Regarding the question of the leader of Longyin Sect, Taoist Wan frowned, and said in a deep voice, "King Peacock Ming died on the day of Yuqing Sect. My spies reported back, but the Demon Kingdom locked the real culprit in the Buddhist sect, Guanyin Dao." A scholar. The sage suddenly left the customs and ordered us to act like this. He should have his own reasons. It is useless to speculate."

Zhang Zhengqing nodded, and said again: "Speaking of which, the woman who is with Junior Sister Gu is really pretty."

When mentioning this person, the two heads of the Taoist sect all showed weird looks at the same time.

When they arrived at Yuqingjiao that day, the woman came out holding her skirt, with a graceful figure and lightly moving tassels.The face is like the morning glow, charming and beautiful.Her expression was indifferent, giving people a feeling of being aloof and repelling others thousands of miles away, but it made people want to approach her and blaspheme her, forcing her to show a shy and embarrassed expression.

Even Taoist Wan and Zhang Zhengqing were a little shaken, and even had the thought of rushing forward to tear their clothes apart for a moment.

This is definitely not because they are lustful. You must know that although the two of them are not top-notch in cultivation, they are also quasi-saint powerhouses, and they have long since cut off the desire of men and women.

It's not that Su Mei is too beautiful, a great practitioner can at most be amazed by a beautiful person, and it's hard to have other emotions.

After deliberation, the two of them came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with this woman's cultivation technique.

Maybe it's some kind of soul-stirring charm, even if this woman has no intention to seduce a man, she involuntarily infiltrates her charm, and when a man sees it, some obscene images will appear in his mind.

"If you can sleep with this woman, it's not enough to be a fairy."

In case this thought flashed through Taoist's mind, he quickly extinguished it, and said: "That woman's cultivation base is still higher than ours, and I'm afraid she is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but she seems to be a person of the devil way, so it's no wonder that she will be killed. The saint took him away. I don't know what kind of person Gu Qingluo is talking about."

Zhang Zhengqing snorted: "Didn't you say you fell into a tiankeng?"

"The sage said that he has come out of the sinkhole, let us wait for him here. It's really hard to figure out what the sage means." Taoist Wan sighed.

Zhang Zhengqing agreed.

Wan Daoist laughed: "But in my opinion, this person is probably just a little boy who is Yifu Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!"

Yifu Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's little boy?

Zhang Zhengqing had a strange expression on his face, and suddenly felt a little envious.


Gu Qingluo didn't tell the story of Ravana's son's murder, not deliberately concealing it, but because it was too bizarre, not many people would believe it.

At this time, she was standing on the palace tower, looking into the distance, and the four female disciples were also locked in the same place.

In case a Taoist brings her here, he will protect her under the guise of a pretense to prevent the Demon Sect from retaliation.In fact, she was put under house arrest.

Gu Qingluo wondered in his heart whether the Taoist had really followed the orders of the sage, after much deliberation, the possibility of following the orders of the sage was high.

Because if the Taoist just wanted to monopolize the three places of saint disciples, he would not have brought her to the Wanjun Sect, and more would have killed her secretly.

Gu Qingluo's face was serious, Saint, what exactly do you want to do?

The saint's temper was not good. When he came to this world for the first time that year, he carried a 40-meter machete and slashed the Brahmin disciples out of their wits, and beat the Brahmin master to escape.

Afterwards, he chose Zizhiya to recuperate and recover from his injuries, and he did not leave until recently.

"Could it be that the sage wants to deal with Mr. Yin and the others?" Thinking of this, Gu Qingluo became even more worried.

Zishou is also difficult to deal with, his strength is unfathomable, and the will-o'-the-wisp is extremely terrifying. Once the saint deals with him, I'm afraid he may not be able to get good results.

In the end, don't break the foundation of the Taoism.

"Master, will Young Master Yin really come?" Behind Bai Yunxi's dark eyes rolled flexibly, they didn't know how to address Zishou, but they heard that his surname was Yin, so they all called him Mr. Yin, Yin. master.

Gu Qingluo shook his head.

Bai Yunmian, the youngest, said softly, "Does the saint really want to deal with Mr. Yin?"

She had a good impression of Zi Shou, and felt that this man was gentle and kind. Although sometimes he couldn't understand what he said, the contact during that period of time made her feel that he was a good person, at least not annoying.

If the saint really wanted to target him, would he really have a way out?

The cultivation base of that saint is too high.

Gu Qingluo still shook his head, and his heart was full of worries, not only worried about Yin Shou's safety, but also worried about his own future.


In an attic.

Su Mei, who was dressed in red like a red maple, leaned on the railing alone, staring at the autumn water outside the window, "Have you found out?"

She seemed to be talking to herself, because she was the only one in the pavilion.

"It is indeed impossible for you not to know, otherwise you wouldn't imprison me here. But you can only guess a little, right?"

Of course, a small attic cannot imprison Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but it will be different if this attic is transformed by the will of a saint.

The will of high-ranking saints can be transformed into laws, and among the laws, everyone must abide by them.

Which naturally also includes staying at home.

Su Mei sighed, and said: "I have been imprisoned for countless years, and today I am imprisoned here by you again. Have you already broken through that layer of shackles? Otherwise, how did you come back?"

No one answered, and seemed unwilling to answer.

But after a long time, a voice suddenly rang in Su Mei's ear.

Cold, aloof, without a trace of emotion: "When I find out the truth, I will naturally let you go."

The corners of Su Mei's mouth raised slightly, revealing a meaningful smile: "You can't find out, Yin...she won't let you find out."

"Is it?"


Zishou came to the ruins of Biyou Palace.

In the prehistoric world, he had been to Biyou Palace several times, and he was also shocked by this fairyland at that time.

But when I arrived at Biyou Palace at this time, I saw devastation everywhere, ruined walls, fairy trees, fairy flowers, fairy roots, spirit birds, and spirit beasts were all gone, and the prosperity of the past no longer existed.

This fairy family treasure land is like a ruin.

"The Biyou Palace in this world is indeed on earth was it destroyed? Brahma King and the others did it?"

Zishou frowned, although according to the information he found, Tiangong, Biyou Palace, Yuxu Palace, Zifu and other immortal lands were all destroyed by the Demon Kingdom after the War of Demon Dao tens of thousands of years ago, but since he was in Tiangong After seeing the bones of those saints under the pit, he suspected that the destruction of the Taoist sect was not that simple.

At least it will never be as simple as it seems.

Because of the human design of the Supreme God of the Demon Kingdom.

Brahma King: The god of creation, cruel, lustful and greedy.

Shiva: The god of destruction, but in the world of mercy.

Vishnu: The god of maintaining order in the world, maintaining the balance between Brahma and Shiva.

Although Brahma has the strength of the peak of the demon saint, no less than Hongjun Taoist ancestor, he may not be able to destroy the Taoist sect and kill so many saints,

Shiva's strength is still higher than that of Brahma, so it is very possible, but this person was too lazy to create the world at the beginning, and the possibility of destroying Taoist sects has been greatly reduced.

Vishnu...Although the appearance is different, but like Brahma, he does not have the strength to destroy Taoism.

As for cooperation...

The three supreme gods are fighting each other openly and secretly, how can they cooperate?

Suddenly, Zishou thought of the Three Emperors in the God Killing Spear: "Which world are they the Three Emperors?"

Shaking his head, Zishou couldn't let himself continue to think about it, the more he thought about it, the more indescribable fear he felt in his heart.

It was as if some great horror awaited him ahead.

"Go to Wanjun Church to teach that saint."

Thinking of this, Zishou went on a big walk.

Next to the ruins on the island, a huge dojo was built.

There are overlapping pavilions in the dojo, full of immortal energy.The interlacing of light and shadow, and the coming and going of Taoist boys are exactly where the Wanjun Sect is located.

When Zishou entered the ashram, two young girls came out from the inside, both dressed in green clothes, with elegant appearance.

"We are disciples of Teacher Wanyi, please come with us."

Tsing Yi on the left spoke.

Zishou saw that the two of them were not weak in cultivation, they were at the level of golden immortals.

Walking inside, I found that the Wanjun Sect is worthy of inheriting the orthodoxy of the Jie Sect. There are a lot of disciples, most of them are beasts.

"Peng demon, turtle spirit, tiger demon, deer spirit, mouse spirit, cow demon, bitch, cat lady..."

"Is that a real cat or a fake cat?"

Seeing the corner of Zishou's mouth twitch slightly at the end, he muttered in his heart.

Some fairy dresses are sexy, with cat ears and long cat tails, which look fluffy.

Glancing at Maoxian's tail, Zishou followed in with a blank expression.

He's not an lsb, he's just curious at best.

After entering the inner pavilion, bypassing the shadow wall, and came to a courtyard to the west, I heard a Taoist laughing loudly: "Mr. Yin is here, the poor Taoist has been waiting for a long time!"

Zishou looked up and saw a middle-aged man wearing a gossip robe walking towards him with strides.Wearing a cloud-controlling crown on his head, a Tai'a sword hanging from his waist, and wind boots on his feet, this Taoist's eyes are like lightning, three flowers loom on the top of his head, and his cultivation is not low.

"Which thing are you?"

Zi Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, he was not polite at all, he robbed his own people, don't expect him to be polite, if it wasn't for the sage who is afraid of the dark, he would have been set on fire.

The Taoist was not angry, and said with a pleasant face: "I forgot to introduce, the poor Taoist Longyin sect advocates righteousness."

Is this the sect that the successor teaches orthodoxy?It seems that the outside is not the same as the outside, without the indifference of the sage Laozi.

Zishou made an evaluation in his heart, and said coldly: "Where is your saint? Let him come out to see me!"

Zhang Zhengqing's face stiffened for a moment, but he still smiled.Let the saint come out to meet you, little golden fairy?Where did you get the confidence?If it hadn't been for the sage's order, I would have acted right now to let you know what to say and what not to say.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, a sneer came from the yard, and then a Taoist in green walked out slowly, squinting his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "What a bold little golden fairy, how dare you speak nonsense! Don't you know where this place is?" !"

In the voice, the two swords behind him trembled slightly, as if they were about to fly out.

After discovering that Zishou was only a little golden fairy, Taoist Wan suddenly felt contemptuous, thinking that this person was just a guy who relied on Hunyuan to take advantage of his power.

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