The eighth day of September.

After King Peacock Ming led the strong Brahmans into Kunlun Mountains, he disappeared, as if he had disappeared from the world.

Many powerful people in the Demon Kingdom gradually realized that something was wrong with this matter.

The top of Mount Sumeru.

Vishnu, the god of protection, sits on a lotus flower, with Garuda, the great roc, standing on the left, and Gashesha, the thousand-headed snake, on the right.

"My avatar has disappeared!" Vishnu's face remained unchanged, but the light in his eyes became gloomy.

Jialuluo couldn't help but said: "At that time, I fought against Di Xin's evil corpse clone. His evil corpse clone was indeed powerful. I saw that it was difficult to take down, so I left. I didn't expect the master's incarnation to be..."

"Is Di Xin's evil corpse clone?" Vishnu frowned suddenly, looked up at the sky above his head, and communicated with the heavens for a while.

"Huh... something happened to the peacock? But why is the cause and effect so vague?"

In Vishnu's eyes, he can see the blurred reflection of the peacock's accident, and the reflection is connected with countless thin lines, extending to countless places.

Three of the lines are red, representing his killers.

The colors of the three lines are different shades, proving that the murderer who killed the peacock played different roles.

One short and two long, one deep and two shallow.

Yet through these three causal threads, Vishnu can see who each thread is connected to.

Vishnu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the shortest causal line.

It was a young girl in red, with scales and horns on her forehead that had not faded. Although her appearance was still vague, she could roughly guess that she was a fairy with horns.

Looking at the other two causal lines, the figures at the junction are blurred, and it can only be discerned that they are two men.

"It's strange that the shortest causal line is the lightest, and the longest causal line is the darkest. Could it be that the person who killed the peacock was not the one who actually killed him, but the one who hid the deepest."

"This time the Peacock World is going to have a big earthquake!"

Hearing Vishnu's words, Garuda Luoqi said: "Is the peacock dead? Who else in this world would dare to kill him?"

After being silent for a moment, Vishnu said, "Maybe it's a visitor from the prehistoric world. I can't see that person's face clearly. There must be part of the prehistoric way on his body, which cuts off the peacock's prying eyes."

Galuro said: "A visitor from the prehistoric world? Who could it be?"

The Thousand-Headed Snake Gashesha suddenly said: "When Brahma finds out about this, the entire peacock world will be turned into a storm!"


On Mount Kailasa.

The concubine Uma looked at Shiva who was looking up at the sky, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

Shiva smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, something happened to the peacock."

"What happened to the peacock? What else could happen to it?" said the concubine Umaqi.

Shiva said: "It has been slaughtered, but I can't see that person's face."

Uma was even more surprised: "You can't even see the murderer's face with your cultivation base. Could it be that the other party's cultivation base is higher than yours?"

After saying this, Uma denied this possibility. Shiva's strength is far above that of Brahma and Vishnu. He is the strongest in the peacock world. It is said that he has surpassed the limit of nine revolutions.

Whether it's the peacock world or the prehistoric world, Uma can't think of anyone who can surpass Shiva.

Shiva smiled slightly and said, "Maybe it's a visitor from the prehistoric world, and I don't know."

Uma said: "I see you seem very happy?"

Shiva said: "That's right, I am very happy when I think of seeing Brahma's distraught look next time."

Uma covered her face helplessly. Shiva and Brahma had long hated each other. Back then, Shiva beheaded Brahma, and later Brahma tricked Shiva into giving his son an elephant head. Since then, the two have been in constant conflict.

Later, when he heard that Brahma was going to marry his daughter Miaoyin Tiannv, Shiva hated Brahma to the extreme.

A white figure flashed unconsciously in Uma's mind, a reckless man, a youth as graceful as snow, and a demon tormenting himself in every possible way at the bottom of the sea.

However, it was such a demon. When Uma thought of it, the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously, showing a sweet smile, and her right hand couldn't help stroking her slightly raised belly.

Shiva noticed Uma's movement: "Have you got it?"

Uma gave a soft "huh".

Shiva was elated, and immediately stepped forward to put his arms around his wife, his eyes full of love.

Uma looked at her husband, but another figure flashed in her mind inexplicably: Li Fengge.


The first Zen day of the color world.

The great sage Kali hurried to Brahma and said, "I tell the sage that the imperial concubine appeared in the south, and she has returned to the prehistoric world!"

Brahma, who was sitting on the golden chair, slightly opened his eyes, and said coldly, "Go find her and come back!"

"Yes." Great Sage Kali replied.


Fei Zhong didn't know that there was a dark wave inside the Demon Kingdom, and many powerful people even began to investigate the whereabouts of the Peacock King.

Although Brahma was temporarily distracted by Sumo's affairs, he would soon find out that something had happened to his son.

At this moment, he and Yuan Hong knelt outside the mountain gate, asking the Buddha for advice.

The four kings looked at each other, if they were ordinary people, they could go down the mountain directly, but it was obvious that these two people had unusual backgrounds, and Yuan Hong next to them seemed to be stronger than them.

And it is said that the two of them came up the mountain together with Guanyin.

But now the Supreme Tathagata Sakyamuni is not here, and the Four Vajras don't know what to do.

At first, the Four King Kongs thought that the two would leave after kneeling for a while, but who knew that the two would not leave from dawn to dusk.

Fei Zhong knelt down until his waist ached and his back ached, and he wished he could lie down on the spot.

He is just an ordinary person. Although his body was created by Styx using lotus flowers, there is still no trace of true energy in his body.

Kneeling for such a long time is already exhausting, and the body is almost falling apart.

Yuan Hong next to him was able to move his true essence and relieve his fatigue, but Fei Zhong couldn't do it.

All the monks on Lingshan talked about it, and they were all very surprised.

"You can't lie down, you must impress them... so that the plan can succeed."

Fei Zhong gritted his teeth and thought to himself, in Dashang, he is a pampered high-ranking official, and at the same time he is also a person who can control himself very well.

Just relying on a willpower, he managed to survive till midnight.

That is, from 11:1 to [-]:[-].

"Since the Buddha can't solve the confusion in Fei's mind today, tomorrow Fei will come to Lingshan and ask the Buddha to solve his confusion."

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, he stood up staggeringly, staggered and almost fell to the ground, Longnu hurried forward to support him.

"Let's go, let's go down the mountain!"


Under the surprised eyes of the monks, Fei Zhong and Yuan Hong descended slowly.

After leaving the sight of the monks, Fei Zhong said, "Let's rest at the bottom of the mountain and continue up the mountain tomorrow."

Yuan Hong was puzzled: "Going up the mountain tomorrow? What do you want to do?"

Fei Zhong smiled mysteriously: "I want the monks on this mountain to prove it for us."

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