There is no evidence for Zishou's guess, but he has an intuition that the sage in the peacock world may not have been killed by the magic way, but has merged with his "self" in a parallel world.

"Zi Shou, are you going to do this now?" Looking at him calmly, his face was very calm, but there was still a little fluctuation in his eyes.

Zishou is silent.

Luo Hu's bloody massacre of the world has nothing to do with him, he can open the Primordial Realm and leave here.

But everyone understands the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Once Rahu successfully certified as a Ninth Turn Saint, then the first person to be liquidated is his son Shou.

Not to mention taking away the god-killing gun, opening the sky to prove the sage, seizing the world-killing black lotus and other operations that have already offended Luo Hu to death, it is his killing plan that can make Luo Hu wish to kill himself. Thousands of back and forth.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Once Luo Hu really cultivates this world and successfully proves the nine-turn saint, he will definitely return to the prehistoric world, and there will be a battle with us at that time. Instead of setting the battlefield in the prehistoric world, we might as well fight him here. "

Zishou pondered for a while and said: "Here, although we don't have the protection of heaven, no matter what the result is, it will affect the Peacock Realm. When Luo Hu enters the Primordial Realm, it will affect the Primordial Realm."

Pingxin nodded slowly, and agreed: "Yes, once we fight him in Honghuang, even if we don't break Honghuang into pieces, we will be as barren as the West for thousands of years. And, Zishou, we still have an advantage here .”

Zishou was a little curious: "Advantage? What advantage?"

He said calmly, "What Luo Hu wants to prove is superior to saints. This is our advantage."

The child understands, if Luo Hu really proves to be above the saint, then there is no need to fight, just shrink back to the Primordial Realm!

"Just us?" Yeshe Yunming next to him asked in surprise.

Concubine Su sneered and said, "Otherwise? Do you still expect Shiva and Vishnu to take action? Don't you see that they have hidden their ashram into the small world?"

Yeshe Yunming tentatively asked: "Will it be unsafe for just the four of us? In case Laozi Taiqing takes action against us... why not release the Great Brahma King, then explain the pros and cons, and let the Great Brahma King take action to suppress Rahu..."

After hearing this, Zishou deadpanned and said, "Fuck off, release the Great Brahma King?"I'm afraid that the first person to deal with is myself.

Crucifying himself to death with a god-killing spear and putting him in a sky-suppressing coffin, the Brahma King's hatred for himself definitely surpassed the hatred for Rahu.

Yashe Yunming smiled sarcastically, knowing that his proposal was stupid.

"If Luo Hu hasn't succeeded, the four of us are enough. If he succeeds, each escapes according to his ability. Of course, if you want to leave now, you can do it as soon as possible. I won't force you to deal with Luo Hu." Zishou put on a face. He appeared to understand righteousness, but in fact, the Xiantian Sixteen Swords were already moving in the lungs. If Yeshe Yun dared to say no, he would kill him immediately.

The same goes for the imperial concubine Sumo.

"Okay, let's kill it! With the help of the Great Shang Emperor and the Pingxin Empress, if I don't retreat, I will be the head of the Brahmin sect in vain." Yashe Yunming said loudly.


In the soul mountain.

Shiva and the concubine Uma live in seclusion and don't care about the outside world anymore.

And their two sons stood restlessly outside the door.

"Why are parents unwilling to make a move?"

"Rahu Tucheng must have something to ask for, do you really want to see him commit murder?"

The two looked at each other, both frowning.

"But why didn't even Brahma and Vishnu make a move? Are they waiting for us to make a move? Could father be waiting for them to make a move first?"

"No, Shenhun Mountain has completely disappeared into the small world. People outside can't get in, and we can't get out. Father really won't make a move."

Ganesha looked at the barrier, sighed, and said, "What's the big catastrophe that mother mentioned? It's just a Rahu. As for closing the mountain gate?"

At this moment, Sakanda pointed to the sky and said in surprise: "A Taoist flew here, but he stopped... What's the matter? Can he see the Soul Mountain?"

Ganesh shook his head: "Impossible, Shenhun Mountain hides in the small world, although it exists in the Peacock Realm, it doesn't exist in the Peacock Realm, we can see the outside world, but the outside world can't see us, that person is probably passing by..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw people outside coming to the front of Shenhun Mountain and slowly taking out their long swords!

"Huh? He seems to be able to see the Soul Mountain?" Seganda was taken aback.

I saw that the man was wearing a black robe, half of his face was hidden under the hood, and he could see the light blue beard under his chin.There was a terrifying sword intent vaguely covering his body, he slowly pulled out the long sword, and for a while, this faint sword intent suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"He can see Shenhun Mountain!"

"What does he want to do? Does he want to split the Soul Mountain?"

Sakanda and Ganesha looked at each other, both seeing the puzzled look on each other's faces.

Ganesh sneered and said, "Spiritual Soul Mountain is hidden in the small world, even if Brahma came, it would not be so easy to open. I'm afraid this is not a lunatic."

Sakanda nodded and said, "I just don't know why this person can see the Soul Mountain."

At this moment, the man outside had drawn out his long sword.

The body of the sword is three feet and seven inches long, and there is a picture of Qingping inlaid on the sword.The scabbard is simple and simple in wood, and the blade is cold, so that people can be seen vaguely.The chiseled flowers are engraved with the four images of the zodiac: Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, and Suzaku, while the bronze chisel is engraved with Taoist Yin and Yang pictures.

This is an innate treasured sword with a restrained edge. At first glance, it looks ordinary, but if you observe carefully, you can feel the pure sword intent on that sword.

Heipaoke sword out, faster than the lightning.

Immediately, under the horrified gazes of Ganesha and Segandha, the space in front of them sneered, and a huge crack was directly torn open!

The small world was cut open by an extremely sharp sword intent!The Divine Soul Mountain was directly exposed in front of the black robe!

Ganesh and Sakanda felt turbulent in their hearts, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Who are you?!"

Ganesh exclaimed in shock.

Heipaoke stepped in slowly, only to see his right hand raised, and the Qingping sword was cut out again!

"No! This person is not my enemy, only my father can deal with it!" As soon as this thought flashed in Ganesh's mind, he felt his head spinning for a while, and then he saw a body standing in place, with a wound on the neck. It was cut off flat, revealing a bowl-sized wound, with blood spattering out!

"I... died?" Ganesh's eyes widened, only to feel that his soul was torn apart by the sword and quickly dissipated.


Sakanda ran away and shouted, "Father, save me!"

Before he finished speaking, the long sword pierced from behind, piercing through Seganda's chest in an instant.

The black robed man drew his sword, swiped away the blood, and walked forward slowly with an indifferent expression.

Every time the sword was swung, a Demon God of Shenhun Mountain died tragically under the sword.

"Who is Your Excellency?!" Suddenly, a powerful coercion erupted from the top of Shenhun Mountain, and then a young man broke through the air and shouted sharply.

"Jiejiao leader, Tongtian."

The black-robed man stood leaning on his sword with an indifferent expression.

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