Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 654 Using a mortal body to calculate a saint

Fei Zhong temporarily stayed in Buddhism.

Receive and guide the Buddha to accept him as a disciple and make him a disciple of the Buddha.

For this, many monks in the Buddhist sect are envious.

After all, he is the disciple of the saint!

It is not impossible to successfully become a Buddha in the future.

On the top of the Lingshan Mountain is the Mo Xiaohan, and the root is connected to Sumeru.

At this time, Fei Zhong and Yuan Hong stood on the cliff and watched the monks in the green pine forest practice. Some chanted scriptures, some carried water, some cut firewood, and some meditated.

Avalokitesvara next to him was a little absent-minded. As time went by, Heaven's peeps at them would become more and more clear, and Brahma would always find them.

But what Fei Zhong has done so far is only to ask his teacher to solve his doubts.

Yuan Hong was also in a gloomy mood, thinking whether to sneak away and find a place to hide.

At this time, a group of upasakas, upasiks, monks, and nuns all gathered around to congratulate Fei Zhong.

"Buddhas really have great wisdom! When I see Muni, I will regard you as a Buddha."

"When the Buddha's son becomes a Buddha, please cross me too!"

Fei Zhong was used to this kind of compliment, and with a smile on his face, he said: "When I came to Lingshan on the seventh day of September, I didn't know whether I could ride the clouds, and I broke down the pine trees. I was annoyed by the Buddha, and I knelt outside the mountain gate. The whole day! Thanks to everyone for not embarrassing Fei."

As he spoke, he clasped his hands and saluted.

All the monks hurriedly put their palms together and said, "Son of the Buddha, stop saluting."

Fei Zhong sees people talk about people and sees ghosts talk nonsense, and soon he chatted with a group of upasakas, upasikas, monks, and nuns.


Time passed quickly.

The realm of form, in the first meditation heaven.

Brahma sat in the palace and looked at the document presented by the Brahman high priest, on which the names and origins of the horned women of various ethnic groups were noted.

Brahma narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally landed on a name on the document: "Dragon Girl."

The gods in the peacock world are different from the gods in the prehistoric world. They can understand Zhouyi and gossip. They often use their eyes to see the way of heaven when they predict the future, and get the truth of things from the hints of the way of heaven in the dark.

The advantage of this method of calculation is that it is simple, but the disadvantage is that the calculation of the truth is often easily affected by external factors, resulting in blurred truth.

Therefore, Brahma could not directly deduce the identity of the murderer.

But when I saw this name, I felt touched, and the fog in front of me cleared away, and the figure behind the causal line connecting the Peacock King was completely clear.

"Luojiashan, the dragon girl under the seat of Guanyin! It's her!"

Brahma narrowed his eyes and said with a slight sneer: "It turns out that the death of the peacock at the hands of this woman is also related to Guanyin. But the real reason may not be like this. This woman can't hurt the peacock. The real murderers are the other two."

He didn't immediately order the Brahmans to arrest the dragon girl, but this didn't mean that Brahma would let the dragon girl go, he just didn't want to startle the snake.

"Who has come into contact with Guanyin these days? Among those who have contacted, there must be a murderer who killed the peacock, let me find out!" Brahma said coldly.

The Brahmin High Priest nodded, and then slowly left the Golden Palace.

He knew that when the truth was found out, Guanyin would also be implicated!


On the top of the Lingshan Mountain, a novice invited Fei Zhong to enter the treasure hall to accept the method of introduction.

Fei Zhong nodded, and followed the novice monk to the Palace of Reception and Induction.

At this moment, lead the Buddha to show his real body, sit on the lotus, and the three relics on the top of the head will rise up, sinking up and down, emitting bursts of golden light.

"Disciple Fei Zhong, pay homage to the Buddha." Fei Zhong also saluted immediately.

Jieyin Buddha nodded and said, "Are you from the prehistoric world?"

Fei Zhong's face remained unchanged, his identity was still discovered, but this was also within his expectation.

At the moment Fei Zhong also said: "Disciple Fei Zhong is indeed a man of the prehistoric times. At the beginning when Shakyamuni came to the prehistoric times, he preached to the Great Merchants, and became the Buddha of Buddhism among the Great Merchants. The disciple followed the orders of the Emperor Yin Jiao of the Great Merchants, and traveled far away. Baoshan, I look forward to pointing out the confusion of life and suffering in the world. I hope that the Buddha will be kind and point out the maze."

Some of his words are true and some are false, omitting the matter of how he came to the Peacock Realm.

Jieyin Buddha nodded slightly, smiled, and said, "So you met me in this way?"

"Yes, Buddha."

He quoted the Buddha and said: "Your prehistoric world is the size of a grain of rice. Just because everyone sits in a well and looks at the sky, they don't know the heights of the sky and the thickness of the earth, the vastness of things and the density of people, but at most they are greedy and kill more, more adulterous and more cheating, more deceitful and more deceitful; disrespectful Buddhism, don't seek good fortune, don't respect the three lights, don't pay attention to the five grains; disloyal, unfilial, unrighteous and unkind, hide your heart from yourself, fight big and small scales, kill lives and animals. Create boundless evils, sins are full of evil, and cause There will be calamities in hell, so I will fall into the netherworld forever, suffer from the many pestilences, and transform into animals."

Saying that, the Lord Buddha shook his head and continued: "If the prehistoric world does not respect Buddhism, how can it survive forever? This is why there are many wars and sufferings. There are many shapes with fur and horns, paying off their debts and feeding their meat to people It is for this reason that they will fall forever into Abi and cannot be exalted.”

Fei Zhong: "..."

With a flattering smile on Fei Zhong's face, he knelt on the ground and said, "I also ask the Buddha to help me ascend!"

Receiving and leading the Buddha said: "It's not impossible to cross your exaltation. If you want this seat to cross you, you have to cross yourself first. My Buddha has transcended suffering, explained the scriptures of disasters, talked about heaven and earth, saved ghosts, saved Human beings become Buddhas and immortals. In the scriptures, there are records of astronomy, geography, people, birds and beasts, flowers and trees, utensils, and human affairs. They have the mysteries of monks. I will give you a reading!"

At the moment, to receive and guide the Buddha also took out 35 scriptures from the treasure pavilion and handed them over to Fei Zhong.

After Fei Zhong took the scriptures, he also hurriedly thanked him: "The disciple and Yuan Hong went up to Baoshan Mountain on the seventh day of September, but they rode clouds into the sky, disrespected Buddhism, destroyed pine trees by mistake, and knelt for a whole day. With a compassionate heart, open your mouth of compassion and give me scriptures, disciples will always remember them in their hearts, and will never disappoint the Buddha's kindness."

Jieyin Buddha showed a satisfied smile on his face, nodded and said: "Just remember it. If you still have unfinished business, you will go and finish it. If you come up the mountain again, you will be a member of the Buddhist sect."

My Buddhist sect will have another Buddhist disciple!It is really the luck of Buddhism!

Lead the Buddha's heart secretly.

Kneeling at three steps, knocking at nine steps, and Fei Zhong's gatha all proved that this man was a sincere Buddhist disciple.

Although he is a prehistoric person, he is much better than countless monks from the Peacock World!


Besides, Fei Zhong left with the scriptures in his arms, and he saw all the "Nirvana Sutra", "Bodhisattva Sutra", "Void Tibetan Sutra", "Shoushurangama Sutra", "Great Collection of Enyi Sutra", "Decision Sutra", " The Treasure Sutra, the Huayan Sutra, the Li Zhenru Sutra, etc., etc.

The title of the book can still be understood, but when I turn it inside, I don't know why.

After he went out, he handed the scriptures directly to Yuan Hong and said, "Let's go down the mountain."

Yuan Hong looked confused: "What is this?"

"It's all given by the old monk. I don't know what it's written on. Let's use it to light the fire in the future!" Fei Zhong waved his hand casually, "Let's go down the mountain and find my good brother, the Great Immortal Jinding."

The bureau has almost been laid out, and it is time to finish the last step.

At present, Fei Zhong, Yuan Hong, Guanyin and Longnv all descended the mountain together and arrived at Yuzhen Temple at the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

The Immortal Jinding saw Fei Zhong coming down, his eyes lit up, and he said, "The Buddha has been up the mountain for many days, but he succeeded in meeting Muni?"

"Muni didn't see it, but saw an old thing."

Fei Zhong groaned in his heart, but with a smile on his face, he said: "When we see the Buddha, we will receive his scriptures, and we will be Buddhists from then on."

The Immortal Jinding smiled and said: "Congratulations, Xiaoyou Fei will eventually become a disciple of Buddha."

Fei Zhong sighed and said: "It is Fei's fortune to befriend the Great Immortal. When I saw the Great Immortal on the seventh day of September, I felt like old friends at first sight, just like relatives."

The Great Immortal on the Golden Top said: "I will enter the temple together, and I will order people to prepare fragrant soup to bathe my little friend."

Fei Zhong didn't refuse, and he followed his word right now.

The crowd entered Yuzhen Temple, and after taking a bath, the Immortal Jinding also ordered people to prepare immortal products, delicacies, tea, fruits, and delicacies for everyone to eat.

At the banquet, Fei Zhong took the hand of the Golden Top Immortal, and two of the three sentences were about the seventh day of September.

"On the seventh day of September, I went to Lingshan with Bodhisattva for the first time. I was lucky enough to meet the Great Immortal, and we were able to become friends. Fei Zhong will definitely remember this day in his heart."

"I think it was really disrespectful for us to ascend the mountain on the seventh day of the lunar new year. Fortunately, the Buddha is magnanimous and merciful to Fei."

"On the seventh day of September, I knelt in front of the Buddha until the early morning, not to pray for blessings, but to get closer to the Buddha."

The guests at the banquet were all happy.

The next morning, Fei Zhong changed his monk clothes and bid farewell to the Immortal Jinding.

"Great Immortal, I am leaving, and I will come back to talk to Daxian later. Alas, I think back then, in September..."

Before Fei Zhong could finish speaking, the Immortal Jinding held his hand and said, "I know, when you and I met on the seventh day of September, we became friends at first sight."

Fei Zhong smiled.

At that moment, the four of them bid farewell to the Immortal Jinding, and Tengyun returned to Luojia Mountain.

Along the way, Longnv was frowning, full of apprehension.

After returning to Luojia Mountain, the dragon girl bit her lips and said, "Bodhisattva, let the dragon girl go to confess her sins and obey the Dharma by herself, so as to pay the order of King Peacock Ming!"

Guanyin froze in place for a moment, unable to recover for a long time.

Suddenly, Fei Zhong sneered: "Do you think Brahma can let Guanyin go if you plead guilty?"

Dragon Girl opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Fei Zhong said coldly: "How do you think the peacock died?"

Before Longnu could speak, Fei Zhong said, "Yuan Hong slapped him first, and then you smashed him to death with a jade bottle. Speaking of which, everyone present is a murderer. Once Brahma finds out, we will all die. "

"But...but what can we do now?" Dragon Girl was at a loss.

Fei Zhong's face became gentle, he stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, and said warmly, "Don't worry, I will take care of everything. As long as this incident alarms the three supreme gods, we will all be safe and sound in the end."

Avalokitesvara said: "The death of a peacock is a serious matter, and the three supreme gods will definitely be alarmed, but...even if the supreme god cannot calculate your cause and effect, he can still know that the peacock died on Mount Luojia. Are you safe and sound?"

A strange smile appeared on Fei Zhong's face: "Why not? But none of you can admit that the peacock died here, otherwise all calculations will fail."


Although there are only two shifts, it is still the amount of four shifts.

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