Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 664 Fei Zhong laughed at Brahma

Fei Zhong, Yuan Hong and others were quickly taken to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

Lead clouds piled up in the sky, black and dense as if they might fall down at any time, the wind whizzed, and the sea water roared, and the light rain was cold, hitting the face drop by drop.

Brahma stood on a high place with a gloomy face and resentment in his eyes, and said, "The peacock must have been buried here! This feeling can't be wrong."

He could feel that the skeleton of the peacock was here, and he could feel that his soul seemed to have not yet dissipated. Once the corpse was found, it was impossible to say that he could still reunite his soul and revive the peacock.

"Dig it for me!"

With an order, a group of strong Brahmin demons began to dig around, looking for the dead body of the peacock.

Sitting in the imperial chariot, Shiva watched the scene in front of him with great interest. When he glanced at Fei Zhongshi, he couldn't help but pause for a few more breaths, and then sighed softly.

Although Fei Zhong used his mortal body to plot against the sage of the Demon Dao and created a perfect alibi.

But after all, mortals are mortals, how could they really deal with saints?

Once the peacock's body was found, the four of them had no choice but to die.

Originally, Shiva only kept Fei Zhong and the others just to contradict Brahma, but now he has a kind of love for talent in his heart.

Vishnu also heard the voice, and stepped on the lotus. Standing beside Shiva, he looked at the gloomy Brahma on the other side, and said, "It seems that this case will be solved today."

Although he didn't have the kind of father-son relationship between Brahma and Peacock, he could sense that Peacock was buried here.

There are more and more powerful people coming up from Luojia Mountain, all of them are watching from afar and watching with cold eyes.

"It seems that Fei Zhong is doomed today. He was so arrogant last time on Shenhun Mountain. This time when his body is found, Brahma will never let him go."

"This person has been able to calculate the saint for so long, and he is really powerful!"


There were dense sounds of digging the ground, the sound of howling wind, and the sound of rumbling sea tides.

Fei Zhong, Yuan Hong, Guanyin, Longnu and others stood in the light rain, each with a different expression.

Fei Zhong had no expression on his face and no emotion in his eyes, but he was also uneasy in his heart.

Yuan Hong was anxious in his heart. Although the expression on his face did not change, his eyes were already looking for a suitable escape direction.

Guanyin's face was pale, she bit her lip, her body trembled slightly, and the sound of digging around made her feel extremely ear-piercing.

The dragon girl was extremely haggard, standing beside Guanyin, holding her hands tightly, lowering her head, trying to suppress her inner fear.

Both of them knew that the peacock was buried on Luojia Mountain!

And it's not buried very deep, so you don't need to dig thousands of feet at all, you can find it with a little digging!

Although the dignity of burying the corpse has been tamped, after all, those who dug the ground are all powerful demons. As the ground was dug up inch by inch, suddenly the king of Chiguo raised his voice and shouted: "We have dug it! We have dug it!"

The sand was dug up, and a gray sack was revealed. There were faint divine patterns flowing on the sack, which seemed to be a spiritual treasure.

Brahma suddenly laughed and said, "Dug out the peacock!"

His laughter was full of shrillness and sorrow. For the peacock, he really loved him. Who would have thought that he would die here.

When Avalokitesvara heard: "I got it", she seemed to lose her strength and sat down on the ground, and the dragon girl also felt that her strength seemed to be exhausted, and then she sat on the ground with "" written all over her face. Despair" these two words.

Yuan Hong took a deep breath and was ready to fight out.

Although he is a saint, he is not sure whether he can be resurrected in this world.

With a remorseful look on Fei Zhong's face, he staggered back two or three steps and murmured, "How... how..."

Brahma looked at Fei Zhong with hatred written all over his face, and the pleasure of revenge welled up in his heart.

Originally, what he hated the most was Yuan Hong, the murderer who killed the peacock, but Fei Zhong tricked him this time, so he transferred his hatred to Fei Zhong.

"Fei Zhong, after all, I found the corpse. Even if you regret it now, it's useless! If you don't torture your life like death, it's hard to explain my hatred!" Brahma said sternly.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding immortals all secretly thought: This case is finally over.

"This Fei Zhong can design a perfect alibi, and he is really good. It's a pity that no matter how good he is, he still loses."

"Playing against a saint, hmph, is he worthy?"

"If you dare to murder the peacock, I'm afraid that this Buddhist sect will..."


Seeing this, Shiva also shook his head, looked at Fei Zhong and the others, and said, "Fei Zhong's scheme has come to an end."

Brahma sternly said, "Bring them to the color world!"

The sound was like muffled thunder, and everyone's ears were buzzing.

All the gods and demons present knew that this scene had come to an end.

However, at this moment, the horrified voice of King Chiguo came: "No...something is wrong...this is not a corpse..."

Everyone heard the reputation and looked around, only to see that King Chiguo had dug out a gray cloth bag.

On the gray cloth bag, the god pattern circulates, and it is a storage bag of high grade.

There was something unknown in the bag, which made the bag look extremely bloated, but King Jiguo felt a strong sense of something wrong.

If it was the corpse of a peacock, how could it be so bloated?

King Chiguo hurriedly opened the mouth of the bag and poured out the contents of the storage bag.

As the contents inside were poured out, the atmosphere suddenly became weird, and the scene became extremely quiet, only the sound of the howling waves remained, and everyone present opened their mouths wide, with expressions of disbelief written all over their faces .

And Brahma glanced away, and when he saw something on the ground, his eyes widened, and his face was strangely puzzled.

Avalokitesvara originally closed her eyes and waited to die, but suddenly found that the surroundings seemed to be terribly silent, raised her head, looked at her eyes, and her whole body was also stunned.

I saw that the bag unexpectedly poured out a series of heavy scriptures...

Where is the dead body?

At this moment, Fei Zhong suddenly burst into laughter.

The laughter was full of arrogance and complacency.



"Is this the peacock? Brahma King? It's just a Mahayana classic I borrowed from Buddhism!"

Fei Zhong laughed wildly, the panic was swept away from his face, full of arrogance and complacency.

Shiva's face was full of surprise, he opened his mouth, and his eyes were full of surprise.

And Vishnu was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said, "Amazing, awesome!"

Brahma was stunned and angry, and said sharply, "You...you...why did you bury the scriptures here?"

Fei Zhong asked: "Why can't I bury the scriptures here? These scriptures were given by the Buddha. After I read them, I think they are very precious. I am afraid they will be stolen by thieves, so I can't bury them here. Isn't it okay?" "

Brahma was startled and angry, and said sharply, "Then why did you show panic just now?"

Fei Zhong said seriously: "These scriptures are very important. I'm afraid that your subordinates will damage them when digging, so I'm a little panicked."

"You...you..." Brahma became furious and roared angrily, "You lied to me?!"

"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Fei Zhong laughed wildly, and said arrogantly: "Yes, I lied to you, so what? You don't have any evidence to prove that we killed the peacock, but we have sufficient alibi. What do you want to do to us?"

"You are looking for death!" Brahma wanted to violently kill people.

Fei Zhong took two steps back in fright, and said, "Are you going to forcefully kill us? Now Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are here. Lord Shiva has always been fair and just, and he is the most powerful god in the peacock world." , and Vishnu is even more benevolent and compassionate, with a heart for the universe, are you going to kill me in front of them?"

Brahma looked at Shiva with half a smile on his face, and Vishnu with a smile on his face. Although he was extremely angry in his heart, he also knew that he couldn't make a move today.

The two of them would never watch him kill Fei Zhong.

"Let's go!" Brahma roared and turned to leave angrily.

Fei Zhong looked at it with a smile on his face, but he breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart. His eyes looked at the sack with a strange look.

Yuan Hong, Guanyin, Longnv and others looked at a loss, completely unaware of what was going on.

Why did the peacock's dead body become a scripture?

Where did the peacock's body go?

Suddenly, a look of astonishment flashed across Yuan Hong's face: "Wait...it's that day..."

He looked at Fei Zhong, wanting to question him in public, but he held back.



Zishou was trapped in the field, calculating the location of the middle palace step by step, and walked towards the middle palace.


Goddess Miaoyin was still lying on the chair with a smile on her side, lazily eating the melons and fruits that Qiaoqiao brought up.

"Master, is he really not going to kill him?" Qiao Qiao asked, still worried.

Goddess Miaoyin smiled lightly, her tone filled with arrogance: "Don't worry, time and space are disordered in the domain. Don't say that only fifteen days have passed, even if it takes another ten years, he may not be able to kill here .”

Qiao Qiao suddenly trembled and said: "Master...Master...You...Behind you..."

Miaoyin Tiannv said: "Behind me? What happened behind me?"

Suddenly, she became alert and hurriedly rubbed her body and jumped up.

At this moment, an extremely powerful murderous aura pierced through her clothes from her back and reached her skin, making her whole body feel as if she had fallen into a cellar of ice, with goosebumps all over her body.

She turned sideways, and as soon as she clasped her hands, she had already grasped a sharp gun point, and her palms were cut with blood in an instant!

Zishou stood behind him coldly, with a gun in his right hand, he picked up Miaoyin Tiannv, covering his whole body with will-o'-the-wisps and his aura was terrifying.

On one side, Qiao Qiao turned pale with fright, turned around and ran out, abandoning her master.


Zishou threw a hard throw, and directly threw Miaoyin Tiannv to the ground, then pointed the spear at her throat, and said coldly: "Open the cave!"

Goddess Miaoyin was dripping with cold sweat, her eyes narrowed, her face was pale, she said, "You...how did you get in? This field...even...even my sister is not so fast..."

Zishou said coldly: "You don't care how I got in, open the cave, I don't want to bother with you!"

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