, Ravana fought more and more fiercely. He didn't use a weapon, but just slashed wildly with his palms. However, each palm contained supreme power, and the palm force even carried a scorching magic power. Yan, if he gets a palm, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Su Mei swam around to dodge, the long sword in her hand stabbed out suddenly, the light of the sword pierced the air, it was so sharp!

But although her sword moves are strong, stabbing on Ravana's body is always like stabbing on cotton flowers, light and useless.

Ravana laughed wildly, clapped his palms together, the force of his palms was like a river, and rushed out.

Su Mei stretched out her hand to block it, and immediately felt as if hit by a flying meteor, she staggered back about ten steps, her throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood spewed out, her chest was suddenly hot and painful.

"I am immortal. I cannot be burned by fire, drowned by water, or injured by weapons! What strength do you have, worthy of being my opponent!"

Amidst the maniacal laughter of Luo Bona, he shot again and again, the palm force under his palm was like a long river flowing through, Mount Tai fell to the ground, Su Mei was in his palm power, like a flat boat in the sea, it might sink at any time!

And the trees ten miles around were also uprooted by the aftermath of this palm force, and flew out backwards!

Even this small courtyard will be destroyed!

In the courtyard, Zishou took out the Chaos Clock and told Gu Qingluo: "Sacrifice the Chaos Bell and put it in the courtyard."

Gu Qingluo took over the Chaos Clock, and immediately felt the terrifying aura emanating from this spiritual treasure. His heart was shocked, and his eyes shone with shock: "What kind of spiritual treasure is this? Is this the aura of an innate treasure? "

Although acquired treasures may not be inferior to congenital treasures, most congenital treasures can always beat acquired treasures.

At this time, there are very few innate treasures in Yuqingjiao, let alone such treasures as the Chaos Clock.

At the moment, she also injects true energy into the Chaos Clock, sacrifices it, and suppresses the courtyard.

But when he raised his head, he saw Zishou slowly got up and walked out of the courtyard.


The outer space has already begun to crack, just like the shell of an egg has been peeled off, piece by piece, and endless darkness overflows from the crack, filled with infinite oppression.

Standing in the darkness, Ravana laughed wildly: "What can the Lord of Lust City do, come up and take death!"

With a flip of his right hand, the magic flame suddenly turned into a black chain, wrapped around Su Mei's right ankle, pulled it over, and at the same time swung his left hand, and slapped her on the forehead.

In the darkness, Su Meiren swung her long sword back and forth to avoid Ravana's fierce and merciless palm. With a flash of sword light, she chopped off his left palm.

Immediately afterwards, her sword light flashed repeatedly, and turned into a barbed hook to hook Ravana's neck, chopping off Ravana's neck in an instant.

When Ravana's head fell to the ground, it was already burned by the black flames.

However, before Su Mei could be happy, a magic flame spewed out from the place where Luo Bo's neck was broken, and another head grew out.

Suddenly, Ravana stretched his arms and swung them out. He hit Su Mei's lower abdomen with one palm, and Su Mei's chest with the other. Su Mei's face turned pale, and she flew backwards. .

Ravana laughed ferociously and said, "If you don't drink nectar, I won't die. In the whole world, who can kill me? Who can kill me!"

At this moment, a boy stepped into the darkness.

"I can kill you."

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