Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 650 Killing King Ming by mistake

At this moment, in the Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, facing the confusion of Yuan Hong and Fei Zhong, Guanyin slowly explained the background of the Peacock King, the power of the Demon Kingdom, and the tyranny of Brahma.

After listening to Guanyin's narration, Yuan Hong's face sank little by little, and his heart slowly sank to the bottom.

"This is simply a game of death!"

After a long time, Yuan Hong let out a sigh of relief and said.

Yuan Hong's mentality collapsed a little, and Peacock King Ming's death was partly due to him. If he hadn't slapped him, he wouldn't have been smashed to death by the dragon girl with the jade purification bottle.

But now, as long as Brahma notices it, the four of them present will inevitably die.

With Brahma's cruel and ferocious character, as long as he knew that the Peacock King died here, everyone had to be buried with him.

Because of this, when Guanyin saw the death of the Peacock King, his face turned pale and his whole body became weak.

The dragon girl's pretty face was pale, and her lips muttered: "Bodhisattva... Bodhisattva... what should I do now?"

Yuan Hong said: "We destroy the corpses and eliminate the traces."

He didn't choose to run away immediately, because the saint wanted to find someone, and unless he was sheltered by another saint, he would always be found even if he fled to the ends of the earth.

What's more, his cultivation has been greatly suppressed.

"It's useless. The Peacock King has a high status. Once he dies, the entire Demon Kingdom will cause a major earthquake. At that time, not only Brahma, but even Lord Shiva will participate in it and deduce the cause of the Peacock King's death."

Guanyin was a little desperate, "As for expecting the gods to forgive me, it is almost impossible. Although Brahma appears to be a kind and responsive god, he is actually cruel and vicious. The Peacock King died here, and we have no way out."

At this moment, Fei Zhong's calm voice suddenly came out: "I have it!"

The three looked at him in surprise.

Fei Zhong walked over slowly, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, looking very deep and dignified.

"Since Brahma appears to be an extremely benevolent and responsive god, we can take advantage of this to deceive the sky and prove our innocence."

Guanyin looked at Fei Zhong's face and found that his face was full of confidence.

At this moment, the boy's heart was in a turmoil, and she felt a sense of peace inexplicably.

But Guanyin quickly shook his head and said: "It's useless, the Peacock King died here, how can we hide it?"

Fei Zhongdao: "You said that Brahma is an extremely benevolent god on the surface, so if we destroy all the evidence of the crime and set up a perfect alibi, even if Brahma knows that we killed his son, he will not be able to do anything to us because of face. .”

"When the Supreme God finds out that King Peacock Ming is dead, they will definitely gather together. Even if you destroy the evidence, they will be able to find the murderer from the cause and effect." Guanyin poured cold water on it.

That's right, in the world of gods and spirits, one can find the real culprit through cause and effect, even if the corpse is destroyed, what's the use?

Fei Zhong had a strange expression on his face: "That's right...but can you deduce the cause and effect of Yuan Hong?"

Avalokitesvara was stunned, and immediately pinched his fingers to figure out the cause and effect of Yuan Hong, but found that it seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of fog, and it was difficult to figure out his origin.

Yuan Hong suddenly realized: "I come from the prehistoric world, and I am still a sage of Hongmeng. Even if I am suppressed when I enter this world, people in the peacock world will find it difficult to calculate my cause and effect."

He breathed a sigh of relief. Although he has become a rank four saint, his mentality has always stayed at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, forgetting that with his current status, even a saint can hardly figure out his origin.

Avalokitesvara was startled, and hastily bowed: "It turns out that the sage arrived, and the poor monk was rude."

Fei Zhongdao: "Once the death of the Peacock King is discovered, the two great gods Shiva and Vishnu must also participate in the calculation of cause and effect, and when the cause and effect is calculated to the end, I, Yuan Hong, must be excluded, and we are innocent. , Avalokitesvara did not kill anyone, and there is no cause and effect, only the Dragon Girl will be considered the one who killed the Peacock King."

When Longnu heard these words, her complexion changed suddenly, and her whole body trembled violently.

Fei Zhongdao: "As for the Dragon Girl, how could she kill the Peacock King? So the cause and effect are wrong, and the Dragon Girl is also innocent."

A surprised expression appeared on Guanyin's face, and he opened his mouth: "So we just ignore it?"

"No, if we don't do anything, we will still end up dead." Fei Zhong said, "Although the Supreme God may not be able to figure out our cause and effect, once we have no cause and effect, it will be considered as using some kind of shielding method. If the karma is removed, then we will die even worse!"

Yuan Hong also nodded and said: "The longer we stay in the Peacock Realm, the more we are exposed, and the easier it is to be deduced."

This is equivalent to a stranger entering a foreign life. At the beginning, people around him didn't know who he was, but after a long time, they gradually knew his name, his job, and some of his habits.

If Yuan Hong stayed in the Peacock Realm for a long time, although Brahma and the others couldn't figure out the deeper things, they could still figure out the shallow things with the help of Heaven's peep.

"So we need to have a perfect alibi! Shiva and Brahma are at odds, and there is a high probability that Shiva will sing against Brahma, that is, he will turn towards us intentionally or unintentionally. , even if he knows that we are the murderers, he still has nothing to do with us."

Fei Zhong said.

"Then what should I do next?" Avalokitesvara asked subconsciously, she didn't know that she had trust deep in her heart, and unconsciously took Fei Zhong as her reliance.

Fei Zhong looked at the corpse on the ground and said, "The first thing is to dispose of the corpse?"

The Dragon Girl said weakly: "Are you...are you going to be buried?"

Guanyin frowned and said, "Surely we can't just bury it directly, use Lingbao to destroy the corpse?"

Fei Zhongdao: "No, just bury it on the spot."

He looked at the corpse on the ground, and a huge plan was slowly unfolding in his heart.

He believes that if this plan is successful, even if Brahma knows that they are the murderers who killed the Peacock King, there is still nothing they can do about it.

"Buried?" Yuan Hong pondered, "All right!"

Seeing Fei Zhong's deep and dignified expression, Yuan Hong could only choose to trust.

Now he is ready to create a domain and transfer the Peacock King.

Fei Zhong suddenly said: "You can't use your domain, dig a hole with your hands, and bury him. Only in this way can we avoid more karma from the Peacock King."

Yuan Hong suddenly realized, and wondered why he hadn't thought of this.

If you use the domain to transfer the corpse, there will be some cause and effect more or less. Although the supreme god may not be able to calculate it, but at this time you are exposed to the peacock's heavenly way, and you will be watched after a long time.


At that moment, Yuan Hong, Guanyin, and Longnv all started digging the ground together.

Time passed bit by bit, and the sound of rustling and digging came from Luojia Mountain.

A man stands to one side while three others bend over to dig in the dirt.

Although they couldn't use the domain and Lingbao, the three of them were gods after all, so they quickly buried the body of the Peacock King.

"What should I do next?" Guanyin asked after burying the digging tools in his hand.

Fei Zhong yawned, seeing that the sky was getting dark little by little, and said, "Go and rest first! Is there a place to rest on Luojia Mountain?"

Guanyin was taken aback: "Yes."

At the moment, Fei Zhong and Yuan Hong also followed Guanyin through the purple bamboo forest, and went to rest on the Luojia cliff in the back mountain.

There is a cave on Luojiaya, where Guanyin usually rests.

Fei Zhong sat down on a large bluestone: "I'm thirsty, is there any water?"

The dragon girl quickly brought the tea, her face was still very pale, and she seemed to be in shock.

Fei Zhong naturally picked up the tea and drank it down, "I haven't eaten all day, prepare me some food."

Practitioners eat wind and drink dew, and can go without food for several years or even hundreds of years, but Fei Zhong can't do it.

The dragon girl nodded, and quickly cooked three dishes and three bowls of rice.

The dishes were fried bamboo shoots, fried tofu, and fried wild vegetables. Although they were all vegetarian, Fei Zhong was hungry all day and traveled around all day, so he ate all three dishes and three bowls of rice cleanly.

Guanyin felt very strange in his heart: "Why does this person seem to be just an ordinary person? If he is a practitioner, even if he would eat something to satisfy his appetite, he would not eat so much."

After Fei Zhong finished eating, he said: "Now let's confess to each other. Next, we will do this..."


The small yard of Yuqingjiao.

Zishou looked at Gu Qingluo and others who were terrified of him, couldn't help touching his nose and said, "Is the devil following me?"

Gu Qingluo shook his head, but said in his heart: "There is no devil behind you, but you are more terrifying than the devil!"

Although Su Mei's strength is strong, she can still see it.

And the man in front of him couldn't see the depth of his strength at all, just snapped his fingers lightly, and easily killed Ravana of the low-level Hunyuan Ceiling, and even the other demons brought by the Peacock King were also burned clean .

This kind of strength can only be described by the word "horror".

"My lord, has the Peacock King escaped?" Su Daji couldn't help asking.

Zishou said, "I can't escape."

Suddenly, he raised his head, raised his index finger on his right hand, and a ray of black flame ignited at his fingertips: "Well, he was burned to death."

Su Daji heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Zishou with eyes full of awe.

Zishou walked towards Su Mei, gently took her hand: "Are you okay just now?"

Su Mei shook her head lightly: "I was slapped twice by him, and my chest felt very tight."

Zishou said, "It's because I was slow to strike."

Su Mei looked at Zishou with a smile, her eyes narrowed slightly, with a smile in her eyes: "Rub it for me."

Zishou: "Huh??? Where??"

Su Mei said: "Rub your back, um, my son, where are you thinking?"

"No, I didn't think about anything." Zishou shook his head, reaching out to rub her back lightly.

When his palm touched her back, Su Mei moaned softly.

Zishou's heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but feel a little turmoil.

"If this continues, I really can't stand this big witch!" Zi Shou said helplessly in his heart.


Early in the morning, various forces in the Demon Kingdom also began to notice abnormalities.

King Peacock Ming led the Brahman demons to Kunlun, and there has been no sound so far.

As long as some hidden world powers faintly deduce something and their faces change drastically, they secretly think that the peacock world is about to usher in a big earthquake.



Brahma hadn't noticed the death of the Peacock King yet, and he sat on the golden lotus with a sullen face.

Below, the Great Sage Kali and the Heavenly King Jiguo stood aside with solemn expressions, neither of them dared to speak.

"You told me that Luohu disappeared, and the imperial concubine Sumo was also taken away by him?" Brahma said coldly, "Where did Luohu get the courage! How could Sumo be taken away! Did you betray the emperor? Ah? I ask you!"

The Great Sage Kali opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Chiguo Heavenly King said: "The God of Creation, calm down! My subordinates speculate that something may have happened to the imperial concubine. The subordinates have already seen that something is wrong with the imperial concubine. It seems... It seems that she has become a body without a soul, and everything is left to Luo Hu Instructions. The subordinates speculate that the real imperial concubine is very likely..."

"You bastard, are you happy that the imperial concubine had an accident? What do I need you for!"

Brahma's handsome face was extremely gloomy, and suddenly he waved his hand, a huge handprint appeared in the air, and suddenly pressed towards King Chiguo.

The Heavenly King Chiguo let out a scream, as if he had been hit hard, he lay heavily on the ground, and his seven orifices began to bleed.

"Chuang... God of Creation... this subordinate... this subordinate is wrong... please... please spare my... life..."

The Heavenly King Chiguo begged in horror.

The great sage Kali on the side was trembling all over, with a look of horror on his face.

A stern look appeared on Brahma's face, but then he noticed something, his expression gradually calmed down, he slowly raised his palm, and said, "You are my subject, how could I kill you? Get up!"

"Yes, yes." Heavenly King Chiguo got up from the ground with great difficulty, and said with a pale face.

Brahma said: "There is no need to look for the imperial concubine for the time being, you go down!"

The two looked at each other and hurriedly saluted and left.

After the two left, Brahma's face darkened again: "Sumo has returned to the Peacock Realm, why didn't he come back? Hmph! When you come back, I will torture you until you beg for mercy!"

All kinds of previous methods to deal with Somo came to his mind, and he couldn't help but grinned cruelly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to suck, and a beautiful maid guarding outside the hall was sucked by him.

Glancing at the maidservant, Brahma's handsome face showed a ferocious smile, and he rushed forward without saying a word.

Soon the voice of the beautiful servant girl full of pain came from the palace.


"From now on, Yuan Hong and I are your friends. We must act as if nothing happened. We have never seen the Peacock King, and we don't know how he died."

On Luojiaya, Fei Zhong got to the point: "Remember, the Peacock King is stronger than us. We can't possibly kill him. His death has nothing to do with us."

"Is that... that's it?"

Guanyin couldn't help asking, she even wanted to ask, what's the difference between this and stealing one's ears?

Yuan Hong was also full of question marks.

Fei Zhong pondered for a while, then said: "Take us to visit the Buddha in Lingshan! We are going to worship Buddha."

Guanyin opened his mouth wide: "Ah? Worship...worship Buddha?"

Even Yuan Hong was at a loss, Fei Zhong, what are you doing?


Fei Zhong's layout refers to the movie "Manslaughter". Since it is a world of gods and demons, it may not be so rigorous in many places, but it is mainly for fun, so don't take it too seriously.

Thinking about it, Fei Zhong said arrogantly: "The scheming child is touching your stomach! The murderer is me! But you can't do anything about me."

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