Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 68 The Dog System Is So Tough?

When Zishou turned his head to look, he was stunned.

On the passenger seat, a slender figure was leaning back against the chair in a rather relaxed posture, with white and tender arms folded in front of his chest, that gorgeous and beautiful face turned around, revealing a faint smile , but the light in his eyes was a bit playful.

Zishou turned around abruptly!

No, it must be the wrong posture of turning the head!

I was wrong!

Zishou took a deep breath, turned his head again, that beautiful pretty face got a little closer, and his cherry lips parted slightly: "Long time no see~ Yin Shou~"

Zi was frightened into a cold sweat, turned his head suddenly, no, no!It must be an illusion!

It must be the wrong posture of turning the head...

Turning his head to look again, the beautiful pretty face was two centimeters closer again, and the smile on his face was even brighter.

Zishou suddenly turned his head again, and when he looked again, he saw a beautiful face close in front of him, the tip of the other's nose almost touched his own face, and the teasing in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Zi Shou wanted to turn his head again, but those white and tender hands pressed his shoulders, and his voice was slightly angry: "Have you turned enough?"

Zishou: "!!!"


What a mess!She lingers, why is she everywhere?

Zishou froze, his hands on the steering wheel were slightly weak, and a thought flashed in his mind: "Is it too late to jump out of the car now?"


Nuwa moved her face away, and the smile on her face also subsided: "You've been doing well recently!"

"Ahem, it's okay..." Zishou coughed lightly twice, "Nuwa Empress, why are you looking for me?"

A faint blush flashed across Nu Wa's cheeks, but it disappeared quickly.

Since she left from Chentangguan last time, she has been paying attention to Zishou, and she has become more and more curious about him, and wants to know how many cards this man has.

Until that day - when the favorability broke through 60.

An inexplicable emotion rose in Nuwa's heart, and under the guidance of this emotion, she suddenly wanted to see Zishou.

For no other reason than to take a closer look.

Of course, this is not love.

It just changed from admiration to a touch of liking.

Seeing that Nuwa hadn't spoken, Zishou turned his head to look at her, and found that she was looking at him, staring at his face intently.

Zishou turned his head hastily.Rub, look at what I am doing?

But then, Zishou thought of something, had an idea, and turned back to look at her again.

Well, Zishou's stare at each other is not affectionate, but... not to be outdone, full of demonstrations!

Want to stare at each other?Then come!See who can stare at whom!

Although you are a saint, but when it comes to staring at people, my son is not afraid of you anymore!

"Boom!" With a soft sound, the Bugatti hit a bamboo basket on the side of the road, and Zi Shou was so frightened that he hurriedly turned back and continued driving.

Seeing that his face was a little pale in panic, Nuwa was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and giggled, and a blush like a bright glow flooded her face quickly.

Nuwa laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly, and Zishou's head was covered with black lines.

Nuwa's laughter was very sweet, like a light bell in the spring breeze in March, shaking and shaking, as if it wanted to shake into everyone's heart.

At this time, she is not like a high-ranking "sage who regards the people as a straw dog", but like a big sister who laughs because her neighbors have done embarrassing things.

"Your laughter is really nice." Originally, Zi Shou was a little afraid of this woman, and there was a third of fear in his heart, but now she smiled like this, and most of the life gap between the two of them disappeared, and Zi Shou also sincerely praised said a word.

Nuwa stopped laughing immediately, with a straight face and a serious look: "Go with your car!"

"This stinky woman changes her face so quickly!" Zi Shou muttered to himself, and drove the Brady out of Chaoge, heading towards the field that Huang Feihu, Fei Zhong and the others were going to plant.

Nuwa was quietly looking at Zishou again, when suddenly she said, "I always feel like you don't look like a personal emperor."

"I am not." Zishou replied casually.

Nuwa smiled lightly.

After that, neither of them spoke, Zishou drove the car intently, while Nuwa also stayed quietly, although neither of them spoke, but a strange atmosphere surrounded them.

It seems that no one knows what the other is thinking, so they are in a silent communication.

When they were approaching the farmland, Nuwa couldn't help breaking the silence: "You have so many harems, but it seems that you have never touched Su Daji and the others?"

Zishou: "..."

How dare you say that, you stinky woman who rides a horse?That's not the vixen you sent to harm me!

Of course, these words cannot be said directly. Zishou pretended to be affectionate, and looked at Nu Wa and said a very clichéd love sentence: "Because I have you in my heart, other women are no different from pink skulls in front of me."

The corner of Nuwa's mouth twitched slightly, as if she was about to laugh, but she forcibly held back.At this time, the sun was shining obliquely on her face, her eyebrows were elegant, her complexion was white and red, and she was extremely beautiful.

Then she rolled her beautiful eyes, "Don't lie to me with the tricks of the world."

Having said that, there was still a faint smile on his face.

Zishou looked a little crazy, I have to say, this Nuwa is really beautiful.

At this time, Nuwa, apart from her cold and ruthless demeanor of rejecting people thousands of miles away, is like a gentle but slightly angry big sister, and her waist is graceful and her upper body trembles slightly, which makes people even more excited.

"Have you seen enough?" Seeing Zishou staring directly at her, Nuwa felt slightly annoyed, and softly annoyed.

Zishou hurriedly turned his head and continued driving.

"Okay, I'm leaving, Yin Shou." When she was about to arrive at her destination, Nuwa said lightly, and after she finished speaking, she resumed her dignified and self-sufficient demeanor of rejecting others thousands of miles away, and her figure turned into a The golden light escaped into the air and disappeared.

Zishou felt slightly melancholy, and then slapped himself viciously: "Zi Shou, Zi Shou, what are you thinking? Is that kind of woman you can think of? Your most urgent thing right now is to mess up the mission and go home !"

When he arrived at the paddy field where Huang Feihu was going to try planting, Zi Shou took a look and found that there was no one on the paddy field.

Mo Zishou also smiled smugly, no one is there?That's good!

Zishou was really afraid that these dogs would grow some rice, since no one was around, it proved that Huang Feihu and the others didn't care about planting.

"Well, very good. It's best that Huang Feihu can lead people back to Chaoge."

Touching his chin, Zishou drove back contentedly. Of course, he didn't notice that the farmland had actually been planted with rice and seedlings had grown.


After returning to Chaoge, Zishou received a task prompt from the system.

"Trigger task: let Grand Master Wen defeat Xi Zhou within three days."

"Mission Reward: Yin Shang luck +500, host life +1000 years."

Zishou is a bit confused, is this dog system so sloppy now?

Directly hit 1000 years of life?

But I will not give up my dream of going home just because of this 1000-year lifespan!

However, at night, Yuan Hong rushed to the deer platform excitedly, and said with great joy, "Your Majesty, I heard the great news from the Grand Master that the Western Zhou Dynasty was defeated! Kill three generals of Xiqi and wipe out more than [-] soldiers of Xiqi!"

Zishou:? ? ?

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